
Chapter 479: Not afraid of death...


"I know. Haven't the cannons been pulled in yet?"

"It's too heavy. And in mountainous areas, our guns can't shoot directly."

"Then let me direct fire. Point the muzzle to the sky and let the shells hit the heads of these kobolds!"

Although the forest area has a very good bullet reduction capability, for the army of the Yagan Kingdom, the flintlock guns in their hands are inferior to the modern guns in the hands of the kobolds in terms of range, rate of fire, accuracy, and even weight. There is a very obvious difference in artillery weapons.

Especially when the kobolds began to use infantry cannons and light howitzers that could shine in mountainous environments.

Therefore, the king, Pablo Denost, who was waiting for news of the success or failure of the landing battle on the western coast of the Yagan Kingdom, heard a piece of news.

"Are you saying that a craftsman has made a barrel that can greatly improve the accuracy of bullets?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. According to the sample provided by the craftsman, the internal cross-section of the barrel is a rotating oval."

"that's all?"


"This... why did I think of it back then, but... reward, reward this craftsman well, and complete the first flintlock gun with a new barrel as soon as possible. We don't have much time, and the kobolds won't give us too much. Much time.”

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King Pablo couldn't say anything anymore and didn't care what people outside said about him. As a usurper who killed the original monarch's family through a military coup, he was not a greedy man who pursued supreme power and endless glory and wealth. only.

On the contrary, he knew that no matter how bad his reputation was, he was always the king of the Yagan Kingdom who defended the integrity of his country's territory.

In order to ensure that his territory was not lost, he summoned tens of thousands of troops to carry out the landing battle. Even if he knew very well, his soldiers would definitely suffer a lot of casualties.

So the only thing I have been using recently [to be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】No, only the black-haired Lieutenant Colonel Guan Shan'en, who relied on cannons and machine guns to hold down the formation, and shot pieces from time to time with shotguns, began to shrink his defense line.

"Lieutenant Colonel, there are too many indigenous people. If..."

"Fall back."


"Give them the open space, and I don't believe that their flintlock guns can shoot us head-on on flat ground."

As the Lieutenant Colonel said, the Yagan Kingdom is also the most mature and advanced country in flintlock technology due to the high quality of the saltpeter it produces and the large amount of domestic black powder reserves.

However, no matter how powerful the flintlock gun is, the disadvantage of the front-loading type that can only be loaded from the barrel so far is definitely not as good as the rear-loading repeating firearms commonly used by the kobolds and other countries that have entered modernization.

Coupled with the range and accuracy...the Yagan Kingdom army, which was actually at a disadvantage, relied entirely on its dual advantages of strength and terrain to suppress the kobolds.


"Arrive at the designated location."

"Start dropping bombs!"


If it were the kobolds on the northwest shore of Ona Island, there would be a Seahawk airship above the clouds above their heads.

Although the number of troops was small, as one after another large aerial bombs passed through the clouds and roared directly towards the Kobold outpost, Second Lieutenant Takamoto, who was still observing at sea, felt deeply for the decision of his superiors. horrible.

Airship bombing...

He knew that a Seahawk airship could completely blow up a naval fleet or a smaller town.


Even if your location is 5 miles away from the land [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. At a distance of more than 10 meters, the first large aerial bomb falling on the ground can also produce an extremely strong shock wave that makes him feel like being hammered.

As for the kobolds who actually tasted the Seahawk airship aerial bombs...

Second Lieutenant Takamoto only saw various wreckage flying in the sky, whether mixed with blood or minced meat.

"Too cruel."

That was said, but Lieutenant Takamoto didn't know why. He was very lucky that the Seahawk airship that carried out the bombing was a military air vehicle of his Negan Kingdom and not a toy of the enemy.

Not only was it fast, its ammunition capacity was so large that it terrified him.

It is said that there is also a one-density super heavy aerial bomb at the Air Force Headquarters. Although senior Air Force officials said it was a ground-penetrating bomb, the one-density bomb...

Are you sure this is not used to clean the city?

Just because I’ve been using it recently [To be honest, I’ve been using it recently, it works on both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilogram bomb, he felt earth-shattering. What's more, the 2 he is seeing now [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Kilogram aerial bomb?


Especially in the dog-headed man's outpost, a 7mm caliber infantry gun didn't know if it was too fierce, and fell on the sea next to him. The splashing water not only made him splash seawater, but also caused the hull to shake significantly.

"Leave quickly after shooting. Can't stay any longer."

"But if we leave now... there are no reefs blocking us, then..."

"Uh... okay. Everyone find a place to hold on and don't fall into the sea."

It is precisely because the bombs dropped by the Seahawk airship have extraordinary power that Lieutenant Gao Ben was reminded by his subordinates that he was in a dangerous area.

It must be said that the degree of danger in maritime reconnaissance and patrol is definitely not comparable to that on land and in the air.

Especially in the case of strong winds and waves in the sea area where he is, he uses an anchor to hang on the reef in front of him as a shelter. Otherwise, the shock wave generated by the aerial bomb plus the sea wind and waves, his speedboat may really be washed away directly.

In short, Lieutenant Gao Ben dared to come out to see the situation after the bombing of the airship.


"Go up and take a look."

"Ah? Lieutenant, are you... sure?"

"After all, this is our patrol area today. How can we not go up and take a look? Besides, everyone, get your weapons ready. Maybe there are still dog-headed people alive."

"Ah... yes."

Takamoto himself was very embarrassed by the reactions of the dozen men on the speedboat.

Alive? Survived in the bombing of dozens of large-sized aerial bombs?

It's good that the dog-headed people didn't turn into flying smoke and dust, and they can still have a relatively intact body.

You know, he can still see that there seem to be white arcs and sparks running around on the bumpy ground of the outpost...

But no matter what, he has to take a look, otherwise he won't know what to say when he reports back.

Even if he guessed that the higher-ups would probably organize a live-ammunition throwing exercise to respond to everyone's questions.

In short, it's definitely right to go over and take a look. Or if there are any unexpected surprises, it will be easy for him to report back, right?

For this reason, a speedboat equipped with a magnetic storm arc launcher headed towards a messy coast...

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