
Chapter 497: There are troublemakers everywhere

"You said a thief stole your things? And knocked you out? And one of the thieves was a female member of Kalai? Ivan, did you dream about something? How about I, Mimu Irwin, introduce my sister to you?"

"I... don't need it."

"Okay. I have your task here, get to work first."

Obviously, Yoda Irwin, who had no useful intelligence at all, did not get any useful information from his boss, Mimu Irwin, the intelligence chief of the Kingdom of Negan in the Orchid Republic.

So instead of Ivan biting the bullet and taking the job and continuing to go out, a male Kalai assistant holding a file bag signaled to Irwin with his eyes. Therefore, in a corner of a cafe in Anchor City, the capital of the Orchid Republic, Irwin got two documents with photos from his assistant.

"Brother, they are affiliated with foreign trade and work for the private company they are affiliated with."

"Sure enough, private companies have good vision. How did they know Ivan?"

"I can only say that Ivan was too famous before."

Listening to his assistant and brother's words, Irving could only sigh that Ivan, an explosion fanatic, had improved five 55mm caliber field artillery shells that had been used recently into mines in pursuit of the ultimate explosion, and used them in a war to ambush the natives and harass them.

The result was just as everyone guessed, the natives turned into flying debris and meat like fluttering snowflakes.

So, this is why Ivan is called the "King of Demolition", especially under the premise that he collected various materials and made explosives by himself.

To be honest, the military is also blind. Why not keep such a blasting expert who knows how to use local materials and make high-powered explosives by himself?

Isn't this a big hidden danger of creating instability for the Kingdom of Negan?

Moreover, some of Ivan's explosives have been obtained by one of the private arsenals in the Kingdom of Nigan, and have been tested on their own guns and ammunition.

In order to get better explosives from Ivan, this arsenal will inevitably make more attempts to win over Ivan or snatch the explosive formula from Ivan.

At the same time, in a valley on the northwest coast of Ona Island, the dog-headed people from the north are busy building a secret observatory belonging to the Guangwu Empire.

"This time we found a valley to build a camp. I don't believe that this time there will be another accident."

"Major General, the four 5mm caliber heavy artillery from the north sank because the transport ship hit the iceberg."

"What? Now we can only rely on those 75mm caliber light mountain artillery, as well as the soldiers' infantry guns and mortars?"

"Yes, Major General."


As one of the important weapons and equipment that Guangwu Empire needs to import from abroad, the 5mm caliber heavy artillery is the most lethal and long-range weapon of Guangwu Empire's navy and army so far.

However, due to the fact that Guangwu Empire's steel industry technology has long been restricted by the Japanese and Mai people, and the long-term unsuccessful road to the south of Guangwu Empire, the lack of high-quality iron ore means that the army of Guangwu Empire can only guarantee no more than 2mm caliber. 】There are enough raw materials for millimeter-caliber cannons.

So according to the opinions of the imperial ministers, bypassing the major princes of the Kahn Empire and seeking land suitable for expansion has become the new policy of the Guangwu Empire.

But for some reason, the more you go south along the coastline, the more accidents will occur on almost every ship of the empire.

For example, the sinking of the ship carrying the cannon this time.

Obviously, a country that has taken the lead and stepped up efforts to develop and build Ona Island is absolutely inevitable.

However, with the dual advantages of technology and tactics, the dog-headed people of the Guangwu Empire have not discovered this parliamentary constitutional monarchy called the Kingdom of Negan until now.

At the same time, because the development of the military equipment of the Kingdom of Negan is moving towards long-range precision strikes with guided missiles and latent infiltration and espionage. It is difficult for the dog-headed people of the Guangwu Empire to fight against a national force with advanced military power.

In particular, these dog-headed people hiding in the valley did not detect the three uninvited guests flying at low altitude at all; let alone where they came from. And at the last moment, they first broke through their radar detection, and then exploded directly above their heads...

Boom boom boom...

"Protect His Excellency the Major General!"


"I say, aren't you exaggerating a bit? Cluster missiles bombing open space?"

"There's no way, our guided missiles always have a shelf life. Didn't the above say that icebergs can't be bombed, so we just find an open space to fire live ammunition."

"The problem is... aren't you worried about whether there are animals on it?"

"Where are there any animals? It's good enough to have trees growing in our place near the southern ice continent. Moreover, our first battleship of the Negan Kingdom also needs to adapt to the new equipment. After all, you know, we don't have a suitable opponent here at all, and it's too boring to bomb icebergs all the time."

As a battleship captain said, the Kingdom of Negan is a country with steel behemoths called battleships. However, compared with traditional battleships, the battleships of the Kingdom of Negan are not famous for their naval gunfire due to the development of missile technology.

Moreover, unlike the Aisha Continent, which is famous for its naval gunfire with only a 9% hit rate, the guided missiles launched by the three missile launchers on the battleships of the Kingdom of Negan can ensure that the locked target is difficult to escape the attack.

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And even if there is a speedboat that suddenly flies in front of it, this battleship still has eight 55mm main guns, four 84mm secondary guns, and 32 beam machine guns as a means of defense.

Of course, with such an armed system, it is destined that its most important goal is to bombard the ground, rather than to fight traditional naval battles with enemy ships on the sea where torpedoes shuttle from time to time. After all, this battleship does not have any torpedo launchers, and at most only has a smaller depth charge to bomb underwater targets. The guided missiles on it are not for show. Being able to fight over-the-horizon naval battles at long distances is the kingly way pursued by the Navy of the Kingdom of Negan.

"However, about the 84 guns..."

"We know there are 85 guns, but you have to consider the inventory problem. The Kingdom's ammunition reserves are not a small number, and it is difficult to use them up. And do you think we should send some troops up there to see the effect of the attack?"

"Ah? We have to send the Marines up there to attack an empty field?"

"Of course. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will be very bored, and they will find trouble for themselves."

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