
Chapter 413: Participating in the War and Watching the War



"The kobolds are coming, everyone, everyone, hurry up..."


Accompanied by a burst of loud gunfire, the people of the Zwiener Kingdom ran as fast as they could.

However, the kobold warriors have now begun to move out collectively in trucks, and armored vehicles carrying heavy machine guns and small-caliber artillery provide fire cover. A certain town that has been attacked for an unknown number of times is suddenly dominated by wails and screams. .

"I've told you a few times, just scare them, don't really beat them to death! Our goal is to take them back to work!"

Although his tone was full of anger, Major Dunming felt happy.

His men had appeared before and thought they had guns in their hands. They were not afraid of anything and they had to rush into the indigenous team.

As a result, this was how his first death occurred - he rushed over his head and was beaten to death with a hammer by the natives who attacked him from behind.

And just as everyone guessed, even if the body of the fallen soldier was recovered, the weapons and equipment on him would basically be stripped off by the indigenous people.

Although he is very sure that the indigenous people cannot even make a rifle in a short time, and the most they can do is make a similar model to scare everyone; but he has also discussed it with other officers now to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Go down.

The best way is to strengthen formation training, so that no soldier can be left alone easily. Otherwise, death is a minor matter, and it would be quite troublesome for weapons and equipment to fall into the hands of natives.

Even if the indigenous people cannot make guns and bullets in a short time, no one can guarantee that the indigenous people will not learn how to aim and shoot from their kobolds, and use the weapons and equipment they have obtained to fight back...


As a result, Major Dunming, who followed the team into the town, soon saw a soldier shot in the chest and suddenly fell to the ground dead.

"Over there! Fire!"

Faced with this situation, the gray-haired kobold soldiers, whose soldiers' quality was improved compared to before, reacted quickly and killed the gunmen among the indigenous people on the spot.

At the same time, Major Dunming found a stone house as his temporary headquarters, and ignored the scene where the original owner's family could not escape the encirclement of vehicles and were captured as slaves. He followed the direction of the window of the house and stared at the remaining indigenous people. They are destined to die or die.

So what if the natives learned to use guns? As long as there is a native who can use guns, their empire will plunder all the towns where the native is located.

If it weren't for the fact that they are alive and useful, hum! He couldn't wait to set fire to these guys who were also human beings!

Back then, in Ryukyo City on the Minue Peninsula, humans fired missiles carrying zombie viruses at their heads, directly turning more than a million people into members of the zombie army.

Such a crime is not something that can be laughed off. Human beings are an existential threat to the kobold race. No matter what their skin color or hair color is, it cannot change the fact that they are eroding the living space and resources of the kobold family every moment.

Enslaving them and gradually reducing their numbers to livestock was the perfect idea that His Majesty finally came up with.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

What's more, the indigenous people now need to strengthen their troops' daily tactical training, find various bunkers to shoot and suppress the enemy's range of activities.

Even the training in infantry and artillery coordination needs to be strengthened. Overall, the indigenous brains should have some kind of intelligence improvement called pressure.

In this regard, he firmly believed in the idea that the indigenous people must carry out "weed-style harvesting" at regular intervals to prevent these weeds from overgrowing and becoming a "refuge" for poisonous insects and monsters.

At the same time, on the eastern border of the Orchid Republic, Bet rarely watched as an observer as the Orchid Republic's border guards cleared the Orc camp.

"Hey, you came here specifically to watch?"

"It's boring to be in the office all the time. So, Irwin, what about you? If you don't do any good secrets, come here and watch the battle with me."

"My father... my father has a lot of things to do and all kinds of troubles. I specifically looked for this opportunity to leave the Ministry of Military Affairs and let the new secretary help me."

"New secretary? Don't tell me you asked your son to do it for you."

"How is that possible? He doesn't want to do this hard work and has to go to the new town to buy land. He's my brother."

"What's the difference? Your father is the deputy director of the intelligence office. You..."

"Stop! I...you think our family wants to do this? Do you know that even my own children are not willing to do this hard work?"

The brown-skinned man with green hair and emerald eyes named Kale who spoke was Mimo Irwin. He was the first friend that Deri Bete met after entering the special work department, and he was also one of the few people of the same sex with the same skin color as himself. friend.

"Your children also... don't they know that there are a bunch of unmarried beauties in the intelligence room? Just like you..."

"That's why I don't want to. Like my eldest son, he said he would never marry four wives."


"That's the way it is. My sons...well..."

For some reason, many descendants of male members of the Negan Kingdom who can marry several wives home, especially sons, are unwilling to follow their fathers and marry four wives home. For example, his nephew, Abu Beo, who is said to be studying at the Military Engineering College, is reluctant to have four wives. As a result, according to Beth's news, this nephew, for some reason, does not need to live in the Military Engineering College, but he shamelessly asks the dean for accommodation.

Of course, the dean of the Military Engineering College has long known that Beo is the father of six children, so he just let Beo go home to take care of the family.

As for Beth himself, although he is very weird, he is also a model of monogamy.

On the contrary, his two sons each married four wives home.

How to say it? Maybe this is the social characteristic of the Negan Kingdom?

"Okay. You are a grandfather. Look at it more openly."

"You don't seem to be... Do you still remember how many grandchildren you have?"


Unfortunately, Beth really doesn't remember.

He…thanks to the “good behavior” of his two sons, the speed at which these two boys create life annoys him a little. But there is nothing he can do about it, as even today the Negan Kingdom still encourages more births in its national policy. So he can only cover his face and wait to go back and ask his wife.

“I really don’t know how to evaluate you, how can a grandfather be so confused… Let’s continue to watch how Lan Fang’s troops abuse these Orks.”

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