
Chapter 152: Shotguns are not welcome

Da Da Da!

Da Da Da!

"Captain, they..."

"Old rules, don't leave any alive."


"Look at you guys who never stop shooting. Who just held the shovel-shaped grip of the Efa heavy machine gun and fired at the natives outside? Although the things of other expedition teams can be wasted at will, this is not a reason for you to waste bullets and keep firing."

After scolding his men, Captain Turan himself was very helpless. As the original empire of the natives fell apart, the noble forces represented by the princes fought each other, and the natives became rich in combat experience.

Although the main combat goal of the natives is to fight other noble forces that try to dominate for their noble masters, this does not mean that the natives have really forgotten the Kingdom of Negan.

In particular, the territory of the Kingdom of Negan has rows of industrial and commercial buildings, and a large number of farmlands planted with food, medicinal materials and even wood. As long as the natives are not idiots, when they are short of money, their small forces will basically ask the Kingdom of Negan for it.

So sometimes, Turan would hear bad news from time to time that there were casualties in some place, or that the expedition team never returned.

Just like the grassland south of Ruyi Town where she came now, six members of the expedition team, one man and five women, fell in a pool of blood. There were no less than fifty daggers stuck in their bodies, and there were some spear fragments on the ground around them.

In theory, the Kalai clan should know magic. Even if they don't know it, the magic shields they should have are prepared by relevant experts just in case.

Therefore, Turan noticed that the bodies of the explorers who died did not show any signs of decay. Except for the explosion wounds and cuts on their bodies, which were very ugly, the only thing was that the blood in their bodies had stopped flowing out.

In other words, there was something in the bodies of these six explorers that could prevent their bodies from decaying. Otherwise, the charred remains of the natives around them would not be the only unlucky ones being torn apart by the falcons flying in the sky.


Listening to the calls of the falcons coming to eat, Turan nodded. She didn't have to follow them, her men began to poke the bodies of the victims with longer branches. After confirming safety, her men began a more detailed inspection.

Needless to say, the natives should have used some means to throw these poisoned daggers and spears on the victims, and then carried out a quick surprise attack for close combat.

As a result, the explorers who were too deeply poisoned and had almost no ability to resist took the final measure, self-destruction - detonating the grenades on their bodies.

Although it is not known whether this judgment is right or not, she cannot ignore the bodies of the fallen explorers.

After all, as long as the bodies of the explorers who died are sent back to Ruyi Town, the relevant transportation fees and errand fees can still be earned back.

In addition, these explorers may still have equipment on them, so she, who picked up the bodies, naturally has the right to take them for herself.

You should know that when registering as an explorer in the Kingdom of Negan, you need to pay a 2 interest fee, and this fee is naturally the common fund of the explorer team. Among them, the pension for the families of the deceased explorers comes from such common funds.

"Captain, look, a semi-automatic shotgun with a telescopic stock."


Thinking about it, Turan took a semi-automatic shotgun with a traditional layout fixed tubular magazine from his subordinates, which is rarely used by military and police officers and is even very rare in the expedition team.

The reason is simple, expensive.

The price of a semi-automatic shotgun is often more than twice that of a pump-action shotgun. At the same time, Turan looked at the right side of the gun body. There was a protruding bolt handle at the front of the movable observation port-the standard 6×6mm shotgun shell was loaded, and it had to be pulled when it was loaded.

However, there is a very bad thing here. The guns of the Negan Kingdom now basically have no protruding parts to avoid catching clothes.

This semi-automatic shotgun, which she didn't know the name of, must be a prototype of a certain arsenal or design studio. In short, because the gun body was damaged to a certain extent, she couldn't conduct a more detailed inspection.

The only useful gun at the scene of the accident was the Efa heavy machine gun that had not been set up and was behind the male victim.

Fortunately, there were some accessories and 8×53mm rifle bullets on the body of another explorer, and another group of natives who tried to pick up things were instantly killed.

But she thought to herself that since there were both heavy machine guns and semi-automatic shotguns, this group of explorers should also have certain financial resources. Normally, expedition teams rarely have the ability to afford machine guns and their terrible consumption of bullets.

Coupled with this strange semi-automatic shotgun, she can conclude that the victims should be members of some famous families.

Anyway, she asked her men to carefully clean up the weapons and equipment on the ground, while carrying the bodies of the six victims onto the car and spreading some lime just in case.

It would be nice if there were large sacks.

"Oh? Thank you for the Duo Expedition Team's trip. According to the contract..."

"Stop, just give me the money. And I don't want the Efa heavy machine gun, I'll sell it for money too."


Thanks to her own Warrior three-barrel beam launcher that uses a shovel grip to trigger the firing, Turan doesn't think much of the Efa heavy machine gun.

Therefore, she has always consumed less rifle bullets. The only thing she can't control is the 9×9mm pistol bullets she has been using recently.

But she is not stupid. Compared with shotguns, submachine guns that can fire fully automatically are the best. Shotguns with long firing intervals, slow loading speeds, and obviously large volumes are currently only used by very few explorers, security escorts, and police law enforcement departments.

Even if shotguns can use various types of ammunition, from standard seven-ball shotguns to highly accurate armor-piercing threaded single-headed bullets, the word "expensive" can always drive her away.

What's more, even if it is a cheaper manual pump-action shotgun, one shot is equivalent to three Tafo submachine guns, not to mention the 6×6mm shotgun bullets that have been used recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ], which are also of a certain price level. In this case...

Anyway, she confirmed the supplies she needed to purchase, and then she had to think about the next action plan.

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It is really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here. ]

Since the natives have the ability to ambush and sneak attack the people of their Negan Kingdom, it means that the natives’ territory should have a lot of good things.

If it doesn’t work, burn the natives’ territory cleanly. She doesn’t believe that the natives don’t even have metal pottery jars and other things.

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