
Chapter 269 It’s too late to regret

Unlike the countries in the Old World that are full of gunpowder or always preparing for war, the Kingdom of Negan is a commercial kingdom.

Although there are not a few factories in the country, the trade between the Kingdom of Negan and the outside world has never stopped.

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Even the colleges and universities in the Kingdom of Negan have specially opened courses on business, but in this way, the people of the Kingdom of Negan have long listened to the "shouting propaganda" of "profiteers", and it is difficult for merchants to make money in the country.

Then whose money is easy to make? Of course, the natives of the New World.

So the Marquis of Usoda, who has no idea that a disaster is coming, is now holding a spoon and boiling green paste on a small stove.

Yes, he is also an addict who tastes what green paste tastes like.

Zombie plague, unyielding butterfly, ascetic church, northwestern countries, and the Kahn royal family.

He felt like sitting on pins and needles for any of these. The invisible pressure and a certain uneasiness made him seek the power of the green paste to relieve the depression and despair in his heart.

He finally understood one thing now, that he was not only wrong, but also very wrong.

He should not have gathered all kinds of people to oppose Grand Duke Sidney and confront him with force; and he should not have hired the mercenaries of the dark elves at a high price to capture Grand Duke Sidney in order to ensure a smooth victory in the battle.

Now, Grand Duke Sidney and his family are now under house arrest by His Majesty and become the "special advisers" of His Majesty the Emperor. If it were not for his identity and being captured in the battle, he, the Marquis of Usoda, sincerely hoped that Grand Duke Sidney would come back to continue to rule the principality.

Even if his end was to let the executioner chop off his head with an axe, he didn't think it mattered.

After all, he had been separated from his wife and children, and he didn't know what was going on in his family for more than half a month. The Principality of Akern now only has one-third of its original territory under control, and the rest...

Why think about this? Everyone can leave the Principality of Akern, but Marquis Usoda can never leave.

He is the actual monarch of the Principality of Akern. If he abandons the Principality of Akern, he will be no different from a wild dog wherever he goes.

As for his status as a marquis?

Stop it. He is the marquis of the Principality of Akern, not the marquis of other countries. Let alone whether the dark elves have the concept of titles, which country in the Kahn Empire seems to lack marquises?

His status as a marquis is only influential in the Principality of Akern. Other countries recognize and even respect his status as a marquis because of the Principality of Akern.

Now, the Principality of Akern will no longer be a country. The people who continue to stay in the Principality of Akern are not loyal to him, but simply because they have nowhere to go and can only stay until the last day of their lives officially arrives.

After all, in addition to the zombie plague, the chaotic Principality of Akern is full of bandits and robbers everywhere. What made him so angry that he wanted to laugh was that these guys were the most determined people to continue to stay in the Principality of Akern.

Yes, he was referring to the Unbending Butterfly Organization that had become a drug trafficking group. Although this organization had been listed as a public enemy by His Majesty the Emperor and the Ascetic Church, the Unbending Butterfly Organization had obtained more resources than himself to build its own country under such circumstances.

So much so that if it weren't for his identity, Marquis Usoda would have wanted to go there directly. Of course, he couldn't go, and he didn't live to go there.

"Sidney, if I let you go back to your duchy, then you..."

"Too late. Your Majesty, you'd better chop off my head and hang it on a stake, and then point my eyes towards the Principality of Akern."

"This is your duchy!"

"Your Majesty has stripped me of my dukedom and demoted me to a commoner. And even if you send my son back, how old is he? 9 years old. How can a 9-year-old child be the monarch of a duchy? He's a puppet! Your Majesty, give up."


"Try to keep the Kingdom of Golson as much as possible. Once something happens to the Kingdom of Golson, the six northern kingdoms will no longer be able to defend the Overflow City where your Majesty is. At the same time, find another location for the palace."

At the same time, in one of the well-decorated rooms in the palace, Sidney Akern, the former Grand Duke of the Principality of Akern, mercilessly prepared the worst plan for the visiting Emperor Tony.

Obviously, Sidney Aken, who was very dissatisfied with Emperor Tony and the Ascetic Church, was very angry. However, he had no choice.

Ever since the Unbending Butterfly Organization got zombies and used them to deal with traitors like Marquis Usoda, the Principality of Aken was plagued by the plague virus brought by zombies to the point where the people were living in dire straits.

Thieves were rampant and gangsters were everywhere.

Sidney was also a person who knew the Unbending Butterfly Organization very well. He really wanted to have a good talk with the leader of the Unbending Butterfly Organization in person.

But... it was too late, it was too late.

Everything he had worked hard to leave for the Principality of Aken had already become the spoils of looting by various countries, and he himself had just become a prisoner of great wealth.

Without power and wealth, his life is no different from death. As a former powerful person, he finally understands why some people compare power with drugs.

Because of power, the pleasure of commanding others is as strong as the power given by the green paste. It is difficult to say goodbye to such a power that seems to dominate everything!

"Sidney, tell me, have you really never thought about rebuilding the Principality of Akern?"

"Rebuild? Can a country without people still be considered a country?"

As Sidney said himself, Emperor Tony was at a loss. But...

"I... the Ascetic Church has sent acolytes, and... the troops of various countries..."

"It's useless. Usoda cannot be defended. The Principality of Akern will definitely be annexed by the dark elves. At the same time, the next target is the Kingdom of Golson. We can't defeat it."

"We have to fight even if we can't. How many of us have been captured by the dark elves? How many of us have been killed by the dark elves? If it weren't for the evil intentions of various countries, I really want to go on an expedition to completely eliminate the dark elf forces."

Obviously, Emperor Tony has not forgotten the revenge of his ancestors. However, he himself has no ability to take revenge, and at the same time, he knows in his heart that the opponent he is facing really needs the concerted efforts of various countries to have a chance of defeating him.

Otherwise, he can't think of a strategy to win the battle against the little brown man led by the Minotaur warrior...

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