
Chapter 480: Safety Measures




"Fortunately, our ship has insulation protection."


When the arcs on the ground finally ended with a low explosion, the crew members on the speedboat looked at each other and felt lucky that they were not bombed.

Even though the current on the ground finally disappeared and no longer released high voltage electricity to the sea surface, the crew members watched the dog-headed outpost originally built on the seashore turned into a big pit filled with black coke, and none of them took the initiative to go ashore to observe the situation.

Especially when there were bursts of extremely pungent burning smell coming from the big pit.

"Uh, register, and then..."

"Second Lieutenant, do you really want to go up?"

"In this way, at least our speedboat can be amphibious, go up. At worst, we don't have to go out."

Obviously, Second Lieutenant Gao Ben would not give up easily. So when the speedboat he was responsible for switched the working mode and entered the ground suspension state at a height of 20 centimeters above the ground, a land vehicle that could operate on relatively flat terrain officially appeared.

Of course, in this case, Gao Ben's airship, which can severely damage enemy ironclad ships at sea, can no longer use the advantages of the sea to spread the range of its arc attack. But it doesn't matter. After all, Lieutenant Gao Ben is on a warship. In addition to the standard magnetic storm arc generator as a necessary weapon, there are missile launchers and 84mm caliber rapid-fire guns as secondary weapons on board.

At the same time, Lieutenant Gao Ben and other crew members have their own light weapons as a final safety measure.

That's right.

Light weapons.

As regular soldiers of the Negan Kingdom, even members of the navy who have been with the sea for many years, light weapons are also indispensable.

However, most of the light weapons of the navy are left over from the army, or second-hand goods that have been eliminated.

For example, the pump-action shotgun that the army has never used.

But compared to the shotgun, Lieutenant Gao Ben's speedboat has an anti-aircraft machine gun that has been using 3×99mm machine gun bullets recently. This thing has been in a semi-retired state since the beam launcher was invented and entered the navy, army and air force.

Even the army infantry, who should be equipped and often need to use them, put their energy into the tactics of how to launch explosives, and have never been interested in machine guns.

As a result, the navy ships of all sizes can basically be equipped with at least one machine gun, and some large ships can only have more than a dozen.

However, for now, although the crew members hiding in the amphibious speedboat do not have to continue to breathe the air filled with the smell of burning, their fifteen crew members are operating every combat seat on the speedboat.

Although it is not easy to find something that looks like a thing on a black beach, these are the dog-headed people who also have night vision and like sneak attacks and night attacks. No one knows how many of their members have landed and stationed, let alone whether they have any members who have survived.

"No discovery."

"Me too. But the bombs dropped by the airship are too..."

"Don't say it. I feel like vomiting."


"It's okay, I can still hold on now."

Listening to the conversations of these crew members, Lieutenant Gao Ben himself was very helpless.

Because the pilots and bombardiers of the Seahawk flying in the sky are not like me, they need to observe the battlefield closely before dropping bombs.

So the bombardiers in the Air Force who are responsible for bombing or operating long-range artillery to carry out firepower strikes in the distance have a problem, that is, they hit hard when they are excited.

As a result, the battlefield or the strike range determined by them is the same as the picture in front of me, except that the aerial bomb dropped by the Seahawk airship this time is powerful enough, a big black pit, and nothing will be left.


However, it is regrettable and unexpected.

A rifle grenade flying from the left rear of the speedboat exploded behind the speedboat.

"Sure enough, there are still dog-headed men alive. Kill him!"

"Got it."

Accompanied by Lieutenant Gao Ben's order, the suspended speedboat immediately turned left, and the missile launcher on it was immediately ready...


"Dad, is that your reaction?"

"Then what? What do you think I should do? The Kingdom of Yagan can mass-produce flintlocks. In the next hundred years, the indigenous countries will inevitably be affected by it. It's just that the current Ascetic Church has some smarter brains. It finally opened up its own magic power teaching and trained mages in large quantities."

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At the same time, compared to Dieli Gao Ben driving an amphibious landing speedboat to chase the dog-headed man, Abu Sogen was in his office listening to one of his sons, Lifei Yawen, who served as his secretary and bodyguard, telling him about the circulation of flintlocks.

"Dad, aren't you worried?"

"Ask your uncle Omai and uncle Otu, they probably don't bother to pay attention to you. Remember, guns are not our kingdom's specialty, guided missiles and magnetic storm weapons are the core of our kingdom. As long as our kingdom has these two things, the natives will never be qualified to be our opponents."


"Although I understand that you told me to pay attention to the local Chamber of Commerce and whether the major merchant groups would take the opportunity to resell arms for profit in order to prevent problems from happening. But Yawen, you have to understand one thing. The natives may not understand or realize what our weapons and equipment are like."

"Just like when they couldn't understand why our cannons could shoot farther than their native cannons?"

"That's right. But did you really sell what I told you to the native princes in the west?"

"Uh... Dad, I didn't expect your idea to be so valuable. 800,000 copper coins plus 300,000 silver coins, and 110,000 gold coins... sent."

"Alas. Isn't it just an elliptical rifling? It was originally the technology that our kingdom's mortars were supposed to use. But the soldiers below don't like it, and the officials above are even less happy. So, after returning, sell at least 80% of the money you earn."


"After all, no matter what, the father in front of you still has to thank many distinguished guests for the opportunity to sit in this office."


What my father meant was very simple, that is, don't do things like eating alone. Especially in the Kingdom of Negan, gratitude is a very important virtue.

At the same time, Sogen himself understands that the Kingdom of Golson cannot fall too quickly. If the Kingdom of Golson falls too quickly, it will become a fuse, a fuse that ignites a large gunpowder barrel...

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