
Chapter 481: Can you please stop asking?

boom! Boom! Bang bang bang...

"This ship's armor is too hard. Only our guns and grenades can't hit it."

"Aren't there any flat-fire cannons or magnetic induction mines?"

As the suspended amphibious speedboat nicknamed "Stab" withstood the attacks of bullets and grenades while using its magnetic storm arc launcher to emit unimaginable high-voltage arcs to chase him, the last three kobolds who dared to attack were I wish I could find a cave or a cliff to hide.

Because they have seen that the members on the amphibious speedboat have very obvious pointed ears, and there are various weapons and equipment on the speedboat that are obviously guns.

Needless to say, this is the rumored Dark Elf!

But now they don't have walkie-talkies, and they are being chased by a vehicle that can levitate to the ground.



It's a pity that no matter how the three of them run, it's meaningless. Once they enter the shooting range, there will only be one ending.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

That was when the arc of the magnetic storm was stabbed, turning into a coke-like corpse that could not move on the spot.

"Phew! Finally destroyed them."

"You have to thank the thorn𫚉 for the magnetic storm generator on it. At least it won't consume our physical ammunition."

"Okay. Take these three corpses away, clean up the loot and throw them directly into the sea."

"Yes, Lieutenant."

Although in the end, Lieutenant Takamoto watched his men clean up all traces, he still had to say something.

The defense of the thorn is really not very good, but it can block bullets and shoot. The problem is that more powerful explosives, or even specialized anti-armor weapons, may cause large cracks in the armor that is not thick enough.

There is no way around this. After all, the purpose of naval equipment and amphibious speedboats is to create a winning blow during patrols and melees.

The former is easy to understand. It is impossible for the navy of the Negan Kingdom to complete its patrol work with large ships that are not very fast and have not very good maneuverability. On the one hand, this is because the speedboat, which has a certain amphibious capability and can withstand a certain degree of light weapons attack, is very suitable for the reality of the Negan Kingdom. On the other hand, it is because of the development of magnetic storm technology.

It is one of the miniaturized products of magnetic storm coil. It can be installed on ships and can be used in 36 meters. 】The trumpet coil that shoots without blind spots can still produce fatal arcs.

In particular, seawater can conduct electricity, and given that many ships are made of steel and wood, the former needless to say, the latter will catch fire.

Whether it is conducting electricity or catching fire, opponents hit by arcs will face extremely difficult situations. The electrified hull can definitely kill the crew and destroy various metal precision instruments attached to it. As for catching fire…

Once a ship catches fire, I'm sorry if the crew on board cannot put out the fire as quickly as possible. Just one ammunition explosion accident is enough for the crew of a ship to collectively feed the fish in the sea.

Of course, for now, the stabilizing magnetic storm coil has not yet been finalized. Some more traditional and conservative naval officers will also install a torpedo tube on the tail of the stinger, specifically to launch a heavy survival torpedo on the boat when facing a crisis at sea, a heavy-duty one with a caliber of 533 mm and a total length of more than 5 meters, and try to Escape as quickly as possible.

A bit of a rogue and all, but that's the army. Prioritizing the defeat of opponents and preserving the most living combat power has always been an important lesson for the Negan Kingdom.

And compared with magnetic storm weapons, torpedoes, as a military weapon originally from the Aisha continent and the Iron Fist Empire, are too powerful and guaranteed. Therefore, under the conditions of more mature production and research and development technology, the navy and air force of the Kingdom of Negan have a difficult attitude towards torpedoes.

As for how the torpedo came from the Iron Fist Empire to the Negan Kingdom, you can only ask the intelligence department of the Negan Kingdom. After all, the agents under this department will not carry out assassinations casually, do not carry out any sexual inducements, and do not use money to bribe them. There are not many smart minds in the world who can figure out why they always have various gains.

Of course, such three principles seem a bit pedantic to Takamoto himself. However, the Orchid Republic in the north also carries out the same purpose of intelligence activities, or there may be a big reason here that he doesn't quite understand.

Therefore, with the emergence of guided missiles that can self-correct their trajectory, similar guided torpedoes also appeared within the Navy. In short, although the production cost of torpedoes is higher than that of many types of small boats, as the nemesis of ships in sea activities, torpedoes will certainly not bid farewell to the navy's equipment list easily.

"Second Lieutenant, look at the kobold's saber. One of these three guys is a high official."

"Don't give it to me, I don't want such scrap metal. It's up to you."

Since he was originally a naval lieutenant commander, Ensign Takamoto was an officer with his own sword. And for the kobold's saber... I'm sorry, the kobold's knife-making technology is not as good as the blacksmiths of the Negan Kingdom.

If he really needed a new saber, he could purchase it himself. At the same time, although the kobold's scimitar has a back arc that is more suitable for chopping, his own straight-edged saber is more suitable for him.

Yes, he is an officer no matter what. In addition to his stabbing skills, he also specialized in knife skills. However, when patrolling at sea, the saber is of little use and hinders his activities on the ship.

So he would rather carry a multifunctional bayonet that can be detached separately at any time, and would never wear a saber to show off in the market.

For this reason, he looked at his men treating the dog-headed man's saber as his own trophy, and could only sigh in his heart that things are rare and valuable.

You should know that even the soldiers in the army of the Kingdom of Negan do not have their own swords (specifically sabers with a total length of more than 6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.] cm, used with one hand or two hands). Not to mention the standard swords from other countries, or some more expensive command swords, these close combat or ritual weapons are considered common goods in the weapons market.

But Gao Ben would never take this too seriously. After all, the times have changed. He has his own gun, so there is no need to draw his sword. The best way to deal with it is to take out the gun immediately.

"Then their guns..."

"Can you not take it?"

There is no way.

Sometimes the trophies are really worthless, so it is better not to have them.

"Uh... Lieutenant?"

"The Kobold's gun... Don't you have a gun yourself? Look at the revolving rifle in your hand, and then look at the Vulture semi-automatic rifle in the box. Do you have the nerve to compare them?"


"Okay. Let's sail back. Just make sure there's no damage."

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