
Chapter 266: Formal Conquest

So the next day, after receiving the order, Beo finally no longer had to continue patrolling.

The battle of conquest of the Principality of Aiken has officially begun.

However, even though Beo received the mission instructions, he felt bored looking at the endless snowfield from the turret of the armored vehicle.

"Squad leader, I didn't see a single zombie or native."

"It's normal. It's snowing season now, and the natives should basically hide away to avoid the winter. And the zombies...we were obligated to help them clean up a lot."

Because of this, Beo felt even more depressed when he heard the words of his second lieutenant squad leader. As a first-class private, although Beo was a medical soldier, he was proficient in operating beam weapons and had no feelings for the indigenous people.

On the contrary, he was a little worried about Turan Company. This security company headquartered in Ruyi Town has always wanted to enclose territory in the Principality of Aiken, expand its business scope and invest in other industries to increase its income.

Therefore, the employees of Turan Company often used their identities as mercenaries to cause trouble on the territory of the Principality of Aiken. Although he thought about it carefully and realized that Turan Company had done nothing to disobey the Kingdom's army or betray the Kingdom's national interests, he still felt that Turan Company was a bit unkind.

But after all, the employees of Turan Company are among the few cleaners who clean up zombies in the northern border area of ​​the Principality of Aiken, apart from regular soldiers like themselves.

Therefore, it is not easy for him to speak ill of Turan Company. Especially now that he has walked a thousand meters, the clean and snowy scenery along the way should be filled with the sweat of the hard work of the members of Turan Company.

In short, no situation is the best situation. Especially since the armored personnel carrier he was riding in was the first echelon of the reconnaissance team, it was the best thing that nothing happened to him here.

If nothing happened if he continued to advance for tens of thousands of meters like this, he could probably ask the second lieutenant to tell the airship above him that it was time to find a safe place to set up camp.


The army of the Kingdom of Negan has long been equipped with military airships, but the flight altitude is basically 3 [seriously, I have been using them recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. ] to 4 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. The 】meter airship is not used for combat, but reconnaissance and logistical supply are its most commonly used functions.

Of course, compared to aerial reconnaissance, actual exploration on the ground is absolutely indispensable. Even if there are spell users like Beo in the army who can turn on screens that see through the atmosphere for observation, this does not guarantee that they will be safe once they arrive at the scene.

For this reason, the Warrior three-tube beam launcher controlled by Beo is on standby at any time. As long as the second lieutenant squad leader or other teammates or he finds any dangerous situation, he will fire immediately.

"Have you received the airship above? This is the second platoon and second squad of the 10th Reconnaissance Company. No hostile targets have been found."

"Copy that. You guys move on."


Listening to the second lieutenant squad leader completing the scheduled communication, Beo really wanted to chat with his comrades in the other two armored personnel carriers next to him. After all, the snowy scene was indeed quite refreshing at first, but as time went on, it became extremely boring for a warrior like him.

It is still spring and summer, and the green scenery on the grassland is much more pleasing to the eye.

However, Beo has advanced 6 times along the way [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Duomi, if he hadn't had the compass and map prompts here, he would have doubted whether he was lost.

Snow has been falling. There seemed to be no difference in the white scene on the ground. Although he saw some trees passing by him from time to time, there was no enemy.

Even if it was a wild snow wolf or other animals, he had not encountered any of them.

Is it possible that the indigenous people are so powerful? If you can't kill the zombies, then hunt down all the surrounding animals?

But killing them all...could it be that the people of the Principality of Aiken were afraid of being infected by the zombie plague virus?

After all, Beo had seen a buffalo zombie before, and the tauren warrior he later met held back his tears and blasted away the golden high-energy fat tissue in his body with one shot.

It had to be said that besides lamenting that the tauren warriors had a special kinship with cattle, he was also frightened by the weird nature of the zombie plague virus.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Especially when the bison zombie explosion caused serious injuries to more than a dozen soldiers, no one expected that such zombie lethality would be the same as what they have been using recently. 】5mm caliber howitzer shells are one level.


"Squad leader, is there something going on?"

"To the right of the forward direction, at the three o'clock position."


Because his sight was limited in the full-covered turret, after Beona turned the launcher from left to right, he saw some indigenous people holding weapons fighting each other.

"Don't open fire yet, wait for them to fight themselves."


When they suddenly saw hundreds of indigenous people fighting, the three armored personnel carriers responsible for ground reconnaissance immediately stopped advancing.

Although if they really want to fight, the three vehicles will fire at full power, and they will definitely be able to wipe out all the natives in front of them within a minute.

But there is no need for this now.

As a front-line scout, it is definitely not a wise choice to rush into the enemy group and kill them all. After reporting to the airship, they will follow the command of the next step.

And if they really want to attack, the Negan Kingdom army has no shortage of artillery shells. In particular, the Negan Kingdom has a lot of self-propelled artillery, and the bombardment of a row of assault guns is guaranteed to make the natives disappear into ashes.

But at this time, as the natives finally realized that there were bystanders watching them fight, they began to stop their original actions and collectively stared at the three armored vehicles in the distance.

"These natives reacted quickly, but... well, the platoon leader gave the order to destroy them!"

Once the natives stopped fighting temporarily, Beo naturally locked the beam machine gun's crosshairs on one of the natives, and then...

Swish, swish, swish! Boom!

Three armored personnel carriers, one equipped with an 84mm caliber gun, and two equipped with warrior beam launchers. The natives didn't even have time to shout for help, and were instantly knocked down by purple beams and 84mm caliber high-explosive grenades.

So, when the last shell exploded next to the last native who could still stand, the three armored personnel carriers naturally came to the fighting scene for inspection.

Of course, the actions of the three armored personnel carriers were communicated with the airship before departure. In such an encounter, as long as the platoon leader in another car gave the order, these scouts would naturally not hesitate at all.

Anyway, when the scouts got off the car and carefully checked the natives to see if there were any survivors or special items, Beo couldn't help but look disgusted.

First of all, it's not that he disliked the smell of blood and burnt food on the ground, but the equipment of these natives was really...

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