
Chapter 451: Crushed

"Your Majesty Colonel."

"Hmph! Yes, the quality of the defenders on the opposite side has improved compared to before, and they deserve commendation."


"But that's it. Come on, give them a round of smoke grenades, the commando team is ready!"


Colonel Chengxian looked at the backs of his men and couldn't help but laugh.

Admittedly, it is a good idea for the Ascetic Church to let the natives learn various simple spells to resist the attack of the imperial army. But this is too weak. Do they really think that with the power of magic, they can stop their own attack?

it's useless.

You must know that in addition to the commando team, all of which use Gaisel submachine guns, he also has a special type of Golden Bear rotary rifle specially equipped to fire a special model, which has recently been using ×67 mm witch hunter rifle ammunition.

So he wanted to know if there was any powerful guy on the other side.

"Sir Brave, the kobold's chariot..."

"I can see it, you don't need to tell me! These kobolds..."

As a weapon of penetration in the original world or in this world, Wayne felt that the kobolds emerged from the green poison gas smoke and the six tracked tanks came over the trench where the first batch of kobold corpses were buried. Headache.

Especially these armored combat vehicles, without exception, are not afraid of ordinary fireball and lightning attacks. Even with the freezing effect of the ice arrows, the tracked chariots were still able to crush the wailing bodies of the defenders without any damage, and fired in their own direction.

And what's even worse is that behind the tank there is a group of kobold infantry armed with submachine guns.

Therefore, the garrison soldiers here even prepared homemade mines and ambush in the hiding spots near the trenches, taking the opportunity to give the tanks an unexpected surprise.

There is nothing called mercy among these kobolds holding submachine guns. Every soldier who tries to sneak attack is instantly turned into a corpse covered with bullet holes in a short period of time.


Why does he have to face such an advanced enemy?


Doesn't he have magic power?


As the battle situation became worse and worse, the brave Wayne looked angry.

no way.

It's time to rely on yourself!

So, when he walked out of his bunker, he came to an open space. After confirming that he had activated the shield spell, he pulled out his sword and began to mutter something.

"Your Majesty Colonel, the sky is starting to turn red."

"Sure enough, sniper, come on!"


Li Chengxian is not blind or deaf. He has already heard about the brave men of the Zwirna Kingdom. Moreover, he was not the only one who would cause trouble like this, but other generals in the empire would point their guns and cannons at dangerous targets who chanted spells and cast spells like this.

What's more, if we didn't have enough ammunition last time and were forced to rely on bayonets to kill the brave Wayne... Humph!

He is now just a corpse nailed to the cross!


"What is the brave man doing? He is like this..."


"Listen, we have to buy time for the brave man to release the spell. Otherwise, we will all die today! Or be captured by the kobolds as slaves! Shield soldiers and guardian priests, protect the brave man and don't let the kobolds' guns Come here with the cannon!"

In order to condense his magic power into his sword that continuously releases red energy beams towards the sky, the brave Wayne did his best to complete the 5-minute chant and summons under the pressure of the gunfire from the kobold armored tank. The fire from heaven bombards these extremely savage monsters, who also like to kill and set fire everywhere.


But at this time, as a bullet hit Wayne's abdomen, his chanting immediately stopped under the severe pain.

Obviously, even if there were more than a hundred warriors carrying shields in front of him, and five senior priests providing physical and magical protection, the sword in Wayne's hand would soon fall from his hand.

At the same time, he finally saw a burst of white light shining slightly from the gap in the shield wall.


The second shot came, and Wayne saw a large flesh-and-blood hole as big as the mouth of a bowl in the back of a priest, and then another kind of severe pain in his left shoulder.


When Wayne knelt down and began to cry out in pain, he understood what it means to be close to one another.

If the wall made of shields is not tight enough, the consequence will be that you will be shot every minute.

"Yeah. That's him, right? Pointing a sword to the sky and trying to cast a spell? Do you really think we are blind and deaf?"

In response, Colonel Chengxian, who looked happy, drew his saber and asked the remaining troops to move forward.

Although the ×67mm special rifle ammunition that he has been using recently is very expensive, and he himself is reluctant to use it; but when dealing with a guy like Wayne the Brave, he is happy to give him one more round and let this idiot come out and die on his own. Feel the power of modern weapons.

Moreover, the Golden Bear swivel rifle from the Imperial Arsenal did not disappoint. Although it is heavier than the Manka rotary rifle (empty weight is 5.5 kg), I have been using it recently. I have been using it recently. [To be honest, I have been using it recently. It can be used with Android or Apple. 】Full length of 8 mm (including a barrel of 6 mm in length) and a dedicated optical sight, 8 mm in length. Apple is available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. It can hit wherever you point it within an effective range of 1 meter.

[To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

So, Wayne, who was lying in a pool of blood, was trying to cast a healing spell on himself. However, he felt that the magic power he had originally gathered began to become disordered, and as his blood flowed, he seemed to feel that the god of death was walking towards him with a cold sickle.

Boom boom boom...

Unfortunately, compared to the invisible god of death, several black lumps that soared into the sky and fell at a high speed were already flying towards him...

"Quick! Retreat quickly..."

Unfortunately, ordinary people can't run faster than artillery shells, and it is even more impossible to easily escape from the explosion range of artillery shells. So, not long after Wayne lay on the ground, he was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion.

As for his sword... Anyway, he couldn't see it or touch it. The only thing was that he only saw a track rolling towards him.

"No, no... no... ah ah ah..."

Just like that, there was no fairness or unfairness on the battlefield. The brave Wayne, whose lower body was crushed by the armored vehicle, soon became a corpse among a pile of corpses, and Colonel Chengxian first impaled it on a sharpened wooden stake.

"Brave? Bah! Listen, take this body back, and at the same time, everyone keep moving forward. The empire does not have enough slaves, we need to capture some more to work!"


With this, the brave Wayne left this world where he should not have come and should not exist so easily.

"What should we do now? Brave Lord..."

"Retreat! Take the brave Lord's sword back! We can't stop the dog-headed man's poison gas and armored vehicles... and prepare the mines, I don't believe we can't hold it!"

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