
Chapter 454 No More Explanations

"I said Bette, this has nothing to do with me, don't stare at me."


"I only found out five days later, not much earlier than you. But, Bet, I can probably guess who it is..."

"No need to say it. Our... well... what should I say? Negan is extremely honored and lucky to have him."

"After all, he is good at metal forging on the one hand, and also engaged in intelligence activities on the other hand. So, no one knows anything."

Even though Bete didn't speak clearly, the senior members of the embassy couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because the Negan Kingdom can bypass a large group of bureaucrats, there is only one big spy who secretly engages in theft.

His Highness the Prince Husband of their kingdom—Aoba Gru.

But this time stealing the head...how should I put it? Anyway, there was no objection from the embassy.

After all, the appearance of Wayne the Brave was very abnormal, not to mention that the "great achievements" he created were too attractive to the outside world.

You know, there are hunters from the Rimai people who come to steal heads... Well, but Bete shook his head. The foundation of the Japanese and Mai people in the New World is still not strong enough, and the theft was known to His Royal Highness in advance, and the grandson of Ness was specially dispatched...


Of course, Bet knew the identity of the killer sent to work this time, and he also knew that the killer whose real name was not Haken was actually a queen from a famous family.

It's just that on the one hand, this Haken is not the eldest son and has no idea of ​​inheriting the family business (being an official) and carrying it forward; on the other hand, Haken doesn't like the environment at home.

You must know that Haken's parents are both officials in the Kingdom of Negan. In terms of tutoring, he inherited the upper-class philosophy brought by Ness himself from the United Kingdom of Eri.

It turns out that Haken didn't know why, but he was a bit like a young Ness who ran away from home.

And by virtue of his identity as a brown-skinned Kalai, he habitually puts on a mask and becomes a killer in the underground world.

Of course, thanks to his origin, he has never engaged in assassination or other activities in the Negan Kingdom. On the contrary, Haken often spent money on investing in fruit tree plantations, so much so that Bette was very sure that the widow owner of the fruit tree plantation should remarry Haken.

It's just that Haken never uses his real name in the underground world, which means that he must change his name and marry into a new family.

After all, not only him, but every member working in the underground world is like a shadow.

Just like Bet's own father, Roshan, his identity and contributions would not be revealed until three hundred years after his death.

In short, although Bate has never met Haken, such a guy who volunteers to make a living in the underground world must have his own difficulties.

"The reason? Ha... Let's put it this way, you may not believe it. My grandfather was a former noble warrior of Eli. So in my generation, grandma hopes that our grandchildren can shine. But, Tia, I... I I don’t want to be like my big brothers and sisters.”


"Because they are very powerful. They have their own achievements either in the army or in politics. Even... my sister, she is qualified to work in a bank. I can't compare with them, and I don't know how to compare with them. . So, thank you.”

The killer whose real name was not Haken looked at the white-haired, brown-skinned Karai woman named Tia in front of him, and he couldn't help but bow to her in thanks.

Especially when Tia has been taking care of his three wives for him.


"I, Walter Person, am not fit to enjoy life under the sun, nor should I live in places that are too noisy."

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When Haken expressed his helplessness, not only Tia, but also the owner of the plantation and the family of three who were pregnant with his children nodded.

"But if you do this, will it cause..."

"My original full name was not Walter Person. The Walter family couldn't find me, and they were not in the mood to find a fourth son who had been missing for many years under normal circumstances and did not know whether he was dead or alive."


"So, you just have to live a good life here. I, I can just do some things myself."

Haken, whose real name is Poussen, has always been reluctant to have too much contact with his family. After all, he was full of helplessness on this path.

Especially since he survived the cultist incident and became another unfortunate person after Yavin who had his magic power sealed, he hoped that he could completely cut off from the past.

But compared to him who could temporarily avoid the limelight in the plantation, Maien and other Japanese arms dealers couldn't help but feel angry.

"No! These kobolds are blackmailing us! They want us to compensate... us... those two guys are not ours! These kobolds..."

"They couldn't find anyone who should be responsible for the hero's head turning into meat, so they deliberately looked for trouble with us. It's okay. Fortunately, I have scraps for kobolds like them in my hometown."

"Scrap? You can't give it for free! Even if Mai En and your hometown are not short of all kinds of scrap copper and iron, you can't take it out casually. What's more, don't we still have a place to appeal for this matter?"

"Where? Don't tell me..."

"Let the country take responsibility. We are just here to make money. How can we know so much?"

Listening to the various discussions of his companions, Maine couldn't help but sigh.

The Gnolls did not welcome the arrival of the Japanese and Mai arms dealers. In fact, the reason why the Gnolls established a country in the New World was to avoid the outside world, especially the expedition that the Iron Fist Empire might launch.

On this basis, if...

If officials at the national level knew...


Officials in their own country definitely know everything that happened in the New World.

Especially the republicans in the country who oppose the continuation of the monarchy, they will never let this matter go easily, so as not to be used by the opponents of the pro-empire faction.

"The question is, will we be used as pawns by these officials? We had no idea where those two guys came from to the New World and sneaked into the palace of the Guangwu Empire to steal heads."

"It's okay. It won't be a problem if we tell these officials from unknown factions. On the contrary, they may be very grateful for our initiative to enter the palace of the dog-headed people and have face-to-face communication with their emperor. However, I am still very angry. Especially the emperor's terrible face, I want to take out the 3mm large-caliber revolver that I have been using recently to blow up the dog's head!"

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