
Chapter 476 The Importance of Islands

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ] 67 I have been using recently April I have been using recently

The western island of Yagan Kingdom, Zhiluo Island

"Help, help..."


Accompanied by a burst of gunfire, the last Yagan Kingdom citizen living on Zhiluo Island still did not escape the fate of the dog-headed man's sharp knife on his neck.

And Li Chengxian, who was fortunate enough to come to this island 48 kilometers away from the eastern mainland, with a large number of coniferous forests and wheat and potato fields left by the natives, was very happy.

Because this island is too suitable for the colonization of the Guangwu Empire and the exploration activities in the south.

Especially when this island has quite complete road facilities, and the only bridge connecting to the outside world has been blown up, and there is no longer any native nearby.

"Colonel. The last native..."

"Sell it to our territory. By the way, will the new expedition team come tomorrow?"


"Alas... the southern area is too cold, so it's better to develop the island under our feet first."

As Colonel Chengxian said, he was not optimistic about the southern exploration plan that those white-haired officials repeatedly persuaded His Majesty to finally agree to in order to get rid of "harassment".

So when he knew that the Zhiluo Island named by His Majesty himself under his feet had an area of ​​less than 84 square kilometers, and there were many cattle and sheep on the island. There were also many islands and island groups in the south as extensions. He really thought that His Majesty should not agree to those brainless white-haired officials to build Zhiluo Island into a sea fortress first.

What's more, the terrain is high in the west and low in the east, which is good for guarding against the coveted forces from the west. The natives have built fish farms on Zhiluo Island, which is even more worthy of the Empire's heavy investment and construction.

But he also understood that the discovery of Zhiluo Island was purely one of the legacies left to the Empire by the first expedition ship that never returned to the south. As for the others, the second expedition team needs to continue to go south and conduct careful investigations to find out the answer.

At the same time... shua la la...

Perhaps because it is close to the sea, there will be heavy rain at least one day a week. Colonel Cheng Xian was in the newly built headquarters, listening to the sound of rain hitting the ground, and he knew why few natives would dig caves to avoid the search of the imperial army.

The landslide caused by heavy rain forced the originally well-run 7【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】More natives must do a good job of infrastructure construction, otherwise the flood of landslides will bury the natives alive.

Or send them into the sea along the terrain.

But it's time for all this to end.

As long as the double magatama flag belonging to the Guangwu Empire is raised on Zhiluo Island, he always believes that His Majesty and even the Empire will recognize the important strategic position of Zhiluo Island.

Therefore, Colonel Chengxian didn't know, but once he knew about Ligang City, he wanted to applaud the actual controller of Ligang City, the Nigan Kingdom.

Although it's cold, the icebergs in the outer sea will come from time to time; but the benefits brought by Ligang City to the Nigan Kingdom are very obvious.

In addition, the Nigan Kingdom is a vegetarian country, and the demand for food is not as great as other non-vegetarian countries.

Of course, this is a kind of stability for Gao Ben who is "imprisoned" in the naval coastal defense force.

At least the women in the city can wear more tightly, so that he doesn't suffer mentally all the time. However, he is more worried about his daughter. After all, after the daughter was officially adopted and educated by Her Majesty the Queen, she had to wear a traditional dress that fully displayed the beauty of women.


Why do you still want this? As a severely demoted soldier, he should continue to serve the kingdom.

Since he ordered the use of the machine gun on the torpedo speedboat to clear out the first batch of dog-headed expedition members, no one knew when the second and third batches of dog-headed expeditions would come.

So he was riding an amphibious speedboat equipped with a magnetic storm generator, and when he and his comrades were repairing a magnetic storm coil standing near the coast, he really hoped that the magnetic storm coil in front of him and the speedboat he was riding on would only attack icebergs on a daily basis.

Due to the influence of polar gales, the icebergs produced by the southern ice continent have extremely irregular activity trajectories, and with their large number, the garrison of Ligang City needs to go out to sea every day to resist the attack of icebergs.

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Or directly "catch" the iceberg to the shore, on the one hand, directly squeeze the pure water inside it, and on the other hand, see if the organic matter contained in the iceberg is suitable for agricultural use.

To this end, using the high temperature and high pressure effect of the magnetic storm arc to reduce the volume of the iceberg, and reminding the troops of Ligang City to come and clean up the iceberg is what a soldier of the coastal defense force needs to do.

Of course, this is also the reason why he heard about the submarine development plan from the Military Affairs Department.

Icebergs that float unsteadily on the sea and whose whereabouts are not easy to predict are killers of various ships at sea.

Generally speaking, only one-tenth of an iceberg is above the sea surface, and nine-tenths are lurking below the sea surface. At the same time, due to its solidification, the iceberg is no less hard than any type of sharp blade.

What's worse is that the iceberg's body under the sea surface has not suffered too much erosion, and the sharp blade under the sea surface is enough to cut many types of ships, causing the ships to take in water or even sink.

Therefore, it is normal for the Military Affairs Department to propose a submarine plan. After all, among the icebergs "discharged" by the ice continent into the sea, there have been large ones that are larger than the area of ​​Ligang City. Fortunately, the priests of the Secret Keeper Cult helped at that time and "dragged" the iceberg to the shore.

This is why the residents of Ligang City are not short of mineral water and food grown in greenhouses.

At the same time, because of the polar gales, Ligang City built a wind turbine on the northwest hilltop, which is a must-have item, and it is also the source of energy for a large number of military facilities and civilian equipment in Ligang City.

However, compared to the wind, Gao Ben, who completed the maintenance work, felt that the sunlight produced by the sun above his head was one of the most stable energy sources.

But there was no way.

The power of wind has an absolute advantage in Ligang City and even the entire Ona Island to which Ligang City belongs. What's more unfortunate is that the narrow strait between the north of Ona Island and the mainland is not only windy and foggy, but also has high tides and rapid currents, many whirlpools and countercurrents, and there are also rampant floating ice on the sea.

Until now, the Kingdom of Negan has not been able to open up a safe route located in the north of Ona Island, which covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers. Therefore, compared with the troubles at sea, the development, construction and operation and maintenance of land have become the top priority of the Kingdom of Negan.

"Okay, where is the next one?"

"The next one... that is the windmill, about 5 meters northwest."

"Let's go."

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