
Chapter 453: Frame-up

In response, another gangster took out his pistol and blew up his companion's head. Then, he took out the claw hammer from his accomplice.


Since he had been discovered, there was no need for him to keep a low profile.

And for a stupid teammate, a bullet to blow up his head was the best solution. After all, his teammate was dead, so of course his bounty belonged to him alone!

So, the gangster who killed his teammate broke the glass cover and took away the head. Next, he took away the equipment, especially the guns and ammunition, from his teammate, and then he evacuated with the head in a box.

"Report to your majesty, the Japanese thieves sneaked into the palace and took Wayne's head. One of the thieves has been shot dead, and the other is still on the run."

"Hmm? Catch him, if not, just shoot him! Also, drag out the body of the Japanese man and show it to those arms dealers!"


Instantly, the alarm bells in the Butterfly City Palace rang loudly, and the Japanese thief holding the Kukai pistol shot down the gray-haired dog-headed guard who came to him with two shots, and picked up a Manka revolving rifle.

"Damn it, stupid teammates are prone to ruin things. But it's good this way. With his level of complaining all the time, killing him is much better than becoming a dog-headed prisoner. And as long as I kill him, the bonus will be mine!"

Although he lost a teammate, the thief who didn't feel guilty about killing his teammates quickly seized some bullets. Seeing that these dog-headed people who were not as good as him didn't dare to come up and die casually, he was happy.

Especially when he was holding a rifle in his hand.

Therefore, before the dog-headed man remembered to call for the machine gun, he continued to step over the corpses of another group of dog-headed men and headed towards the underground passage where he entered the palace.

"Are you good at shooting? Didn't the Japanese people never produce a revolving rifle? Don't think I don't know that their laws prohibit the production of revolving rifles by registered arsenals in their own country."

"Your Majesty, this does not mean that there are no foreign arms dealers on the territory of the Japanese. As long as their people have money and do not violate the full-automatic ban, they can openly buy even the standard firearms of the Iron Fist Empire's military and police."


After hearing the report from a black-haired officer among his subordinates, Emperor Dunde, who returned to the scene of the incident from the hall, was depressed. The Japanese people who allow all people to legally carry guns are really too...

Let's put it this way, one of the most ridiculous laws in the world is to allow non-military and police citizens to carry guns. As a result, it leads to "unfunny" news such as three-year-old children beating giant lizards in the Japanese people.

To be honest, Emperor Dunde wanted to ask if all the thieves that the Rimai people usually encountered carried guns, and then the military and police who maintained law and order had to drive armored vehicles to bombard them?

In short, Emperor Dunde was really depressed. The thieves of the Rimai people were too rampant, right?

But when he looked at the smashed glass cover, he didn't understand why a dead head was worth stealing?

Could it be that the natives in the south paid money to bribe the Rimai people to work for them?

Anyway, he was now listening to the gunshots and the wailing of the guards in his palace. He understood and felt very clearly the Rimai people's concept of "everyone is a soldier".

So the thief who was fleeing killed 29 dog-headed men and found the exit of the tunnel he had drilled in with a fierce style of killing all the guys who blocked his way without caring whether they were carrying weapons.



However, as soon as he jumped into the tunnel, a bullet coming from the front instantly blew his skull away.

"Don't you think it's a bit too much for a person to carry the spoils back to report?"

Obviously, in some dark underground worlds where the sun doesn't shine, there are often cases of gangsters eating gangsters. The killer responsible for silencing threw his Manka revolving rifle on the thief's body, took Wayne's head, and replaced it with a box of high explosives.

In response, the killer confirmed that the pursuers of the kobolds were coming, and he set up the mechanism and left quickly.

"Yo. Back so soon?"

"If I don't come back, I'll be buried alive with the kobolds. And, head."

"Good job, if your mother knew..."

"Don't say it. I don't want my parents to know too much."

"What are you afraid of? Your family..."


"You, 2【To be honest, I've been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.】【To be honest, I've been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.】【To be honest, I've been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.】【To be honest, I've been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】 Xifu's check. It's bearer, and you can go to the bank in person. "


"Also, Haken. Why don't you consider our waitress?"

"Hey, hey, hey. This matter... I will handle it myself."

"It's okay. At worst, you can continue to marry."

"Do you think the three people in my bed can spare me?"

"Really not?"

"They are a family of three, three mothers and daughters, I... I... I won't say anything. I'll go back."

As a killer in the underground world, although Haken has a very superior family background, he is not very willing to accept such a family, let alone the new family he has formed outside.

On the contrary, he is used to being a killer and making a lot of money from a deal... How to say it?

The three beauties in his family need money.

Especially when all three of them are pregnant.

Moreover, he himself is helpless. He originally liked the mother of them, but...

There is no point in reflecting now. Things are like this. As a descendant of a retired official, he only hopes that he can live a freer life.

For this reason, he has undertaken a special commission from the royal family.

"Go back? Stay. There are still many things in this Guangwu Empire that need your help."

"Alas. The three of them are about to give birth. Can I not go back to see them?"

"But the ship back cannot come for the time being."

"Don't tell me dog-headed man..."

"That's it. By the way, you may need to escort the goods to the headquarters in person."

Hearing the words of the tavern owner in front of him (the intelligence chief who secretly engages in various black activities), Haken knew that the tavern he was in (actually the foreign intelligence station of the Kingdom of Negan) must be in trouble.

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After all, the attitude of the dog-headed people of the Guangwu Empire towards the kingdom is as bad as that of the Orchid Republic in the north. Although the dog-headed people will not openly start a war, and may even carry out trade activities among the people; but who doesn't know the dog-headed people's vigilance?

In particular, the dog-headed people always hope to obtain various materials from the two countries, and even valuable intelligence to develop their own national strength.

So Haken shook his head, his plan of framing others may not be perfect, and he needs to stay for a while longer...

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