
Chapter 412 If they want to live, they have to kneel down!

Just as everyone imagined, Philip van Kahn, as the emperor of the Kahn Empire, also received the news that Wayne, the brave warrior of the Principality of Elimu, had sent a diplomatic request to the Kingdom of Zweiner.

"Your Majesty, as for this matter, my own opinion... is actually very good."


"Although it is true that I was born in the Kingdom of Barnabalite, and I, Rekton Barnabalite, am still a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Barnabalite, but now the empire is under attack from both sides by foreign forces, and the Kingdom of Golson has proved that a simple vassal state against foreign forces that are obviously much stronger than us will only usher in an extremely sad ending."

Listening to the current bearded prime minister's evaluation of the Kingdom of Golson in very plain words, Emperor Philip was walking in the corridor of the Noble Academy while lamenting for the current King of the Kingdom of Golson, Padsefino Golson.

This king is not a corrupt and incompetent person. On the contrary, he is the most capable member of the royal family of the previous King of the Kingdom of Golson.

Not to mention the struggle with the dark elves, just being able to unify the lords in the country, formulate various standard measurement systems and consistent tax rates, this is something that many vassal states cannot do.

But the legacy left by his father was too poor. After being defeated by the dark elves and signing an unequal treaty, the Kingdom of Golson has not yet recovered the domestic salt tax and customs duties, so that the Kingdom of Golson, as a first-line fortress adjacent to the dark elves among the major vassal states of the Kahn Empire, has become the treasury of the dark elves.



Even if Padsefino Golson, whose health is getting worse and worse, does not want to admit it, the consequence of the control of tariffs and salt taxes is that the Kingdom of Golson has become the treasury of the Kingdom of Nigan, the dark elves' unrestrained wealth.

Things that the Kingdom of Golson could trade fairly before are now forced to be sold at a reduced price according to the requirements of the Kingdom of Nigan.

In this way, no one, including King Padsefino, wants to know how much gold, silver and jewelry have been lost from the territory of the Kingdom of Golson and become additional income for the Kingdom of Nigan.

So much so that he began to hear that strange coil poles that could emit lightning arcs had appeared on a large scale in the Kingdom of Negan. As long as his troops dared to approach such poles...


The result was that a bunch of soldiers were completely turned into brown-black charcoal by the bombardment of white lightning, and it was not just the dead who were unlucky.

For some reason, the white lightning from the pole would turn and track the metal object, and after hitting the first target, several similar white lightnings suddenly burst out and hit the companions around the dead.

Obviously, the royal family of the Kahn Empire had instructed some troops to conduct infiltration and reconnaissance activities on the border of the Kingdom of Negan. However, as the Kingdom of Negan built one magnetic storm coil after another, the special forces that had no suitable or even no knowledge of any type of anti-electric shock measures basically went without return, and became charcoal or ionized decomposition debris.

That is, after such incidents happened again and again, Emperor Philip, who had learned a lot of lessons from his father, would never make such a mistake again.

Especially one of the dead, that was a famous landmark with only bones left and all flesh and blood gone.

"Sad... Do you hope that one day we will be surrounded by some kind of coil pole that releases lightning in the Kingdom of Negan? I am not my father, and I am not as optimistic as my father. To be honest, I hope more than anyone else that there will be warriors in this aristocratic academy who can fight against the dark elves or the dog-headed people. Even if the force is not good, I really don't believe that there is no smart person in the empire who can fight against the dark elves or the dog-headed people intellectually."

Emperor Philip had no choice. He could not win by force, so he could only pray that the Kahn Empire had as many smart brains as possible to fight these alien forces to the end.

Otherwise, the people in the entire sphere of influence of the Kahn Empire would surely become slaves of the alien forces.

The question is...

"How many smart people in the Kahn Empire can come up with the technology to manufacture bullets? We, the dog-headed people, shed blood and sacrificed our lives on the territory of the hideous pig-headed people for this, and became the front-line cannon fodder during their civil war."

"Major Dunming, do you know?"

"More than that? My wife has a brother who is with the pig-headed people and did not come back alive."

Listening to the words of Major Quan Dunming, Deputy Commander Li Chengxian, who has become a lieutenant colonel, felt bitter.

What is a true noble?

This is it.

If you don't lead the charge on the battlefield for your own victory, don't shed blood and sacrifice for the glory of the country, and don't stick to the survival of the race until the last moment, where does the nobility of the nobles come from?

Perhaps this is another important reason why the uncles and princes on the Jiwei Peninsula are always reluctant to leave their hometown.

In short, now Major Dunming is the father-in-law of the Guangwu Empire. He has a saber on his waist, a dark green steel helmet with a tail curtain on his head, and a brown military uniform. He followed me to the north of the Zweina Kingdom, where there are almost no city walls.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

So he wanted to know what the Zweina Kingdom on the other side was like, especially the nobles who claimed to have some kind of noble bloodline were willing to lead the troops to fight and resist his offensive.

Especially in his previous actions, those so-called noble knights who looked quite majestic and had a considerable number of attendants serving them, are now all a group of slaves who can only kneel on the ground or do hard labor in the empire's mines for a lifetime!

What noble blood... Sorry.

In front of his detonator, these well-known guys were just like other unruly native captives, and were all blown into flying flesh and blood parts by the detonator.

Moreover, even if these nobles did not try the detonator, they were directly sent to the arsenal for actual combat testing of weapons and equipment. The final results showed that when they faced bullets or shells, or even sharp blades and blunt weapons, they did not show any difference from other humans.

Without exception, they all turned into meat scraps and bone powder on the ground.

In addition to the data from the later poison gas detection and virus infection test, most of the natives were ordinary humans.

For this reason, the Guangwu Empire did not need to reason with them, let alone pay attention to their wailing and preaching.

After all, does the Guangwu Empire need to listen to a bunch of fools and weaklings to decide or change its philosophy?


If they want to live, they have to kneel down!

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