
Chapter 472 It’s time to surface from the bottom of the water

"Idiot! He did this... Alas!"

"Bette, calm down. Only our intelligence agency and some members of the Military Affairs Department know about Gao Ben's affairs!"

"Irving, he... since he used a torpedo bomber, he might as well use a large missile!"

"Are you and your son crazy? Fortunately, the dog-headed man doesn't know about this, otherwise, this is violating the order of Her Majesty the Queen and actively declaring war on other countries! Shoot him directly! This information is specially given to you by the Military Affairs Department, and it will be burned after reading."

After all, the truth cannot be hidden. Bet got the secret report from Irving that her third son Gao Ben was arrested by the Military Affairs Department and interrogated for eight days.

"That's why I called him a fool! Has he forgotten his identity? How can a regular army soldier do this... Can the national flag be taken down at will? But fortunately, since the Military Affairs Department asked you to pass on the secret report, it means one thing. The senior officials of the Military Affairs Department actually don't want to see the dog-headed people come to them, and they hope that the dog-headed people will give up the action of exploring the southernmost tip of the New World."

As Bet himself said, he knew that his stupid son was not arrested because he fired at the dog-headed expedition ship without authorization, but because the act of taking the national flag away was an insult to the national dignity of the Negan Kingdom and was suspected of violating the flag law of the Negan Kingdom.

Especially under the premise that the area where he was stationed did not face any situation that would force him to withdraw the national flag and start leading the people to flee from irresistible natural disasters or powerful opponents that he could not defeat.

So after he burned the secret report with a lighter, he wrote a letter to the relevant officials of the Military Affairs Department.


"This idiot... I know what he thinks. But has he ever thought about why we can't do this? If one general after another follows his example, then, what will happen to our kingdom's army? No, punish him severely and educate him well."

"If... what would you do?"

"Just a round of artillery fire."


"Anyway, there are already a lot of icebergs in that sea area. Isn't it normal to have a real-life artillery training?"

Hearing this, Irving didn't know how to evaluate the father and son.

That's right.

Compared to Gao Ben, Bet is much more aboveboard, and the reason is very reasonable. As for the dog-headed man's exploration ship? Sorry, the radar scan only saw a lot of large icebergs drifting on the sea, and no ship was found.

In short, Gao Ben, who didn't know how his father scolded him, was taken to the parliament hall and faced direct questioning from Her Majesty the Queen and a group of parliamentarians.

"As the queen of the Negan Kingdom and the supreme commander of the three armies of the Negan Kingdom, I, Lai Ting Winnie, have given you the order to garrison the southernmost coastal area of ​​the New World, assist the residents in building the city of Ligang, and ensure that the area is the inherent territory of the Negan Kingdom. According to the information previously given to me by the Military Affairs Department, you removed the national flag and launched a military strike against the other side in order to prevent the other side from realizing the existence of the kingdom, right?"


"Well. That's all my questions. As for you, Dili Gaoben's punishment... well... according to the laws of the kingdom and relevant military regulations, your rank of major will be directly abolished and demoted to second lieutenant; and from now on, you will not have any political rights and may not retire from the army, and you will never leave your garrison until you die."

"I understand."

"Very good. I understand why you acted this way, but the national flag is sacred and cannot be removed at will. Even if you want to ensure that the areas under our control can have more time for peaceful development, this is not a suitable reason. Besides, how many children do you have?"



"I used to have a wife who was away from me for a long time. Later, she couldn't stand the loneliness and participated in the activities of reselling private salt for profit. She was shot eight years ago. So now I have a daughter I haven't seen for a long time."

"I understand. After returning, I will send your family with you. And continue to find a partner. The Kingdom of Negan needs you to continue to serve the kingdom with a guilty body."

Listening to her mother's words, Princess Jiaqi, who came to the Congress to listen to the questioning and final judgment, understood a little.

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Although the Kingdom of Negan implements a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, the monarch is like a mascot. However, the supreme commander of the army of the Kingdom of Negan is his mother. His mother not only has the right to inquire about military affairs but also has the right to decide what will happen to the soldiers who make mistakes.


"Haa... Lieutenant Gao Ben, do you know? I am about the same age as your parents, and my eldest daughter Jiaqi is younger than you. In my opinion, you standing here makes me feel bitter. So, I will raise your child. Is that okay?"

"Uh... Thank you, Your Majesty."

When the members of the Congress Hall heard Gao Ben's answer, everyone understood it tacitly. The wife of a naval general took advantage of her husband's long-term service at sea to privately participate in the reselling of private salt (the Kingdom of Negan has always been strict about the problem of private salt, and there is a special salt bureau to coordinate the production and sales of salt, as well as safety and sanitation issues). This is not a good thing for everyone, or even for the kingdom.

But such a bad thing must be said, and only by saying it out can everyone pay attention and find ways and means to solve it. And as the King of the Kingdom of Negan, Queen Leiting Winnie is the first official guardian of all underage children in the kingdom.

Obviously, Her Majesty the Queen wanted Gao Ben to not have any worries, let alone be confused about the child's problems. After all, such a child has a mother who was shot for reselling private salt, which will definitely have a considerable negative impact, not to mention that Lieutenant Gao Ben is a father who has served in the army for a long time.

With little time together and her mother being a private salt dealer, everyone can guess that Gao Ben's daughter is likely to be exposed to some bad things.

For this reason, it is a very good choice for Her Majesty the Queen to raise the child on behalf of her. Even if the child grows up to be a palace maid or a follower to any royal family member, it will be a good thing.

After the final trial, Queen Winnie looked at Jiaqi who followed her, and the sight communication between the mother and daughter formed by the same purple pupils was completed quickly.

"Mother, is this okay?"

"Well, it's not a question of whether it's okay or not. This is a question for our entire Negan Kingdom, a question of how we should show our attitude."


"Yes, our kingdom can no longer maintain its hidden style. It's time to surface from the bottom of the water. Of course, the Congress will definitely discuss this for a while."

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