
Chapter 452: Gentleman on the Beam

I have been using the Origin Calendar recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.] August 8, 668

The Imperial City of Guangwu Empire, Butterfly City Palace Exhibition Room

"Your Majesty, please look, this is the head of Wayne, the brave man of the Kahn Empire."

"Just a head?"

"Your Majesty, since Wayne's body was crushed by an armored vehicle, his abdomen and limbs are all rotten meat and bone residue, and the temperature in our empire is high. In order to prevent the body from rotting, the members of our exhibition room unanimously decided to behead him, preserve his head separately, and install it in a glass cage just in case."

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"Hmm...what about the other body parts?"

"We made them into jerky and fed them to the slaves."

"Not bad, not bad. These natives are cannibals, so how can they be worthy of our food? From now on, the diet of all slaves cannot exceed the previous ration standard."

"Yes, sir."

Just as Quan Dunde carefully observed the head of the brave Wayne, two Japanese agents were hiding on the beams and keeping an eye on them.

"When will we start?"

"It's definitely not possible now. You see, there are more than a hundred dog-headed men below. Even if we have enough bullets, we still have to face the guards outside the palace."

"Ah? Then...wouldn't our tracking efforts be in vain?"

"It won't be in vain. After all, this head is valuable, and we must not let go of the target of this trip easily. What's more, he is very likely a time traveler."

For the head of a time traveler, the two gentlemen on the beams are always ready with all the equipment in their hands to deal with various possible situations at any time.

After all, they, the Japanese, also know what a time traveler is, and they are more aware of the knowledge of other worlds that a time traveler may have.

However, when they looked at Wayne's head, they knew the concept of a time traveler only from rumors outside. As for how to make a time traveler's head valuable...


They don't know.

But compared to letting a time traveler's head become an exhibition item for the dog-headed man, these two men with red eyes believe one thing.

That is, a time traveler who has a very loud reputation in the underground black market must have something valuable, otherwise, what does it mean that several countries in the old continent and their hometown have to find ways to get the time traveler?

In short, they are 100% sure to steal the head.

"Your Majesty, report on the war in the south. We have controlled three cities in the territory of the former Principality of Ailimu in the Kingdom of Zweina."


"Your Majesty?"

"Which do you think is more suitable for our empire to develop and operate, the south or the north?"

"Ah? Your Majesty, didn't you say that the uninhabited and wild areas in the north are more suitable for the empire?"

"That's right. I don't know why, the closer the northern areas are to the Orchid Republic, the more I feel an indescribable worry. After all, the Orchid Republic has also been developing towards the southeast in recent years. Although it is impossible in the next few decades, it will be a hundred or even hundreds of years in the future..."

"Your Majesty, but occupying the indigenous territories in the south is more suitable for our expansion and development."

"At least we don't need to waste time transporting supplies, right?"

"Yes. And once the battle line is extended, we are very worried about whether the logistics line will be in trouble. So the soldiers below have already expressed their desire to stick to the south and expand the south. However, in my opinion, this is a gamble."


"The base camp of these natives is in the vast wilderness in the south. The further south we go, the more likely we are to face more natives. So..."

"In fact, in the final analysis, isn't it that our number of citizens is limited and we can't control a larger territory. OK. In this way, the policy of first north and then south will not change, but I will draw a horizontal line on the map."

Obviously, the lesser of two evils.

Quan Dunde still knew that his empire was only able to build a comfortable nest for the dog-headed people by repeatedly plundering the natives in the south.

If he really listened to the choice of the soldiers, the natives would completely become a historical term in two hundred years. He could not accept this.

Especially in the southeast of the native forces there is a dark elf kingdom.

He did not want the Guangwu Empire to have any contact with the Negan Kingdom within two hundred years.

Especially the Negan Kingdom is of the same nature as the Orchid Republic in the north. They are all a group of dangerous people hiding in corners, hiding countless things, and acting as arms dealers.

After fighting with the natives and knowing the Ascetic Church and this so-called hero, Emperor Dunde became more cautious. The canal dug in the southeast of Butterfly City is its own moat. If it crosses the moat and occupies and develops the land in the south, it will not be conducive to the defense of the empire. After all, he cannot guarantee that the Iron Fist Empire will not send troops to expedition to him before the dog-headed compatriots on the Jiwei Peninsula have not died out.

For this reason, he chose to open up the dense forest in the north.

In the dense forest, in addition to those annoying and annoying Orks who have no IQ, there are countless biological resources and inland land resources far away from the ocean.

Especially the latter, the Guangwu Empire needs a certain strategic buffer and logistics development base. Otherwise, the Iron Fist Empire or other opponents from the sea will inevitably bombard their towns at sea.

As for whether there is morality here...

He is not a human being, so he does not need to care about such things that should not be understood by the dog-headed man. He only believes in one thing, that is, under the sword and gun, the place is reasonable.

The useless person who has no strength but is talkative will either be crushed by his armored vehicle or nailed to the cross by himself, and a detonator will be stuffed in his mouth.

Anyway, as of now, he has not seen any guy who can withstand the power of the detonator. At most, he will leave a complete corpse as a mark of his strong bones.

"What nonsense is this dog-headed man talking about? Go, go, go quickly..."


Of course, His Majesty Emperor Quan Dunde did not find that the two gentlemen on the beam were staring at him, nor did he hear that the two uninvited guests who did not understand the dog-headed man's language were whispering and cursing him with all kinds of unfriendly words.

So when Emperor Dunde was content to leave the exhibition room with a group of ministers and guards, the two gentlemen on the beam came down from their hiding place three and a half meters high. Then, looking at the head of the brave Wayne, they prepared various tools.

"Confirm the condition of the head, and pay attention to whether there are any traps under the head..."

Dongdongdong! Dongdongdong!

However, one of the thugs had no patience at all, and directly drilled the sealed glass cover with his hand, successfully triggering the trap.

"Ah... why are these dog-headed people..."


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