Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 62: : The Mori Elves are not useful

   Yisha was also particularly touched, her morale greatly increased, and she actively signed up. She must come to assist Li Muran and Bella.

   "That's good. Let Isha help us. But the main battle must let us come."

   "Yes, Lord Bella. I must live up to my mission and let the adults recognize my ability."

   Bella patted Isha on the shoulder, and Isha responded excitedly.

   How do you feel weird?

   Speaking of it, there are two most common ways to fight in this world.

   The first method is physical attacks, mostly hand-to-hand combat.

  Cold weapons in close combat, long-range attacks with bows and arrows....... The content is similar to the war between Europe and China in the Middle Ages.

   These can be seen in textbooks and movies.

   Another way can be classified as a magic attack. This category is a typical fantasy element.

  Magic, skills...or other things that Li Muran's original world didn't have.

   If you want to fight, the methods are nothing more than these two categories.

   It is a pity that Li Muran and Bella are not good at these two types of fighting methods.

   Let’s not talk about magic that is not lethal.

   Li Muran is just an ordinary person, Bella's attributes are not as high as Li Muran, so the life recovery speed is higher than Li Muran.

   And Li Muran, who had lived in a peaceful country in his previous life, was a piece of blank paper. He was not as good as Bellardo, who was hunted down by adventurers in his early years.

   is also seriously inadequate in physical fitness and combat experience.

   melee combat power is also the bottom.

   With this condition, how do you defeat the Flame Demon Bear?

"Bella and Li Muran are very confident, they must have high combat effectiveness. I am not suspicious of Bella and Li Muran, I just ask out of caution. What are the powerful combat skills of Bella and Li Muran? That flame? The Devil Bear has bullied us Mori for a long time. It's not that easy to deal with."

   "No, not at all."


   After hearing Bella's righteous answer, Isha was stupid.

   "Isn't there? Master Bella is not joking. How to defeat the Flame Demon Bear like this? Please accept the previous decision and reconsider."

   Facing Yisha who was about to panic, Li Muran greeted her with a smile.

   "Compared to this, Isha, do you know how to do magic? I have not been embarrassed to ask before. Actually I am very interested in this."

   "Is Mr. Li Muran interested? Please, please come and ask me."

   After a second, I stopped panicking, she became shining, and Isha was no ordinary person.

   "We Mori can use magic. The best thing is wind magic. Other magic is also a little bit, but not as proficient as wind magic."

   Isha said, chanting spells, gathering magic power.

   The green light began to condense on the palm of his hand.

   Then Yisha released her magic power, and a refreshing wind blew away a piece of snow on the ground while blowing Li Muran and Bella's hair.

   This time, Li Muran's eyes sparkled.

   I have been interested in magic and the like in the past. This is the biggest romance in another world after slimes and elves.

   No one dislikes magic.

   "It's amazing. It's as powerful and beautiful as Isha."

   Isha flushed and turned her face to the side.

   "No, it's not as exaggerated as Master Li Muran said. With this level of wind magic, we Mori Elves can do it."

   "But it's really amazing. I'm so touched."

   "Master Li Muran!"


   "Master Li Muran!"


   The sights collided together, time changed slowly, and it seemed that Li Muran and Yisha were the only two left in the world.


   "You two are so annoying. Don't stand still as if a radio wave is going up."

   It was Bella who jumped between the two angrily before Li Muran and Yisha regained consciousness.

   Li Muran hurriedly changed the subject.

   "Isha, you have such a strong ability? Why not? It should be a lot of help to change the situation."

   I always feel that if you use magic, you can do a lot of amazing things, and the Mori spirit won't change so badly.

   When it comes to this topic, Isha's eyes are dead.

   "Master Li Muran, Master Bella... Other magic is okay. What do you think is the use of wind magic in this cold weather? Is it cool?"

   After Isha finished speaking, she shuddered greatly because she thought of something.

   said so.

   The small wind blew by just now, and it was chilling all over my body.

   If it wasn't for the down jacket to be armed to the teeth, it would be more than a chill.

  The house of the elves is leaking wind, which is not enough to keep warm, and fools use wind magic at this time.

  Wind magic is preferable in summer, but it seems to be nothing in winter.

   "In addition, using magic consumes physical and mental energy. We are all hungry and have energy, and we can't activate magic at all."

  Magic is not made out of thin air.

   also follows the principle of conservation of energy.

   Energy seems to be physical and mental power.

   Using magic for a long time will cause a huge load.

   will not only feel hungry, but also have a headache and split brain.

  The reality theory of magic also deviated from Li Muran's original impression.

   But this still does not affect Li Muran's love for magic.

   Li Muran still wants to learn magic.

   When the matter of the flame demon bear is over, the matter of the forest spirit settles down, and Li Muran hopes that Isha can teach him magic.

   "Teaching two adults magic does it mean that I have a formal reason to go to Devil City?"

   Isha seemed to have spotted the blind student in Huadian, her face was full of excitement.

   "Why do you want to say this?"

"No, nothing. If two adults want to learn, of course I would be happy to teach. Two of us helped us so much. I always wanted to repay both of them. Teaching magic just gave me a chance to give back to both of them. I was too happy to be happy, how could it be? Too much trouble. However, magic can not be learned just by learning. It depends on the individual's aptitude. You must first check the magic attributes of the two.

"A person's natural magic attributes determine the type of magic that a person can master. For example, all the magic attributes of our Mori elves are green, so we are all good at wind magic. On the contrary, other magic is a bit bad. This is also true. The reason why we are particularly useless in winter."

   After saying this, Isha's eyes died again.

  The attributes of the Mori Elves are extremely different from those of Winter.

   As soon as I finished talking about magic, Isha suddenly reacted.

   "No. It's not about our wind magic. Now the most important thing is the Flame Demon Bear. The two do not have great fighting ability? How do you kill the Flame Demon Bear?"

   Li Muran and Bella looked at each other and smiled.

   "Please don't laugh, both of you. I'm talking serious. I'm really anxious."

   Isha was in a hurry, Bella quickly comforted her.

   "Isha, don't worry. You can rest assured that Li Muran is here. Anyway, I am relieved."

"Master Bella, you are too big-hearted. Even if Master Li Muran is very strong, but are you too relieved? You are the devil, don't rely on the Secretary for everything... Master Li Muran, what are you doing? I think. Do you really have a plan?"

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