
Chapter 484 The Problem

The origin calendar has been used recently [To be honest, it has been used recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】67 has been using June 28th recently

Guangwu Empire Overseas Station, Northern Defense Area of ​​Chiluo Island



As another burst of cannon fire sounded, the kobolds stationed on Zhiluo Island were lying in their bunkers with a comfortable look on their faces.

"Sure enough, the navy's ironclad ships are still more powerful."

"Your Majesty Lieutenant Colonel?"

"No, let everyone take a rest. And thanks to Colonel Chengxian, it's time for me to take a nap too. This month has been so uncomfortable."

As the Lieutenant Colonel said, in order to retake Zhiluo Island, the Yagan Kingdom's army launched multiple attacks on its camp day and night. Although he relied on his superior weapons and equipment to receive support from the imperial troops, he only had 4 of his subordinates who could still fight. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】No, the others are either lying in the hospital, or collapsed outside and have not returned.

With such a force, and the increasing number of indigenous troops successfully landing from the southeast of Zhiluo Island, not only Lieutenant Colonel, but also Colonel Li Chengxian, who came with 3,747 men for emergency support, was quite a headache.

According to the reconnaissance information of the naval force that was finally willing to come over to help, the Yagan Kingdom directly mobilized 24 people in order to regain Zhiluo Island. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】More than 100,000 troops were invested in the war.

Therefore, since Colonel Chengxian was urgently dispatched from above to take charge of the garrison on Zhiluo Island, he ordered three engineering vehicles to re-dig trenches and build various fortresses within the camp.

"Your Majesty Colonel."

"What about the Navy?"

"After they circled the island, they said they were short of fuel. The most they could do was fire artillery from the dock to support us."

"Hmph! Excuse."


"Although I also know that we don't have much fuel and we have to transport it from the north; but...can't we plant diesel trees here?"

Speaking of this matter, Li Chengxian himself was quite depressed. The diesel tree is a plant that has been introduced throughout the Iron Fist Empire and was once exported. It can be used to refine biofuel for various power machines.

However, they kobolds definitely did not import diesel trees from the Iron Fist Empire in the normal way. Instead, they imported diesel trees from the four Akitsu islands ruled by pig-headed people at incredibly high prices. 3 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Mimi Gold purchased 5 diesel tree seeds and planted them himself.

So this led to a consequence. That is, until now, the Guangwu Empire still has many machines that require coal to work.

For this reason, not only the navy, but also all the machines in the entire Guangwu Empire desperately lacked some kind of efficient power source to provide enough power for the development of their own crafts.

So as far as Colonel Chengxian knew, the Orchid Republic in the northwest of the Guangwu Empire had a special biofuel technology.

It is said that it can still be used at 5 degrees below zero to ensure that it does not solidify.

The diplomats above also went to the Orchid Republic many times to make inquiries.

Unfortunately, the conservative attitude of the Orchid Republic has always frustrated diplomats. At the same time, this also made Colonel Chengxian understand that the Orchid Republic in the northwest has many treasures, which are worthy of the intelligence agent's "learning from them".

Although until now, he has never heard of any intelligence agent who could not expose his identity in the Orchid Republic and not be collectively ostracized by the people.

Obviously, Colonel Chengxian did not accurately realize one thing, or had just begun to sprout, that is, the energy revolution.

The importance of energy to a race and even a country has been self-evident since ancient times. What's more, in the military field, energy can dominate the survival of a modern army. Therefore, this is also an important reason why the two countries from the Elsa continent on the Neoland continent have successively carried out their own energy revolutions.

Of course, even if the diplomats and other upper-level officials of the Guangwu Empire knew that in the southeast corner of Neoland, the magnetic storm technology of the Negan Kingdom was actually superior, they would not be able to choose.

For no other reason, the industrial foundation required for magnetic storm technology is too high. It is not like the Guangwu Empire. There are two groups of nobles (white-haired kobolds and black-haired kobolds), and strict hierarchies (white hair, black hair, gray hair in that order). It is something that can be easily understood and digested by the backward militaristic countries with the ideology of class society (decreasing). On the contrary, biofuel, which sounds very "approachable" and quite "down-to-earth", is the wise choice for Guangwu Empire.

The problem is... now some members of the gray-haired kobolds have officially become citizens of the Orchid Republic. They have been bullied and abused by the white-haired kobolds and black-haired kobolds, and they have even entered the political arena of the Orchid Republic as representative members. These gray-haired kobolds, who were originally regarded as untouchables among the kobold clan and were beaten, abused and humiliated at will, and even sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder, would the Guangwu Empire look good?

It would be great to kill the diplomats of the Guangwu Empire without directly drawing a gun and drawing a sword.

"So, they are really tolerant."

"Irwin, have you not read the constitution of the Orchid Republic? It says that diplomats from foreign governments cannot be killed. At least as long as they have not engaged in any illegal or criminal activities on the territory of the Orchid Republic."


"Extraterritoriality, you know? We all have it in foreign embassies. But you know that this right is not an absolute amulet."

Bette's words were full of meaning, and Irving knew it well. The extraterritoriality enjoyed by diplomats is not something that diplomats have, but a right granted by other countries recognizing your government. If it were a vicious country like the Iron Fist Empire, where you would be "reasonably and legally" killed in public if you appeared in your country without reason as long as the legitimacy of your government was not recognized...

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No wonder the Iron Fist Empire's diplomatic level has always been not very good, and it has faced many rebellions from its vassal states.

There is no way, once the law is implemented, the citizens must strictly abide by it.

"But look at the white-haired kobolds outside, the way they stare at the gray-haired kobolds..."

"Innate contempt, a traditional historical problem. But I don't think they will take the initiative to solve this problem."

As a brown-skinned Kalai, Bet was also born as a pariah. He knew how the gray-haired kobolds, who were also born as pariahs, hated the upper class who oppressed them.

But fortunately, the laws of the Orchid Republic are not for show. In addition, the gray-haired kobolds are not the main race of the Orchid Republic. The current leader and prime minister of the Orchid Republic are still jackals. The gray-haired kobolds who become citizens of the Orchid will only respond with hateful eyes.

"Is it because of the two-class aristocracy system of the kobolds?"

"Yes. The rise and fall of the kobolds is the problem."

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