
Chapter 471: Cruel and ruthless

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ] 67 I have been using recently Year I have been using recently Month 8

Southwest coastline of the New World, Real General Expedition Ship

"It's so cold."

"Cold? We have come here during the hottest time. But you have to say, the geographical environment at the southernmost end of the New World is really worse than we imagined."

Looking at the coastal areas of the coastline, which are basically continuous white snow-capped mountains, the crew members of the expedition ship from the Guangwu Empire couldn't help but sigh.

The area west of the southernmost end of the New World is basically composed of mountains and cliffs. Although there are also flat places suitable for living, the crew members of the dog-headed people can imagine how terrible the winter cold wind is.

Especially the icebergs that come from time to time on the sea. This thing looks small on the sea, but it often has a larger size than you can imagine under the sea level. And the terrible thing is that the protruding corners of the icebergs are sharper than any type of blade.

But the more than 300 crew members who were ordered by the empire to explore south had no choice. Orders are orders and must be executed.

[An app for chasing books recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years! It is really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here ]

What's more, the further south the western coastline of the New World goes, in addition to the decreasing number of indigenous tribes, they also find that they have actually moved eastward.

"Report, an unknown ship is found moving in our direction."

"Send an identification signal."


"All personnel enter the first level alert state, and all defense weapons are activated."

As a garrison commander, Major Dieli Gaoben stared at the alien ship on the stereo projector with a serious face. Since he led his men and the colonists to seize a coastal plain at the southernmost tip of the New World under the orders of Congress and Her Majesty the Queen a year ago, the thing he least wanted to face has come.

At the same time, he also understood why he was awarded the rank of colonel at the young age of only 5 years old.

At the beginning, he thought he was going to freeze in the ice and snow for a hundred years and watch the garrison town develop easily.

Now, it's all right. His father, Dili Bate, has really fulfilled his words.

There's no such thing as a free lunch. At most, there'll be bombs.

So he who volunteered to take the "bomb" might have to find an opportunity to reflect on himself to his father. Especially when he was at the southernmost tip of the New World, a protruding part of the continent surrounded by the sea on the west, south and east.

"Report, the front-line reconnaissance outpost confirmed that the ship was flying a red and purple double magatama flag."

"Guangwu Empire, dog-headed people, it would be great if an iceberg hit them and sank them. Also, take down our national flag."

Everyone understands the meaning of a ship openly flying the national flag of their own country, and everyone also understands Major Gao Ben's order.

For this reason, the colonial troops took down their flags while preparing various cannons and missile launchers. After all, as long as there is no national flag, they are not the army of the Kingdom of Negan, and directly destroying the dog-headed people's expedition ship will not cause diplomatic problems.

Of course, Gao Ben himself knew in his heart that the absence of the national flag did not mean that what he did had nothing to do with the country. After all, he was a naval commander of the Kingdom of Negan, and a colonel-level commander with less than 6,000 men under his command.

For this reason, he sincerely hoped that the icebergs and pre-laid mines could create various "surprises" for the dog-headed people.

However, what he did not expect was that as the ship displayed on the stereo projector anchored toward the coast nearby, he knew that these dog-headed people were really troublesome.


"Why are these guys so cunning? They knew the wind and waves in the south were strong, so they went off the ship to explore...Okay, okay. Keep a close watch at the reconnaissance post, and send a battalion of more than 500 cavemen over there. If things go wrong, I guess no one will get any sleep today."

Due to the force of the strong winds in the southern waters of the New World, the seas have long been creating stormy waves with icebergs, which is why it took the first group of people in the Kingdom of Negan 50 years to set foot on the New World and successfully open up a polar route that can be safely sailed; so Gao Ben, who has brown skin, blue eyes and blue hair, couldn't help but feel depressed, and the cavemen troops he brought from the rear came in handy.

"Colonel, why don't we gather a round of bombardment while they are landing? We have a 55mm cannon that we have been using recently, and we can hit them."

"The question is, can you guarantee that after a round of bombardment, no dog-headed man will return alive? Moreover, I don't believe that they will not leave guards on the ship. Wait, don't we have sea bombers? Attack immediately! Fire torpedoes at low altitude at their ships!"

Takamoto, who suddenly remembered something, was also ruthless. As a weapon that can covertly attack marine targets, the power of torpedoes is definitely not comparable to ordinary shells and missiles.

So as a naval plane flew over the sea at low altitude, two 324mm caliber, 26mm long, 235kg torpedoes moved towards the right side of the expedition ship at a speed of 22 meters per second without leaving any trace.

Gao Ben had to admire the experts of the arsenal. The wakeless self-propelled torpedo that the Iron Fist Empire could not produce was a powerful weapon in naval warfare.

Especially after his torpedo bomber quietly left, two torpedoes exploded at the tail of the expedition ship that was about to stop, like an assassin approaching rapidly.

In an instant, his stereoscopic projector also broadcast the expedition ship being blown up to the sky very clearly to everyone in the command room.

"Major, isn't this a bit wasteful? The price of a torpedo..."

"It's a bit expensive. But if the torpedoes are not used, are they waiting to expire and be scrapped? But there are still some dog-headed people who are not dead and want to swim to the shore. This is a bit difficult... Um... Do we really need to send out the coastal defense force? No, hiss... Which of our speedboats is the fastest? Don't hang the flag, just kill them."

Knowing that he had used a butcher knife to kill the chicken and still couldn't kill the chicken, Gao Ben was embarrassed, so he didn't even think about it and dealt with the dog-headed people strictly.


"I know you have a guilty conscience, but once the Kobolds really land and set up camp in our northwest, our troubles will only get bigger in the future! I don't want to have to face a group of Kobolds hiding in the mountains and forests and fighting guerrilla warfare with us in the future!"

Obviously, although Gao Ben is ruthless, he understands how important the mission he received from Her Majesty the Queen and the Congress is.

For this reason, he did not spend a lot of money to kill everything that threatens his kingdom in the bud. Even though he knew that his actions would sooner or later make him accountable to both the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Congress.


"Also, we have tens of thousands of people here. As soldiers of the Kingdom of Negan, it is our sacred duty to defend the land. Defending the peace and stability of the Kingdom of Negan is our highest mission!"

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