
Chapter 505: Things are getting worse

"Is it so difficult to deal with just one dark elf?"

As a white-haired dog-headed supervisor surrounded by four fireballs escaped from the embrace of the sea and roared at his subordinates with an extremely proud look and a dry look on his body, Ai Tu couldn't help but shoot directly with the 6×2 micro submachine gun in his hand that had been using millimeter pistol bullets recently.

Although Ai Tu belongs to the navy, it sounds like he shouldn't be like the army, holding a submachine gun and doing the work of a commando; but the troops of the Kingdom of Negan are all without exception, and all of them are characterized by having received and mastered various types of standard light weapons and equipment.

In addition to the particularity and importance of the aviation force, pilots including Ai Tu not only master the skills of driving flying vehicles, but also cannot lose the light weapons technology they originally mastered.

After all, in actual situations, once a pilot is shot down, he is forced to make an emergency landing or activate the emergency escape device to wait for rescue in the wilderness. The necessary self-defense light weapons and equipment must not only be carried in advance, but also serve as a good helper for the pilots of the Kingdom of Negan to survive in the wild.

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Especially now, Ai Tu was bombarded by the white-haired dog-headed man with fireballs, and had to fight back under the cover of the wreckage of the wingman.

"Ai Tu, did you hear me? The rescue team will arrive in three minutes, hold on."

"Headquarters, you might as well let the ground troops fire, these dog-headed men have a wizard! He can also open the shield to block my bullets!"

"What? Okay! Then you be careful! Don't get bombed!"


Even if he was alone for the time being, even if he only had a micro submachine gun as the main weapon in his hand to fight back; but Ai Tu killed at least ten dog-headed men who invaded the Kingdom of Negan.

For this achievement, he was excited looking at his partner lying in the wreckage of the plane. The other dog-headed bastards didn't matter, the key was that white-haired dog-headed man, he had to find a way to kill him.


Didn't it say it above?

The beam weapons of the kingdom all fired beam bombs, which were essentially the composite energy-focusing rays of magic crystals. Moreover, the purple beam emitted by the beam launcher is actually a composite ray of two kinds of light.

So Ai Tu looked at the relatively intact beam machine guns on the wreckage of the fighter plane and some guided missiles that were still in the missile launcher and not damaged. He suddenly wanted to use them to destroy the dog-headed wizard.

As long as this white-haired bastard died, there was no need to worry about the other dog-headed people who didn't even know where to throw their guns and had to look for their fallen companions to find guns. Anyway, the fighting distance between the two sides was only about 5 meters recently, so it was impossible for the dog-headed man's Manka rotary rifle to shoot at the submachine gun in his hand.

Especially the 6×2 of the Negan Kingdom has been using millimeter pistol bullets recently, which are steel core armor-piercing bullets. The dog-headed people lying on the bare ground will only have one ending-death.



The white-haired dog-headed man who covered himself with a layer of pale white shield was really hard to fight. Even if he could fight with a bayonet, he could not guarantee that he would be blown away by a fireball when he rushed forward.

So he looked at the wreckage of the plane again and found that the beam machine gun and missile launcher were aimed at the white-haired dog-headed man...

"You useless people, come here! Look, what's so great about the dark elves? They are just too scared to show their heads in front of me!"

However, the white-haired dog-headed man turned his head back from behind, and a series of purple beams instantly cut his body into pieces of meat rolling on the beach. At the same time, the gray-haired and black-haired dog-headed men who finally had nothing to worry about and were not afraid for the time being watched a string of missiles kill them in front of them at the speed of a blink of an eye...


Although he rushed into the cockpit of the plane at the moment when the white-haired dog-headed man turned around and scolded him, and used emergency start to restore the work of the beam machine gun and the launch of the missile; but Ai Tu, who knew that he was gambling, looked at the scene where the remaining dog-headed men were blown to pieces, and his heart was filled with endless gratitude.

At least he will definitely use his partner's name on his child in the future as a sign of respect for his partner who can never get up again.

Compared to Ai Tu who finally waited for the rescue team, Gru who received the emergency document notification was full of anger.

"Your Highness?"

"Sogen, the dog-headed people took the initiative to cross the border and openly attacked our border guards, resulting in the death of one of our pilots."

"This is not easy to deal with."


"My suggestion is... where is the nearest city of the dog-headed people? Just raze it to the ground."

Obviously, even if he hadn't stayed in Qingye Gru for a long time, Sogen still knew how to answer his famously exclusive prince.

After all, such a thing is clearly a declaration of war.


Originally, the Kingdom of Nigan had no formal diplomatic relations with the Guangwu Empire, or even the entire dog-headed people.

In other words, so far, there is no problem at all for the two countries that have not established formal diplomatic relations and have even fought on the battlefield to start a war directly.

"Don't you think about taking it down?"

"Your Highness, where do we have enough citizens to accomplish this? Just to ensure that we can firmly control the southeast corner of Neoland, we need to have millions of citizens. On this basis, we need 50,000 people to be able to participate in military activities."

"You are exaggerating, right? Just you, how many children and grandchildren do you have? We need too much time."

"But Your Highness, we don't want to, it doesn't mean that the outside forces can really understand what our tolerance means."

"So, I have an idea, an idea that is very suitable for dog-headed people."

Unlike the father, Beian, who looked strange, grabbed Yawen who just helped to pass the documents and asked him some questions.

"Brother Bei'an, this, this is all because of the dog-headed people. They broke into our border area without permission, and I guess you will hear the angry roars of the officials from the Congress later."

"Are they done yet? Didn't the battleship teach them a lesson before? If they continue like this, I don't know if the dog-headed people will face something more terrible next."

"Terrible things? Huh?"

Even if Bei'an didn't say it, Yawen himself could think that the arsenal would most likely have new "big toys" waiting for actual combat testing. By then, the dog-headed people would not only be crushed to pieces, but even choosing how to die would probably be a matter of torture and abuse.

For this reason, he still shut up and waited for the Congress to issue diplomatic documents to Her Majesty the Queen. At that time, he dared to say that the dog-headed people really had to think about it carefully, what did it mean to go back to where they came from...

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