
Chapter 501 New Trend Activities

"Oh, the guards are really interesting now. They ride on four-legged walking mechas and hold sabers as cavalry?"

"Father. That's not true. These Minotaur Guards are bored. They have to use the scythe mechas that were originally used to carry supplies as war horses to satisfy their addiction to cavalry wielding sabers."

At the same time, listening to his son, Beian's story, Sogen, who came to the Solo City Congress to report on his work, felt helpless about the "new trend" activities of the Minotaur Guards.

You must know that in the past period of time, even in the history of the Minotaur clan, the Minotaur clan has never tried what it feels like to ride a horse and gallop. In addition, because the Minotaur did not have a standard saber before, they used to use axes that they found or collected from somewhere to chop people. They are quite enthusiastic about the standard cavalry sabers issued by the Kingdom of Nigan.

After all, the minotaurs are generally tall and mighty, and it is too difficult for them to find a suitable warhorse that can bear their weight. In addition, after the establishment of the Kingdom of Negan, it directly developed towards mechanization instead of mule-horse tactics. As a result, until now, after the appearance of the four-legged walking mecha of the saber that is specially used to deal with the rugged roads in the mountains, the minotaurs guards stationed in the Capitol and the Royal Palace have been the first to get the moon near the water tower, and began to hold equestrian competitions on the open roads of the Capitol and the Royal Palace.

"So this is why they are so bored that they whip the mecha with a whip in one hand and chop the scarecrow in the middle of the road with a saber in the other hand?"

"This... Father, I didn't expect the minotaurs to be so happy. Maybe they haven't enjoyed riding horses much..."

At this point, Beian himself lowered his head. As a designer, he didn't originally think of designing the mecha to be similar in size to a warhorse. However, for some reason, officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs jointly put forward a request, that is, the miniaturization of mechas is conducive to activities in narrow areas such as mountainous areas and urban areas.

As a result, this also led to the smaller and smaller walking mechas of the sabers.

However, as for the result, Beian himself was still quite happy.

"Okay. You here... I will report to the Congress later, and come back to you after finishing a lot of annoying things. By the way, I will see my granddaughter."


As Sogen walked into the Capitol with a strange look on his face, Princess Jiaqi, who came with her daughter, came to her husband's side.

"Your father seems to be very busy."

"How can he not be busy? The Golson Kingdom has started to erupt in unrest again. Some defeated forces are unwilling to accept the outcome of failure and try to trade drugs and even arms with Lengchuan City."

"Huh? Drugs for arms?"

"Yes. Like that Ma Ben, it is said to be very valuable in Eri."

Since the natives knew how to use Ma Ben grass to make Ma Ben, Princess Jiaqi knew that it was not only the Golson Kingdom, but in fact other native forces and some members of the Ascetic Church who broke away from it gradually became addicted to drugs.

So much so that through the underground world of the Negan Kingdom, some Ma Ben also flowed into the Aisha Continent. Therefore, under the drug addiction caused by drugs, the high profits formed by drug trafficking and drug transportation are completely inevitable.

For this reason, as a border city of the Negan Kingdom, Lengchuan City has unfortunately become a distribution center where drug dealers can easily obtain drugs.

"But... it's OK. As for the natives now, they shouldn't be very resistant to explosives, right?"

"The premise is that the Ascetic Church doesn't make trouble. But Jiaqi, did you hear about something when you were in the army? The Ascetic Church split."

"It's because the two countries, the Kingdom of Yagan and the Kingdom of Golson, set a good example."

Speaking of this, Princess Jiaqi herself laughed.

The Ascetic Church, because of its own obscurantism, has caused the people of the Kahn Empire to fall into a long period of ignorance, and has "provided" a large number of slaves to the dog-headed people in the north. As a result, the princes have long been dissatisfied with the Ascetic Church representing the power of the Central Dynasty, and even more disgusted with its frequent interference in their internal affairs, and began to openly and secretly establish new church forces that obey them.

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Of course, in the eyes of the bishops of the Ascetic Church, these vassal states that privately established churches are all heretics and need to be sanctioned. But now that the entire Kahn Empire is facing both external and internal troubles, the monks sent by the church cannot guarantee their own survival.

Especially facing the assassins from the Kingdom of Nigan, even if they have a certain amount of magic power, they will definitely not be able to beat the assassins who have all kinds of assassination methods, from secret poisoning to laying traps, long-range sniping to fixed-point blasting, magic strikes to sharp blades piercing the heart. As a result, a hunting order with a picture of a female Kalai with black hair, orange eyes and white skin has appeared in the underground world of the Kingdom of Golson.

There is no way, sometimes assassins do their work too well, and it is often easy for the outside world to think about their lives. But as far as Jiaqi knows, this assassin who is being hunted actually has a little relationship with her. Especially she knows who the photo is, Beian's half-sister, Susha Xinduo.

But she will not remind her husband, after all, this little aunt named Xinduo is a traveling priest (assassin) who is not doing her job and wandering around. Since she is engaged in such a job, then the little aunt Xinduo must have enough precautions. In addition, Xinduo's home is in Lengchuan City, the territory of Beian's father, Abu Sogen, and the assassins from the Kingdom of Golson want to kill her.

The difficulty is really very high.

What's more, all members of the Abu family have inherited the blood of Mayor Sogen's illegitimate children, and all of them have extraordinary magical power talents. Just like her husband, Beian, although he usually hides in the arsenal and is busy with this and that, the reason why he is responsible for the research and development of the saber walker is that he can inject his own magical power into the core components of the crystal power of the prototype.

In other words, every saber walker in the Kingdom of Negan is Beian's "child", all of which are industrial products after copying the data of the prototype.

"They take the lead? In fact, in my opinion, I think the Ascetic Church should be forced to reform under pressure."

"Reform is not an easy thing. Aren't our weapons and equipment facing the reform of tradition and innovation?"

As Princess Jiaqi said, since the emergence of magnetic storm technology, there has been a voice in the army to magnetically storm the entire army, calling on everyone to fight together with magnetic storm weapons. But there is a trouble here, that is, the inventory is not easy to digest in a short time. Especially the old models of firearms and weapons, many of which cannot be easily sold abroad to make money.

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