
Chapter 470: Strategic Location

The reason is that the current Iron Fist Empire attaches more importance to substantial benefits. As long as these vassal states pay protection fees on time and know when to send troops to work as vassal troops, the Iron Fist Empire will not care what kind of political system the vassal states have.

And to put it bluntly, the current Iron Fist Empire has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to let the vassal states make mistakes themselves.

The Iron Fist Empire absolutely does not mind making its territory bigger.

In particular, the Iron Fist Empire deliberately condones the rise of vassal states' opposition to the empire's factional forces. This is a benchmark for testing whether the vassal states really remain loyal.

If these guys who oppose the Iron Fist Empire and incite their own countries to secede from the Iron Fist Empire come to power and directly touch the bottom line of the Iron Fist Empire...

Then this vassal state will inevitably face a result, the destruction of the country.

Therefore, the smarter vassal monarchs or commanders will eliminate these opponents with the most ruthless iron-fisted means, and then take their heads to prove their loyalty to the Iron Fist Empire.

In this regard, Bet understands very well why the vassal states of the Iron Fist Empire or the opposition of the protected states (vassal states) often receive assistance from some external forces that also dislike the Iron Fist Empire.

They are really desperate and want to give it their all. Even if such assistance often comes with various conditions, they have no choice but to accept it.

But what exactly are the forces that assist them thinking here...

Anyway, according to the information Bet learned, since six vassal states like vassals were destroyed by the Iron Fist Empire and directly became the territory of the Iron Fist Empire, the remaining thirty vassal states have cult members disguised as different professions.


Everyone can guess what happened.

That is, these opposition forces did not seek the power of the demons to carry out their own business, which is probably very rare and impossible.

Even after these opposition forces became cultists, they still engaged in drug trafficking while purchasing arms from some notorious brown-skinned and red-eyed profiteers.

As for who the brown-skinned and red-eyed profiteers are? Of course not the Kalai clan, no member of the Kalai clan has the physical characteristics of red eyes.

There is only one answer, the Japanese.

As the former slave soldiers of the Iron Fist Empire and the special biological weapons against the demons, the Japanese and the Iron Fist Empire signed a historical settlement agreement, but this does not mean that the Japanese will really forget the past history.

On the contrary, the Japanese are the forces that wish the Iron Fist Empire to be completely destroyed, except for the demons.

For this reason, the Japanese have been selling various weapons and equipment to various forces that do not like the Iron Fist Empire for a long time.

But then again, it is precisely because the Iron Fist Empire's reform was not very successful and there were too many feudal remnants that the Nigan Kingdom deliberately did not conduct a complete and all-round study when it was established.

"About this... Irving, you don't need to say it. The system is probably the most standard existence in the world. At the same time... Have you noticed that the dog-headed people seem to like to attack from the sea more and more."

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】

"Because it is a tactical means to attack the enemy's logistics center from the side and rear compared to the front. Look, I have a document here. The dog-headed man's fleet has also begun to head towards the south of the New World."


After getting the document from Irving, Betna was worried that the dog-headed man had the ability to sail to the coastal towns of other vassal states while gradually marking his map.

If this continues, the dog-headed man will definitely have a direct contact with the Kingdom of Negan. It is even very likely that the dog-headed man will compete with the Kingdom of Negan to seize the southern coastal area of ​​the New World.

Because the strait between the southernmost tip of the New World and the southern glacier continent is 97 kilometers wide from north to south, but most of the strait has extremely strong winds and huge waves, and a large number of icebergs with irregular movement trajectories float in the strait. Therefore, the southernmost tip of the New World is only the sea area close to the coastline that is most suitable for ships to sail.

After thinking of this, Bet immediately wrote a report to the higher-ups. If the Gnolls take control of the southernmost coastal area of ​​the New World first, it means that the Gnolls have the ability to block a piece of sea, and then raise the price and act as road bullies to carry out the business of collecting money like robbers.

"You don't have to, do you? It's not like we can't beat them."

"This is to ensure our future and tomorrow. What's more, the ice continent at the southernmost end of the New World is a very important place. We must take it down one day."

Bet didn't finish his words. He knew that the ice continent had a polar sea route, or a circle, which could quickly travel between different continents (using the advantages of the strong wind and the spherical shape of the planet itself to sail quickly or shorten the sailing distance).

The native captives captured by the Negan Kingdom in the past took advantage of the polar route to quickly deal with a large number of captives.

And the ice continent, let alone the glaciers on it. The Negan Kingdom would like to take all of this absolutely pure solidified water for itself, and sell it as clean water to areas where drinking water is difficult to obtain for huge profits.

At the same time, the ice continent has another important significance, that is, it is very suitable for building secret bases. So much so that Bet himself once wondered if there were other guys in the world who had taken the lead and had already built their own secret base on the southern ice continent?

"Even if the southernmost tip of the New World is a barren land?"


In fact, there is more than this. Bet also thought of one thing, that is, the southernmost tip of the New World is an uninhabited wilderness, and he doesn't believe that there is really nothing here.

If he guessed correctly, precious things are often hidden underground.

So, after Bet signed and stamped an emergency report document, it was transmitted to the relevant officials of the intelligence agency through special means at the fastest speed, and was delivered to Prime Minister Aiqi by the liaison officer at the fastest speed.

"Okay. Got it."


"Winnie, there is a military attaché writing an urgent document about the southern exploration activities of the Kobolds. He has a...how to say? worry about the Kobolds occupying the southernmost area of ​​the New World."

"Give it to me. Hehe...it will be difficult to deal with if it falls into Gru's hands."




"I agree. The southernmost tip of the New World is indeed a strategic location, and isn't there an archipelago to its east? It can't be missed. What's more, I know that some retired soldiers will like it."

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