
Chapter 464 Seahawk Airship

As a race that also eats vegetables and meat, few of the gray-haired kobolds can become fishermen due to the precautions taken by the white-haired and black-haired people.

After all, once these gray-haired kobolds become fishermen, they will easily encounter things from the outside world when they go fishing in the sea.

If they have too much contact with the outside world, they will inevitably bring back things from the outside world. As for what will be here, the white hair and black hair that control them will not care so much. Everything that will cause the gray-haired kobolds to rebel must be destroyed!

Even the writing used by kobolds today is actually a pinyin writing, which only represents the sound but not the meaning.

Without the translation of the white-haired kobolds, most gray-haired kobolds would have no idea what the actual meaning of such words is.

Obviously, this is the same virtue as the druids of the United Kingdom of Eri. The white-haired kobolds who have absolute domination do not want the gray-haired kobolds to have any awakening ideas, and they are not allowed to have contact with the outside world in order to maintain their absolute ignorant obedience.

But everyone understands that if things continue like this, the gray-haired kobolds will one day realize the fact that they are being oppressed and exploited. Even being a fisherman, going to the sea to catch fish by yourself, or even raising fish by yourself (fish fry need to be caught by yourself) are listed as prohibited by the gray-haired kobolds by the white-haired kobolds.

In other words, regardless of the fact that the Guangwu Empire now has the ability to ride on the heads of the indigenous people and dominate them, it will always kill a hundred indigenous people or put a detonator in its mouth to massacre the indigenous people.

In fact, the entire kobold social system is not normal at all. It is so abnormal that the Guangwu Empire needs to use the indigenous people to ensure that the gray-haired kobolds continue to be loyal.

Internal worries are better than external ones. This is the biggest trouble that the kobolds really face.

In short, Bet looked out the window at the kobold farmers who had already loaded onto trucks, carrying various commodities exchanged for rice, and who looked beaming.

If the Guangwu Empire or the gray-haired kobolds still on the Jiwei Peninsula could see this scene, they would probably go crazy. Then the white-haired kobolds' thugs and supervisors, and the black-haired kobolds would probably chop off the knives in their hands to prevent the gray-haired kobolds from spreading what they saw and heard.

Everything that is not conducive to your rule, burn! All people who disobey their rule will be killed!

Bet himself shook his head at such an extremely arrogant idea of ​​governing the country.


Communicating with the outside world will indeed attract some things that are not good for you, but blindly closing yourself off and indulging in some glories that may have really existed is an unacceptable choice.

The more you communicate with the outside world, the more you can understand the trends of the world and what shortcomings you have that need to be made up for.

This is an important reason why the Kingdom of Negan, as a country separated from the United Kingdom of Eri, has never stopped foreign trade.

On the one hand, it is to make profits, on the other hand, it is to do its best to develop national strength.

The Battle of Blackwater Town in the past left too much pain and tragedy to Her Majesty the Queen and even many survivors of Blackwater Town. Therefore, the Kingdom of Negan has been engaged in various exchanges and explorations under the orders of Her Majesty the Queen. Work.

For example, as far as he knew, there were some mysterious ruins with considerable history.

He didn't know what was there, but based on his own guess, the magnetic storm coil probably came from the ruins.

Of course, compared to Bet's thoughts, His Royal Highness the Prince Husband who went to the territory of the former Principality of Archon and is now in the southern part of the Kingdom of Negan, Aoba Gruna was watching the outside from the observation window of a bombing airship. of indigenous dens.

"Your Highness."



In order to check the performance of his country's bombing airships, King Gruna specially found a large-scale copycat built by the survivors of the Principality of Aiken to conduct weapons experiments. After all, the airship code-named Sea Eagle under his feet has a maximum flight speed of 222 kilometers per hour (normally 69 kilometers per hour and has been used recently), and can carry at least 4 people. . 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】The weight of each piece is up to 2【To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used with Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilogram of special magnetic storm bomb - a bomb that can produce irregular arc sparks when it explodes, and can also perform emergency teleportation.

Therefore, as more than 20 soldiers in the airship took their positions, the bombardier opened the bomb cabin and dropped bombs one after another to the ground through the mechanical handle. Prince Gru stood in the observation window with a calm face. Carefully watching the scene where the arc of magnetic storms generated on the ground was traveling everywhere, he did not realize that it was at least 6 meters away from him. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. The survivors of Mi felt no pity.

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Even if the bodies of these remnants were blown up by high explosives, caught in the arc of a magnetic storm and turned into a corpse or directly crushed into ashes.

"Your Highness, the power of this bomb is a bit..."

"Cruel, right? I know that too. But if you don't do this, do you think these natives will give up?"


"Alas. So the average soldier in this airship has 5 square meters of living space, plus 2 square meters of public activity space as compensation for you. Moreover, with our current ammunition load, if we are shot down, there will be a big explosion?"


"Fortunately, we have a force field protection system and a rapid folding system. Otherwise, we will really be waiting to be aerial targets."

That said, the Sea Eagle heavy airship where King Gru is located has strong armor protection, resulting in a total load of up to 3 dense and over 25 Wan Xifu's terrible cost price.

25 】【To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】10,000, one ship. If the Kingdom of Negan didn't save a lot of street light fees in terms of public facilities, and if every household basically doesn't use electric lights to save a lot of resources, then don't even think about it.

However, in the eyes of King Gru, who personally observed how the cottage was completely destroyed, this deal is very worthwhile.

Especially when he hopes that the Seahawk airship is not only used to bomb ground targets, but also can fly into space for scientific exploration with the crystal power engine inside.

You know, if there are no bombs in the bomb bay, it can store a lot of resources.

Especially the stored food and drinking water, as well as various collected external samples.

Of course, for now, he will not rush to explore the universe.

After all, the foundation of the Kingdom of Negan is not strong enough. In addition to the natives, the threats from other opponents force the Kingdom of Negan to need more Seahawk airships, more national weapons that can ensure its own development.

As a result, as the 38th aerial bomb completely cleared out the remaining people of the Principality of Akern, Prince Gru nodded and officially began the next step of the plan...

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