
Chapter 475: A Hero of His Generation, Pablo Denoste

"It's so lively outside! Look, the streets are being swept with shotguns."

"Well... uh... I said you tauren clan didn't react at all?"

"It means you are still too young."

In a business building in the Yagan King City, a tauren stroking his beard was teasing his brown-skinned Kalai friend next to him. Kalena, the male who couldn't help but cover his mouth and nose and didn't want to continue breathing the blood-smelling air, almost fell to his knees.

"The humans in this kingdom are too...well..."

"Cut the mess with a quick knife. I admire this style. 3 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.] A smoothbore cannon with a caliber of 25 mm or more is aimed at 25 The thug shotgun within meters, good, good, very good.”

"You... uh..."

Compared to the members in the business hall who were teasing each other with all kinds of breezy gestures, Pablo Dinoste finally came out of the palace with his relatives and a large group of guards. Soldiers came out to clear the battlefield.


Just as some members in the business hall showed signs of vomiting, Pablo also heard the same unbearable sounds from the soldiers around him.

But he looked at the complete remains on the road that should have been spacious. Even the head cut off by the shotgun was a bloody scene as ragged as a hornet's nest... For some reason, he felt an indescribable sense of peace of mind. .

"Father, do you know how many you killed today..."

"It's not important. Compared with the people captured by kobolds as slaves or directly tortured to death, they are the happiest people. If the kobolds are here, Tiana, do you know how the kobolds treat disobedient slaves? "

"Crucify them and stuff their bodies with gunpowder."

As the kobolds are the most famous, and the punishments that best reflect their cruel rule, as long as the major princes of the Karn Empire have fought against the kobolds and have soldiers captured, some of them must be very "honored" to have the opportunity to "taste" being captured. The death penalty known simply as Explosive Judgment (Explosion Judgment). Even in the Yagan Kingdom, which is the furthest away from the kobolds in a straight line, cross signs and fragmented corpses appear from time to time in coastal towns.

This is all evidence that the kobold clan has been here.

"So, you see, it's my greatest mercy that I didn't learn the ways of the kobolds and use them on such thugs who have become enemies of the kingdom."

"Mercy? This is not mercy, absolutely not mercy."

It turned out that the mighty mob was reduced to indescribable meat and bone fragments by the cannon shot. The power of gunpowder weapons made Tiana realize that what the church said was quite correct.

Gunpowder is a weapon from the devil.

Just this sentence, and a large amount of things around her...

She wanted to vomit.

But she couldn't spit it out.

Because she had been to towns in the coastal areas and knew that the kobolds' guns were more powerful. There is no shortage of burning, killing and looting, and the kobolds who especially like to make crosses will not take their kingdom of Yagan seriously at all.


In a shopping mall next to her, the tauren and Kalais who were watching the show started pointing at her.

"This princess named Tiana...can't do it."

"I haven't seen enough blood. It's best to stay somewhere... Ah! Aren't there some towns on the west coast of the Yagan Kingdom that haven't been visited by kobolds? She should find a city now... No, one Stay there for a few days.”

"Then he was captured by the kobolds and used as a slave girl?"

"Pfft...she should, uh, to be honest, I don't quite believe she would be captured."


"A fool like her who lacks experience and has been miseducated by the Ascetic Church for a long time still has time to shoot herself in the head when she encounters a kobold."


"The kobolds' long-range and close-combat skills are superior to all the military forces of the Karn Empire. Fighting with a long sword and a bayonet is a recipe for death. Moreover, I have never seen anyone in the Karn Empire who can forge a one-meter sword. length."

"A one-meter-long bronze sword? In fact, it is not impossible. After all, the Yagan Kingdom is quite rich in copper ore and saltpeter resources. This ensures that Pablo Denost can control the resources of one party. To contribute to his own hegemony, he is still doing well compared to his unjust relative."

In fact, Pablo himself was helpless. His distant relative, the Marquis, was a drug dealer who grew and produced drugs, and he was a thief who was powerful with his flintlock guns and bronze cannons.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Even if he doesn't want to take this road, he must go!

Especially the dark elf store near the palace.

Even though this place was famous for being polite, the prices were not exorbitantly expensive, but... the more foreign traders and shops acted like they were friendly to the people, the more afraid he became.

Because this means that a lot of money in the Yagan Kingdom will be looted by them.

Before he became king, the original king took advantage of his abundant copper mines and issued copper coins indiscriminately. As a result, the dark elves were like vultures that soared in the sky and found prey on the ground. They came to the Yagan Kingdom to do business from unknown time.

Therefore, until the day he became king, he had no idea how many copper coins fell into the hands of dark elf traders.

He had long known that things were not going well. Even though the people must have had opinions or even resistance, his first order after becoming king was to abolish copper coins and restrict the mining and smelting of copper mines.

The dark elves were short of copper.

It was from that time that he realized the purpose of the dark elf merchants coming. But this was not enough. The people had an unimaginable number of copper coins.

Abolishing the circulation and use of copper coins overnight, and even introducing new currencies to replace them, did not make the people finally want to take out copper coins for trading or save them.

Especially when the dark elves' prices were quite clear, directly and concisely stating how many copper coins were needed for what type of goods.

So if he was not afraid that these dark elves had prepared some terrifying weapons, he really hoped that he could immediately lead the troops to surround the store and then plunder all their belongings. In the end, he relied on bayonets and bullets to tie these guys up and throw them to the dog-headed people as slaves.

However, this was impossible. He now saw a minotaur warrior in full armor staring at him. Even if he pulled out a gun and shot, he could guarantee one thing, he would be the first one to be shot, and his head would explode.

The gun of the Minotaur Warrior... even the power of the pistol was quite terrifying.

Obviously, it was just a small piece of soft iron, but no matter how thick the armor on the body was, or how soft the cotton cloth inside was, the unlucky guy who was shot would die...

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