
Chapter 465 This is mercy!

"Father, is he here..."

"About this matter, Jiaqi, you don't need to worry about it anymore. He is the kind of perfectionist who wants to eliminate all the troubles you may face and never leave any troubles behind."


"So, if necessary. Do you believe that your father will launch truth missiles?"

"He...he is not afraid of the Congress..."

"Alas. This is your father, a warrior who will use any means to nip the danger in its bud in order to ensure safety. As long as it is good for you, me, and even every citizen of the Negan Kingdom, he will not Mind what will happen to him in the end, such as the Seahawk airship he is currently on. This is what he really thinks."

Listening to what her mother said about the Seahawk airship, Princess Jiaqi certainly knew that the airship was the ace strategic weapon of the Negan Kingdom. Not to mention being used to deal with the indigenous people, its all-weather capability alone was enough to compete with the forces of the Old Continent. Iron Fist Empire Bomber Contest.

Especially in terms of bomb load, is there any flying vehicle in the world that can match the actual bomb load? 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. ] pieces, each piece is 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used with Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilogram standard medium weight aviation bomb Seahawk airship?

And the reason why the airship is called the "Sea Hawk" is because its original function was to deal with naval ships. Especially any opponent that comes from the sea, whether it is the fleet of the United Kingdom of Eri or the navy of the Iron Fist Empire that may come to the New World.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

The sea eagle is an animal that eats fish, so the meaning of placing it on an airship is self-evident. In addition, the aerial bombs dropped by the Seahawk airship, which can definitely catch up with the ship, even include heavy-duty models that have been used recently. In other words, a bomb that has been used recently is dropped on the opponent's naval fleet...

That scene may be what everyone least wants to see.

You must know that even 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilogram ordinary aerial bomb (improved from the combination of 4 [To be honest, it has been used recently, Android and Apple are available.] mm caliber mortar shells of the Negan Kingdom Army, does not contain any weird The kind with stuff inside), if you drop a thing that contains 40% of its weight as explosives, it will cause you to use it [seriously, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple]. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】No chickens or dogs will be left within a radius of 1 meter.

Therefore, Queen Winnie doesn't really want to know how "excellent" the magnetic storm bomb that has been installed with other things by the arsenal will perform.

It’s no wonder that some officials in the Orchid Republic say that science and technology are an important source of power to promote the development of society and even the country.

Moreover, with the development of national power and the actual needs of the country, Queen Winnie does not like large-caliber heavy artillery. Instead, the range easily exceeds 5 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilometer strategic missile. In addition to hitting far, such a missile also has the ability to split attack with multiple warheads.

Therefore, in the southern mountainous area of ​​the Negan Kingdom, as long as the survivors of the Principality of Aiken were not completely dead after enjoying the bombing of the Seahawk airship, they saw several rapidly flying objects flying in the sky with flaming tails...

"Your Highness, according to the arsenal's report, the missiles launched by the missile launch vehicles today are just ordinary cluster bombs and are not equipped with more precise guidance devices."

"It's okay. Cluster bombs are enough. After all, there is no need to use such advanced gadgets to fight the indigenous people. Unless the humans from the Iron Fist Empire come."


In order to conduct experiments on his country's weapons and equipment, Prince Gru didn't mind what kind of sadistic killing the indigenous people below the airship were facing.

In particular, he watched several supersonic missiles explode in the camp, creating a chain explosion effect caused by a large number of bombs.

Sometimes he also feels that these few missiles are too overkill and anti-aircraft guns are killing mosquitoes.

But it doesn't matter, he can just let the self-propelled artillery do this kind of thing in the future. After all, there are 2 artillery equipment in the Kingdom of Negan that have been used recently [to be honest, they have been used recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】mm caliber, heavy artillery common to the army and navy.

Not to mention that the cost of this gun is lower than that of missiles. One-shot 2 has been used recently. [To be honest, it has been used recently. It can be used with Android or Apple. 】The bottom row of millimeter-caliber high-explosive bombs will still have a devastating visual effect.

Of course, this is a pain for the infantry on the ground. When they went to clean up the battlefield, they probably had to vomit for a long time.

"Your Highness, is this missile too..."

"It's just an experiment. After all, we can't find any suitable subjects to test the knife with."

That being said, Prince Gru really wanted to try the kobold ship. It is said that the kobolds have their own armored warships, and only one missile can be worth the value of the missile.

But Abu Beo, who participated in the battlefield cleanup, must have looked confused. In front of him were all kinds of incomplete charred corpses, most of which exuded a terrible smell like charcoal barbecue.

"No way..."


"Do you have any antiemetics? I can smell it even if I wear a gas mask."

"I want it too."


As a miserable infantryman, Beo still had to get off the car to check the village, which was like a ruin and interspersed with black pits.

It must be said that the improvement of military technology means more cruel killing. The combination of cold weapons and magic power is simply not as good as the charred picture he sees now. Charred corpses and charred ashes, plus the charred smoke from the ground, which was produced by the burning of something unknown.

If the natives were lucky enough to see it... No, they were lucky enough to see it.

It's just that the moment they saw it, they became corpses lying on the ground.

In short, he checked the new vulture rifle in his hand and made sure it could be fired anytime and anywhere.


It's a pity that there are still some natives in the village who can still make low wails even if only half of their bodies are left. For this reason, Beo looked at the half-dead natives in a bomb crater, and he raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Maybe there will be some saintly guys in the world who will definitely condemn him. But please don't say he is cruel, this is mercy!

After experiencing the baptism of magnetic storm bombs and cluster bombs, the incomplete natives are suffering even if they are alive.

Giving them a bullet is the best choice. Otherwise, what is the difference between them and the dog-headed people?

The dog-headed people's beheading and detonator execution are definitely bloody and cruel methods that break imagination.

Compared to the cannon execution...

Anyway, even the minotaur doesn't continue to cross now, and all chooses to shoot to solve the problem.

Just like what he is doing now, give the natives a shot in the head, and all the pain will never continue. And it won't be too bloody and...disgusting.


"Alas. If you want to be a soldier in the future, don't be an infantryman. It's too hard."

"Do you have a choice? All new recruits now have to start training as infantrymen."

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