
Chapter 267 No Guns

Too rustic!

When my father sold the katana technique to the Principality of Akern at a high price, the Principality of Akern did start to equip itself with steel swords and spears, and even sold surplus steel weapons to other indigenous countries.

But now, these natives on the ground still refuse to repent. A cowhide-covered shield, a half-meter-long wrought iron dagger, and a spear that can straighten the bent spear head with one foot.

It must be said that there are really no powerful craftsmen left in the Principality of Akern.

"Listen, everyone. The corpse with an intact head must be shot at 6 meters away. I don't want to see anyone get shot again and lie on a stretcher."

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Accompanied by the order of the lieutenant platoon leader, the sound of gunfire burst out from the muzzles of the soldiers' hands from time to time.

Although it was a bit wasteful, all the warriors of the Negan Kingdom, including Beo, who had experienced the zombie explosion, became cautious.

Even though they all knew that the natives were unlikely to play the trick of self-explosion with grenades. But Beo knew that his father had instructed some mercenary groups to resell black powder detonators to the natives at a sky-high price.

And detonators are actually a simple version of grenades. Even when Beo himself was learning blasting in the army (a required subject for scouts), he tried to make a nine-pack detonator as a time bomb.

So, when he got off the car, raised the rifle with a bayonet in his hand and smashed the skulls of three native bodies in succession, he suddenly felt very relieved.

Perhaps this was the sequelae of the bison zombie explosion.

"Okay, you're sure there are no survivors, right? Burn!"

So, after cleaning up the battlefield, the scouts took out the flamethrower and completely burned everything that should or should not be there.

In this regard, Beo, who got back on the car, did not need to continue to be in charge of the turret for the time being, and could take a rest on the seat inside the car.

At the same time, he also found that the gun he was equipped with had an advantage, that is, because his gun had a rear bolt, he did not need to frequently open or retract the buttstock like traditional layout guns, which accelerated his speed of getting on and off the car.


However, before he finished his sigh, the soldiers in the three armored personnel carriers heard an explosion after walking a few hundred meters.

"Well! Got it, got it, the coordinates... OK! Everyone listen, another team encountered a large indigenous force, we went to support them."

Obviously, even if Beo and other soldiers came out to patrol the northern region of the Principality of Akern every day, there would always be some indigenous troops in the Principality of Akern, which was in chaos and in the vortex of civil war.

So when Beo and his three armored personnel carriers rushed to a snowy area where gunfire was heard one after another according to the coordinates obtained by the squad leader, Beo found that the natives had built a wooden fence wall that looked like a camp on another high ground on the map.

And from time to time, he fired into the sky from behind the wall, trying to hit his brother's crossbow arrows at a parabolic angle from 5 meters away.

"Does your platoon have mortars? We need mortars."

"Cannon? Our platoon is not responsible for frontal combat, where can we get this? At most, it's a rifle grenade!"

"Not even a mortar shell?"

"We are a lightly equipped reconnaissance platoon! How could we have this?"

As his platoon leader said to another platoon leader, the reconnaissance platoon to which Beo belongs is a lightly equipped rapid infiltration and reconnaissance communication unit in the Kingdom of Negan. A big guy like a mortar that requires several soldiers to serve, there is no equipment to carry with them.

After all, lightly armed reconnaissance troops will not often be responsible for tough battles such as sieges. Seeing the enemy and confirming the number and scale of the enemy and reporting is their main job; so Beo's side has at most a few more grenadiers who fire rifle grenades to facilitate retreat. As for mortar shells... they are only used as mines and buried in the ground to hinder the enemy's charge.

"Ah... why don't the higher-ups agree to let you equip mortars?"

Obviously, the landlord's family has no surplus food. It is true that the Negan Kingdom has money, but it does not mean that the money can be spent indiscriminately.

6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] mm caliber mortars are one of the company's long-range support strike weapons. On average, one company has six. However, due to the particularity of each company itself and the great differences in the execution of duties, the distribution method of the six 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] mortars in this company is quite different.

However, Beo, who got off the vehicle quickly and deployed a pale white shield to resist the arrows, was protecting his teammates in the same platoon and dragging the colleagues who were unfortunately shot back to the back of the tank for emergency treatment.

"Beo, block here for a while, I'll ask where our company's mortar squad went."

"Yes, platoon leader."

It was precisely because Beo was a male brown-skinned Kalai member who was born with magic power that the soldiers of the entire reconnaissance company knew that he could cast spells. So under Beo's cover, the wounded were quickly sent to the tank first.

There is no need to say more about the other three armored personnel carriers that arrived late. The six mortars were quickly set up. The first round of artillery fire instantly caused various bloody parts to be lifted up behind the wooden fence.

In this regard, Beo, who completed the cover work, was helpless. The mortar weapon might really need to be equipped to the front-line troops who came out for reconnaissance. Instead of being uniformly managed in a certain platoon and rushing from the rear in a hurry until wartime.

What's more, the 6mm caliber mortar is a thing that a single soldier can carry all the guns. In fact, three soldiers can manage a 6mm caliber mortar.

But... there is no way. The generals above have conservative ideas and are not willing to let the mortar fight with the front-line troops to avoid losses due to sudden heavy blows.

What's more, the army of the Kingdom of Negan actually learned from the Iron Fist Empire Army of the Old World, and the Iron Fist Empire Army has never been very good at the development and use of mortars.

When the Iron Fist Empire suppressed the Japanese and Minotaur Revolution, it was severely punished by the Japanese and Minotaur with a large number of mortars, and then it reluctantly began to reflect and finally pay attention to mortars.

For this reason, the army of the Kingdom of Negan actually learned how to use mortars from Minotaur warriors. However, the artillery of Minotaur is not compatible with the original military manual of the Kingdom of Negan Army (Minotaur warriors are famous for street fighting, artillery and close combat, and are not good at other tactics), so the army actually has certain internal differences on how to distribute and use mortars.

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