
Chapter 498: Pressure from the Leiden-class battleship

"Major General..."

"Um, wu, I, I'm fine, help me up."


With the help of a guard beside him, the black-haired dog-headed man named Zheng Peizhi was staggering and looking at the valley where he was. Not only was the valley in a mess, but there were also a large number of small craters similar to those caused by large grenades.

And around the craters, there were dog-headed men lying in pools of blood one after another.

"This is... an air-blast bomb. No, something just exploded above our heads, and then these grenades were dropped... Those who are still alive, please answer me!"

But compared to this subordinate, there are 8【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】Without enough troops, it is unknown how many Major General Peizhi can stand up again. A group of marines from the Negan Kingdom riding on amphibious personnel carriers came to the scene and began to check the beach with a bored look. It was bombed countless times before, with big holes and black scorched earth everywhere.

"This beach again..."

"I don't want to say it anymore. But if I have a choice, I would rather come here than go to the ice continent in the south."

Obviously, with just a few words like this, a group of marines who suffered from the double "abuse" of depression and boredom, even though they were holding the first military standard automatic rifle of the Negan Kingdom, a braked automatic rifle with a under-hook front-loading smoothbore grenade launcher, and wearing special blue camouflage clothing and armor, as one of the five elite arms in the Negan Kingdom, they have never experienced actual combat since their establishment.

Only on the training ground, their exercise results and performance have always been very good, which made Her Majesty the Queen quite satisfied, so that they have gained such a reputation that is not sure whether it is true or not.

Anyway, when some of the kobolds staggered from the valley to the high ground on the beach to collect some scraps, they were very "honored" to look at each other with more than a thousand members of the Marine Corps.

"You are...ah! Ah...there are...there are...a lot of dark elves coming to the beach in cars!"

"Go back!"

Accompanied by the shouting of two gray-haired kobolds, the Marines were surprised to see these kobolds who suddenly appeared, even if they didn't know what language the kobolds spoke, and immediately went back to their amphibious personnel carriers.

These days, everyone is not stupid, and everyone is afraid that the other party will be hostile. Especially when both sides are armed with guns, it will be a battle if things go wrong.

"More than a thousand dark elves? Do you have a telegraph? Report immediately! These dark elves are really hiding at the southernmost tip of the continent, and... destroy them!"

"Major General?"

"We still have thousands of soldiers here, and we will never allow those dark elves to set foot on the territory of the empire! Fire! Avenge our fallen soldiers!"

In this way, an emergency notification document from Ligang City was directly delivered to the Congress of the Kingdom of Negan, and the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs officially conveyed the proactive declaration of war by the dog-headed people.

"Wait, are you sure it was not our Negan army that took the initiative to fire at the dog-headed camp?"

"No, absolutely not. According to our aerial reconnaissance two months ago, there were no buildings in the bombarded area, and no dog-headed people appeared! Prime Minister, we have always chosen places such as wastelands where no intelligent life forms appear for live-fire exercises."

Prime Minister Aiqi was skeptical of the words of the military officials. But it must be said that the southernmost area of ​​Neoland is indeed the most suitable place for training. The polar cold wind and the waves full of floating ice are a great test of the equipment and combat effectiveness of the navy, army and air force of the Kingdom of Negan.

At the same time, more importantly, Ligang City, as the city closest to the southern ice continent, has been providing the most powerful logistical support services for the Kingdom of Negan to inspect the ice continent. But now the dog-headed man called his own ironclad ship and began to chase the Marines who were urgently evacuated to the sea.

Do we really have to fight a big war?


If nothing else, Ona Island must not be lost! This place is the territory of the Kingdom of Negan, and the Guangwu Empire represented by the dog-headed man clan must not be allowed to set foot!

Therefore, Prime Minister Aiqi immediately handed such a document to Her Majesty the Queen who was helping to take care of the children, and Her Majesty the Queen, Lai Ting Winnie, signed and stamped the declaration of war without saying a word.

"But Aiqi, I only allow the annihilation of all the dog-headed people who invaded our territorial waters, and forbid crossing the red line to launch a counterattack."

"Insufficient troops?"

"Well, the number of people in our kingdom is not enough to support Nigan in a large-scale war of attrition. A quick victory and a public diplomatic warning to the Guangwu Empire."

"But do the dog-headed people know what language we speak?"

"Are they qualified not to listen?"

As Her Majesty, whose biggest hobbies are researching medicine and taking care of children, said, in the southernmost waters of Neoland, the Guangwu Empire is stationed in the southern stronghold of the continent. The only destroyer in Sand Point City that guards the south and once beat the natives so hard that they dared not show their heads, encountered a heavy battleship that was larger than itself as soon as it went out to sea.

"Hiss... Is this... Is this a battleship of the Iron Fist Empire? Look at the guns on it..."

"Our ship is only 39 meters long, and theirs is more than 25 meters..."

The Gnoll Navy, who had enjoyed victory in military operations against the natives on destroyers, was also confused, because in the sea southeast of them, the Leiden class from the Kingdom of Negan was a battleship with a length of 27 meters, a width of 39 meters, and a speed of up to 53 kilometers per hour.

What's more, this battleship named Leiden is the first battleship of the Kingdom of Negan. Even if it has not experienced any war experience, as the former Queen's car, the Leiden class has a full load displacement of 6556 meters.

As for the Kaito-class destroyer that the Kobolds have launched to assist the army in chasing the Marines of the Kingdom of Negan, it is just a ship with a total length of 39 meters, a width of 4 meters, and a full load displacement of 39 meters. The only advantage is that it has a speed of 55 kilometers per hour and can leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

The problem is that the armament on the Kobolds' Kaito-class destroyer is three 2mm caliber rapid-fire guns as the main guns and twenty-one 2mm machine guns as secondary guns, and four machine guns firing 8×58mm rifle bullets...

No matter how you look at it, it is an absolutely suicidal comparison. What's more, it is not an easy task to start a naval artillery battle in the sea full of icebergs.

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