
Chapter 490 Just right?

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ] 67 I have been using it recently Year I have been using it recently Month 2

The capital of the Orchid Republic, Anchor City, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Negan

"Bette, do you know how the south got another batch of gray-haired dog-headed people in the past six months? Moreover, these are women."

"Ambassador, I can only say that my colleagues in the Mino Peninsula did a great job."


"Ambassador, according to the information I have learned now, don't the dog-headed people have a two-class aristocracy? They...some of their female family members have lost their husbands, so they were sold by other male dog-headed people. My colleagues just happened to meet them."

"Just happened?"

The members who can come to the embassy of the Orchid Republic to work are not fools, especially Bet, who said that the various unnatural expressions on his face showed one thing.

Black eating black.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the Orchid Republic is willing to pay to buy some citizens back to enrich its own national defense.

However, it was Bet's expression that made the members of the embassy realize a problem. That is, under the civil and military aristocracy system implemented by the Kobolds, there are countless female Kobolds who have become concubines without any status.

As a country that is legally forced to agree to polygamy, the Kingdom of Nigan is actually very incomprehensible about this matter.

But this is much better than the large number of countries in the west of the Elsa Continent that are openly monogamous but privately have chaotic relationships between men and women.

It’s just that the Kobolds’ unfriendly treatment of female members has led to a result. That is, the female Kobolds, especially the lowest-level gray-haired Kobolds, can’t even be cannon fodder, and can only be reduced to lust-releasing machines and reproductive machines.

Especially in the current Jiwei Peninsula, the "slow" invasion of the Iron Fist Empire is squeezing the last living space of the Kobolds bit by bit. So their greatest significance of existence...

"Ambassador, regarding this, my brother-in-law's mother is actually a similar case."

"Aren't you talking about Mayor Abu who secretly asked Muying Company to do various special jobs?"

"You know that too?"

"He is quite good at finding legal loopholes and knows what to do without causing trouble."


Speaking of Abu Sogen, the members of the embassy couldn't help but laugh. The reason why the Golson Kingdom failed to reform and strengthen the army repeatedly and became a drug trafficking country that exported Maben drugs to make profits is that Abu Sogen, the mayor of Lengchuan City, is definitely a great contributor.

Because everyone knows that Mayor Abu only relies on the geographical location of Lengchuan City adjacent to the border of the Golson Kingdom to control the foreign trade materials of the Golson Kingdom by various means for a long time.

As for how much of this is real, in fact, the materials that can enter the Negan Kingdom are rejected by him for various legal reasons, that is a tacit matter.

As a result, the caravans of the Golson Kingdom became victims of their restrictions. They had to sell their products that could be legally sold to Lengchuan City and even the Kingdom of Negan at a low price, and then work overtime to grow hemp grass to make up for their losses after returning.

Of course, as long as these caravans do not export drugs to the Kingdom of Negan, Abu Sogen will not do anything to the Kingdom of Golson. On the contrary, Muying Company, as the behind-the-scenes financier and partner of Abu Sogen, completely follows his policy to guide the Kingdom of Golson in which direction to develop its business.

"But then again, orchids want gray-haired dog-headed people... Is it because they can farm?"

"Ambassador, according to the information I know, among the races living in the colder northern regions, only dog-headed people can grow rice in cold and wet swamps."

"What about other races?"

"That's our Kalai clan."

Obviously, Kalai, the main race of the Kingdom of Negan, is very emotional about rice, a crop that should be grown in temperate and tropical regions.

Even when did the Kalai people start to grow rice and learn to cook rice? It was before the beginning of the Origin Calendar, which was called the ancient times.

At that time, the Kalai people not only did not establish the unified Eri United Kingdom, but even the major Kalai tribes at that time were still in a state of mutual attack, and the written language was completely different.

The only thing was that they grew and ate rice, which was the only common point; it was also the fundamental reason why the major Kalai tribes launched wars in ancient times.

In short, as wheat and barley seeds from the north, as well as related farming and cooking methods were introduced to the Kalai people, the Kingdom of Negan is now beginning to reorganize how much knowledge has been lost in the war in the past, and is trying to combine it with archaeology to carry out a new technological revolution for itself.

Especially when Bet himself had collected some intelligence in the past that the Kingdom of Negan did not know whether it should be made public until now, it would be better to just brush it off in the name of technological revolution. After all, the wars that broke out in ancient times caused heavy casualties, and the things left after the wars were once taken away by another group of visitors from the sky.

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It is really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

"Our Kalai... Could it be..."

"Ambassador, there are no more than five races in the world that use rice as their main food. And even among them, the human race, they used to eat noodles or bread made from wheat. As for now, we have to thank the Japanese and wheat people for their promotion. , but at least four-fifths of the human race still regard wheat as their staple food."

"It's no wonder that once they encounter a famine, they will face civil strife, even cruel wars with no end in sight, and the emergence of cannibals."

In fact, compared to the ambassador's understatement, wheat, as an annual plant, is very unsuitable to face certain years with abnormal climate.

For this reason, when the Iron Fist Empire was first established, granaries were built specifically in various important towns to store food. On the basis of this, the Negan Kingdom also specially conducts research on long-term storage of different grains, fruits and vegetables.

Therefore, this is also why, as long as the princes of the Kahn Empire on the continent of Neoland have a food shortage, they will be exchanged for gold and silver jewelry by the Negan Kingdom.

After all, the old grains in Negan Kingdom do not have any seeds that can grow and germinate when planted in the ground. They are all dry grains that have been processed to ensure that they will not grow.

After all, the Agriculture Ministry officials of the Negan Kingdom are not idiots. They know that food seeds are an important part of the country's strategic resources and can be a terrifying force that can determine the survival of a country or even several races.

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