
Chapter 485: Old Friends

Unlike the first day of the establishment of the Kingdom of Negan, when Queen Winnie personally promulgated the abolition of the untouchable system and the equality of citizens as the second basic article of the constitution (the first article established the political system of the Kingdom of Negan as a unicameral parliamentary constitutional monarchy), a white-haired dog-headed man named Quan Ruotian appeared among the dog-headed people.

In order to establish his own country, this dog-headed man thoroughly implemented the two-class aristocracy system that was unimaginable to the people of the Kingdom of Negan.

What is even more unacceptable to the Kingdom of Negan from top to bottom is that such a two-class aristocracy system is actually from the mother.

In other words, if the mother who gave birth to you is an untouchable, then you are absolutely an untouchable.

Although Bet's brother-in-law, Abu Sogen, is a typical representative of the untouchable illegitimate son of the United Kingdom of Eri, even though his biological father is a member of the well-known Nofalis family in the United Kingdom of Eri, he cannot inherit anything belonging to the Nofalis family.

Except for bloodline.

At the same time, citizens like Sogen are not the only ones in the Kingdom of Negan. Therefore, officials including Sogen severely criticized such a system of following the mother.

But then again, the two-class aristocracy formed by Quan Ruotian, who let the white-haired dog-headed people stand on his right hand and the black-haired dog-headed people stand on his left hand, not only completed the unification of the dog-headed people in just 25 years, but also had the ability to implement military expansion based on the Jiwei Peninsula.

For this point, Bet himself actually admired it very much.

However, the militarism advocated by Quan Ruotian during this period and his behavior of wantonly editing history books seriously humiliated the Iron Fist Empire royal family, causing the Iron Fist Empire Emperor to personally write a declaration of war and specially send two princes to the front line to kill the dog-headed people.

Although one of the princes of the Iron Fist Empire failed at the beginning, the remaining prince made the dog-headed people know what it was like to live a life worse than death.

"Bate, you said... Guangwu Empire... no, or the high-ranking dog-headed people in Jiwei Peninsula have never thought of promoting the gray-haired dog-headed people?"

"Promote? Promote a group of disloyal ministers who have no cultural knowledge and are always ready to rebel?"


"Erwen, Guangwu Empire has inherited a tradition, that is, only white-haired and black-haired dog-headed people are qualified to participate in the assessment and officially become civil and military officials. Not only are gray-haired dog-headed people not qualified, they are not even able to get close to the palace."

"Isn't this just treating gray-haired dog-headed people as slaves?"

"Yes, they are slaves. It's just that now there are native captives After the capture, the gray-haired kobolds have improved a little. As for the Jiwei Peninsula... the entire society of the kobolds has been fixed, and the privileges of their upper class are based on the premise that countless gray-haired kobolds have suffered. Hmm... Sometimes I am a little worried that the gray-haired kobolds will be like my old friends. "

"Your old friends? Ah!"


"Don't, don't let this happen."

Irving understood what Beth meant at the first time. It was a miracle that the brown-skinned Kalai of the Eri United Kingdom was not lured and corrupted by the demon forces except for running to the Negan Kingdom.

"Ah, gray-haired kobolds... No matter what, they are kobolds. The kobolds' problems, bloodthirstiness, have never been truly eliminated from the root."

"Unless they encounter a sacred beast."

Although the Orchid Republic is a country without obvious religious beliefs, this does not mean that the Orchid Republic has no gods. So Irving has always hoped that he would have a chance to meet the god of the Orchid Republic, the Qilin, who is called the four-legged green deer on the water by the Black Dragon God and has the holy water power that is completely opposite to the Black Dragon God.

Flame and ice.

Black dragon and Qilin.

The Kingdom of Negan and the Orchid Republic.

The two coexist on the same continent, one in the south and one in the north, confronting each other but cooperating with each other.

"The holy beast Qilin... it is not something you can see whenever you want. And its power is also beyond our imagination. Therefore, it is difficult for the gray-haired dog-headed man to avoid a possibility of becoming a cultist. By then, everyone should be ready."


Looking at the gray-haired dog-headed man and the white-haired dog-headed man outside looking at each other with the most unfriendly eyes, Irving can be sure of a future.

That is, the gray-haired dog-headed man will one day launch a war against the white-haired dog-headed man and the black-haired dog-headed man.

At the same time, on the island of Zhiluo, Colonel Chengxian is using a 5 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】mm caliber heavy artillery was placed on the turret of the base.

"Colonel, this cannon..."

"Alas. This cannon is a high-end product specially imported by the Empire from Japanese arms dealers. The Empire currently has no ability to produce it. Only, only the cannonball can be manufactured by the Empire itself."

Li Chengxian didn't want to admit this fact, but he had to admit it. The Guangwu Empire needs time and sufficient funds for imitation and research and development.

Moreover, the other option, the internationally used 55mm caliber heavy artillery, is too expensive. In addition, the high-level officials of the Guangwu Empire don't like it, especially the attitude of His Majesty is quite bad, so they can only use the 5mm caliber cannon that has been used recently.

As for a 5mm caliber heavy artillery that has been used recently, what is the significance? Anyway, the army of the Kingdom of Yagan will soon learn about it.

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But for the scouts of the Kingdom of Yagan hiding in the mountains and forests, even if the caliber looks a bit small. But as far as they know, the shells fired by the dog-headed cannons are definitely not something they can easily resist.

After all, how powerful are the special military high-explosive bombs...


"Do you really think I can't see where you spies are? Good job!"

"Colonel, you are... Can't we use a smaller infantry cannon?"

"What do you know? Sometimes it is necessary to let these gray-haired pariahs feel the power of the empire. Especially the shells fired by the 5mm caliber heavy artillery that have been used recently. This is a good thing that can create a pit of more than ten meters with one shot."

Colonel Chengxian looked at the shells fired by the 5mm caliber heavy artillery that have been used recently. 】 Various debris flying into the sky meters away, he felt that the gray-haired dog-headed people under his command should not only be cannon fodder pulled to the battlefield to fill trenches like the infantry of the vassal states of the Kahn Empire.

Sometimes it is necessary to give some sweetness.

Especially when one of the human heads fell on the ground in front of him.

But what Colonel Chengxian didn't know was that in the Neoland continent hundreds of years later, the descendants of the gray-haired dog-headed artillerymen he trained were no longer pariahs, but heroes remembered by the world.

Of course, before that day came, the Guangwu Empire that Colonel Chengxian fought for had already fallen...

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