
Chapter 268 Not That...

And due to the influence of the Orchid Republic Army in the north, the grenade used by the Orchid Republic Army can launch special grenades with a maximum range of 5 [seriously, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. The characteristics of the 1-meter cluster target and the ability to launch infantry grenades made the military leaders of the Negan Kingdom very interested.

However, congressional officials are notoriously stingy and spend their money on various military expenditures, instead investing the money in other more useful places.

For example, rewarding mothers who have more children... Just like my own mother, Derry Beth, who gave birth to a sister this year, there are three sons and two daughters in total. This is the type of role model worthy of commendation.

As a result, Negan’s Kingdom is now 6 [To be honest, I’ve been using it recently, and it’s available on both Android and Apple. 】The millimeter-caliber mortar does not waver. Even as far as he knows, 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】The millimeter-caliber mortar is still the most produced gun in the Negan Kingdom in terms of the number of tubes.

In short, 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】mm-caliber mortars opened the way, and everyone moved closer to the indigenous camp under the cover of armored personnel carriers. While the natives hiding in the pits and firing arrows became less and less frequent, Beona habitually fixed the bayonet.

"Ah ah!"

Accompanied by a roar from behind the fence, a group of soldiers, including Beo, immediately shot at these natives holding swords, shields or spears without saying a word.

Although compared to the lead-core bullets of the Orchid Republic and the Japanese and Mai people, the steel-core bullets used by the Negan Kingdom army are more penetrating and have insufficient stopping power; but under Beo's gun, every shot fired The 6×56mm rifle bullets have absolutely fatal lethality that can make the indigenous people fall on the spot.

After all, Beo knew in his heart that as the opponents faced by the kingdom would move towards heavy armor or stronger bone hardness, steel-core bullets with excellent penetrating performance would definitely become the mainstream type of bullets.

So when the beam emitter on the armored personnel carrier continued to release purple rays, the indigenous people who had no magic and no modern thermal weapons were like facing the harvest of tractors, and fell into a pool of blood.

The imbalance of combat power caused by the inequality of technology.

Although his father once told stories about his past in the United Kingdom of Eri, as his father's son, Beo felt an indescribable emptiness.

Such indigenous people...are all serving as living targets for themselves. Even if he doesn't use magic, he is confident that one can fight ten.

No wonder my father mentioned that the former Black Crow Principality was able to beat the United Kingdom of Eri to the point of signing unequal agreements three times in a row. One of the biggest reasons was that the chanting of spells was too time-consuming.

The technology of quickly activating magic power is not only pursued by the United Kingdom of Eli, but also by the Kingdom of Negan where it is located.

Because... the efficiency of gunpowder weapons is too fast. The killings caused under industrialized conditions are definitely not something that could be imagined in the cold weapon era.

As a result, when Beo and his party rushed into the already tattered wooden fence, none of the remaining thousands of natives dared to step forward. Especially when more and more comrades wearing white camouflage uniforms, equipped with white armor and various firearms appeared behind Beo and came to reinforce him.

"Surrender! Surrender immediately!"

As one of the tanks equipped with radar equipment issued a statement of persuasion to surrender after being translated into magic, the natives looked at me and I looked at you, without any move to put down their weapons for the time being.

"You, I, I... no! If I fall into your hands, is there any way to survive? Brothers, come on!"


Obviously, this man was unwilling to put down the weapon in his hand, and tried to call on his friends to resist the indigenous warriors, but he only ended up with a headshot from a 6×56 mm steel core rifle bullet.

[By the way, it is currently the best app for reading and listening to books. Install the latest version. 】

As for the other indigenous warriors, they began to tremble uncontrollably. Although Beo saw that some of these indigenous warriors were carrying green ointment, he knew that they were members of the Inflexible Butterfly organization that had become a drug cartel.

But, sorry. Even if you don't carry the green paste with you, there is no way that their Negan Kingdom's army will give up.

Those who deserve to be caught must still be caught.

Therefore, under the pressure of the muzzle of the gun and the muzzle, no matter how stubborn the indigenous warriors are, they can't handle the guns and weapons. It is either death or life, there is no other option.



"It's nothing, just a little pitiful."

"Poor? They are not pitiful. At least they will definitely survive."

Although what the comrades said was correct, sending them collectively to the Old Continent as slaves... to be honest, it would be better to drag them out and behead them.

After all, the human countries in the Old Continent, especially the human countries in the West, value blood more than the other. In their eyes, slaves are probably similar to talking tools, similar to when their father was young and worked as a woodcutter in the northeastern region of the United Kingdom of Eri, cutting down trees for who knows how many years.

In short, after watching these members of the Inflexible Butterfly organization put down their weapons and equipment, and were collectively escorted to where they should go by transport airship, Beona finally realized the importance of mortars.

Because if a company of hundreds of soldiers does not have any mortars, it will be difficult for them to fight well.

Plus 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK. ] The production cost of millimeter-caliber mortars is not high, and the maintenance cost is not very terrible. What really limits their grassroots troops' equipment should be the petty-mindedness of the upper class.

And the combat theory that has not yet been fully integrated.

Because the army of the Kingdom of Negan learned from the army of the Black Crow Principality (actually the Iron Fist Empire), the tactical theory of using machine guns as the combat core of grassroots troops, artillery forces responsible for long-range strikes, and finally completing infantry-tank coordinated combat in the form of mechanized troops has always been the combat thinking of the army of the Kingdom of Negan.

So this leads to a very embarrassing thing. How should the mortar, a street fighting weapon brought by the Minotaur clan, be used?

After all, even if the mortar is not in a street fighting environment, the firepower output of the mortar is definitely not a joke. What's more, after the suggestions and improvements of the Minotaur warriors, the Kingdom of Negan has 8 millimeter-caliber rear-loading self-propelled rapid-fire mortars that have been used recently.

However, it is also due to the problem of deductions by the upper class that some advanced and excellent equipment cannot be put into service for the time being.

For example, the Guanshan revolving beam cannon, which is expected to replace the 84mm caliber field cannon, can also be used as an armor-piercing weapon by emitting red high-energy rays.

Of course, in the final analysis, the money is still not enough. Even though the natives are in the Warring States period, their speed and efficiency in giving money are getting slower and slower.

After all, the natives of the New World are not all fools. Some things can be done very well with just a little inspiration. But many times, a group of profiteers, including his father, are not that stupid...

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