
Chapter 469: Reform is not easy

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Quan Dunming, who finally no longer had to go to the border area to fight the natives, sat with his fourth brother and reviewed another batch of native captives captured from the south.

"Fourth brother, I heard that the second brother and his men... are gone."

"Not gone, the second brother died of illness. Now our hometown is divided into three forces, each resisting the encroachment of the Iron Fist Empire. And you have also heard that the Iron Fist Empire has increased its development efforts in the northeast region, which is the north of our peninsula. If this continues, we dog-headed people will inevitably become the historical dust of the old continent."

"What should we do now? They are still unwilling to come."

"That shows one thing. Everyone can't let go of the glory of the past and is still proud of the glory of the past."

When Emperor Quan Dunde said his conclusion very calmly, Quan Dunming looked helpless.

Even if he was facing a harsh situation of being at the end of his rope and not knowing what to do next, his brothers and sisters could not forget their power.

Or maybe this is related to the fact that the Guangwu Empire will not give them any noble status, but this is much better than staying in their hometown and waiting to die.

Moreover, the Guangwu Empire has now summed up a lot of lessons. The policy of absolute monogamy was implemented by his fourth brother to ease the practical problem of limited number of women.

At the same time, his daughter, the Crown Princess of the Guangwu Empire, is now the mother of three children. Even if he is just a lieutenant colonel and not a royal family, he is very happy.

And he has gained a reputation in political debates with the natives again and again...

How to say it?

Although his fourth brother is reluctant to admit it and take the initiative to say it, the modernized Guangwu Empire is also a constitutional monarchy.

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It's just different from the Iron Fist Empire. Their constitutional monarchy is a dual monarchy - a system in which the hereditary monarch is the head of state and has real power. The monarch appoints cabinet members, the government is responsible to the monarch, and the parliament exercises legislative power, but the monarch has veto power.

There is no way.

Quan Dunming looked at the soldiers escorting the indigenous slaves, each wearing a green helmet with a tail curtain on his head, wearing light brown armor, and holding various firearms. He knew that the Guangwu Empire did not have many choices.

After all, the unification time of the dog-headed people is not as long as that of other races, not to mention that their unification is completely based on lies.

However, this is also good.

At least with the massive supplies and prisoners of war obtained by the Guangwu Empire through countless crusades against the indigenous people, the mission of promoting its own modernization has become the only choice for the Guangwu Empire.

Otherwise, no one knows when the blade of the destruction of the dog-headed people will fall on their heads. Especially after the crusade against the natives, the primitive feudal system of the natives doomed the backwardness of the native countries.

Not to mention that there is a Negan Kingdom in the southeast of the natives, which he has never seen and only heard of.

He didn't know how strong this Negan Kingdom was. The only thing he could be sure of was that the large airships of the Negan Kingdom flew very fast, and the storage capacity inside was definitely not small.

If they were bombed by this airship... To be honest, he doubted whether his troops could withstand it.

So much so that he now hopes to introduce or develop more powerful anti-aircraft weapons to deal with the threats in the sky.

But there is a problem here, that is, the empire does not have a corresponding anti-aircraft ammunition production line, and no arsenal knows how to make anti-aircraft ammunition.

So for now, imitation is the inevitable final choice.

For this reason, what he didn't know was that Beth had a copy of the anti-aircraft machine gun information in his hand.

"So you want the Kobolds to buy the arms of the Orchid Republic?"

"Hey, Irving, does our country have the corresponding models?"


Thanks to the service of the Negan Kingdom Warrior Tri-Barrel Beam Launcher, the Negan Kingdom does not have any type of anti-aircraft rapid-fire machine gun production line (this is also the reason why the battlefield vehicles of the Negan Kingdom are mainly equipped with various purple beams or other colored beams). So Irving also knows that the purchase cost of the Guangwu Empire will be 100%, and it will definitely fall into the pocket of the Orchid Republic, whose prices are not as exaggerated as those of the Japanese arms dealers.

"Of course, I am not worried that the Kobolds can threaten our Negan Air Force."

"Because they can't build airplanes?"

"That's right. Flying things are the real opponents that threaten the safety of airships. At the same time, the Kobolds have not really completed the task of national modernization."

"Isn't your requirement too strict?"

"Is it very strict?"

"Don't you see how many countries in the world can do this? Even the Iron Fist Empire, they still dare not say that they have completely entered the parliamentary constitutional monarchy."

Irving's words are very simple, that is, as an empire with a large number of feudal remnants, the influence of the nobles in the Iron Fist Empire has never been weakened in any form.

On the contrary, the nobles of the Iron Fist Empire are quite famous for one thing. Leading the charge, sinking with the ship, fighting to the death, etc., are quite respected by the people of the Iron Fist Empire.

Not to mention that the Iron Fist Empire's nobility system is a typical example of difficult promotion and easy demotion. Even for nobles at the level of marquis or duke, if someone in the family is corrupt and accepts bribes, the fate of demotion can come at any time.

The lower nobles like barons are even worse. If they don't gain some fame in the army and strive to be promoted to viscounts, their descendants cannot inherit the baron's title. It is a complete lifelong system and not hereditary.

Although barons, as the lowest level of nobles in the Iron Fist Empire, do not need to go through battlefield training to gain fame, they can serve the empire by doing business or politics, but there is no way to compare in terms of speed and efficiency.

Moreover, there is another serious problem in the modernization of the Iron Fist Empire, that is, the highest level of nobles-dukes used to have their own territories. However, the imperfectly reformed Iron Fist Empire no longer enfeoffs noble territories, but only regards the title as a title. This leads to an imbalance between the newly enfeoffed dukes and the duke heirs who were enfeoffed hundreds of years ago.

Therefore, the thirty vassal states under the Iron Fist Empire have not all adopted the Iron Fist Empire's reforms, and some still continue the original feudal system of rule.

However, with the development of the times, the original feudal system has changed to some extent under the impact of science and technology and social trends caused by economic development.

At least the Iron Fist Empire does not mind the emergence of a republican country among its vassal states.

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