
Chapter 506: The enemy does not need any reason to show mercy

I have been using the Origin Calendar recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it. ] May 722, I have been using the 2nd recently

The capital of Guangwu Empire, Butterfly City Palace

"Your Majesty, I still think it is better not to give up our colonial strongholds easily. After all, so far, the dark elves of the Kingdom of Negan have never assembled an army to attack any of our towns. Therefore..."

"Do you really think that the Kingdom of Negan is ruled by a group of weak and incompetent cowards, and prostitutes who look like those from the Old World? The soldiers below dare not continue to move out, do you know? Even if they are shot or beheaded to force them to patrol, they dare not even look at the direction of the Kingdom of Negan!"

In the palace of Butterfly City, the current emperor of the Guangwu Empire, Quan Cuiren, angrily slammed his desk and roared at an official in charge of diplomatic affairs.

For no other reason, the two consecutive active military provocations not only failed because they fired the first shot and the first cannon, but also caused the Kingdom of Nigan, which had an advantageous diplomatic situation, to send mercenaries to the Kingdom of Yagan to assist in the counterattack and military operations to recover the territory controlled by the Guangwu Empire.

As a result, as an important node in the southwest of Neoland, Zhiluo Island faced a full-scale bombing and infiltration attack from the mercenary forces of the Kingdom of Nigan.

Especially the latter, this is the type of attack that the Guangwu Empire has never encountered.

And the ones who carried out such an attack were a group of eyeless brown people. In other words, in military operations such as surprise attacks and night raids, the Guangwu Empire felt what it was like for the first time.

"Your Majesty, those are all excuses made by the soldiers. Even if the dark elves are difficult to fight and require the soldiers of the Empire to kill them at a cost of three to one or even five to one, I still believe that the soldiers of the Empire will not be defeated if they are replaced by those eyeless brown creatures called cavemen."

"You...you, do you have to continue fighting the dark elves of the Negan Kingdom? I have another piece of information here, that is, some cavemen do not use guns and weapons, but carry large cans on their backs, and specifically spray cyan or purple highly volatile corrosive poisons at our soldiers. Our poison gas bombs are useless."

Speaking of this, Quan Cuiren felt more depressed than anyone else. The tactics that worked well with the natives were completely self-inflicted and self-inflicted when used on the dark elves of the Negan Kingdom.

Obviously, what he didn't know was that the queen of the Negan Kingdom, Lai Ting Winnie, who was born as a pharmacist, had considerable experience in making and manufacturing drugs. Therefore, in terms of defense against non-traditional weapons such as toxins, the army of the Negan Kingdom has specially established chemical troops to deal with related issues.

At the same time, as an important combat force of the Kingdom of Negan, the cavemen who don't look like they can hold the front line, and they basically have a considerable resistance to fire and earth. Toxins are not enough for the cavemen. Especially under the "cultivation" of various types of poisonous or non-toxic mushrooms, the cavemen's resistance to poison is probably not as high as the dog-headed people can easily imagine.

In addition, the cavemen do not use their eyes to observe. Even if the dog-headed people have imported flash bombs or strong lights from the Japanese Mai people to deal with them; but the cavemen who are habitually called "blind" are not afraid of any type of blinding and incapacitating attacks, and they still shoot at the dog-headed people who are helping on Zhiluo Island.

What's more terrifying is that the cavemen are similar to the original Guangwu Empire army. They like to use pump-driven or automatic loading smoothbore shotguns for close-range fire suppression. Moreover, the cavemen are not like the Japanese Mai people or the Iron Fist Empire who use fixed tubular magazines. They all use detachable magazines for loading.

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In this way, even if the cavemen do not use or rarely use machine guns and submachine guns, as long as the cavemen also master the technology of using grenade launchers, the soldiers on Zhiluo Island will really have to live a torturous life without sleep at night.

Then again, according to the report last month, the cavemen have set foot on Zhiluo Island four times in a row. If it weren’t for the fact that the army of the Kingdom of Yagan was too useless, Zhiluo Island might not be able to defend it.

“Your Majesty, as long as the dark elves don’t come down in person, we still have a chance…”

Compared to this white-haired dog-headed minister who was still unwilling to accept the loss of the bet and still wanted to gamble again, get back all the chips he lost before, and even make a lot of money, the dog-headed people in Sand Point City were tremblingly looking at the sky. There were so many missiles flying everywhere in the sky that they had to hide in underground bunkers to avoid being blown to pieces.


"Who is in charge of the battleships now? A round of salvos from the 55mm guns is needed for just one Kobold patrol boat? What a waste."

"But Lieutenant, we just fired torpedoes at the docks of Sandpoint City."

"Is there a problem with this?"

Indeed, as Lieutenant Gao Ben said, he fired torpedoes directly at the docks of Sandpoint City when he didn't find a Kobold battleship to fire at.

Although the noise he made was not as exaggerated as the Leiden-class battleship behind him, the pale arcs released by his Thorn-class magnetic storm amphibious landing ship towards the targets on the shore still had a dazzling shooting effect, as well as the wails of the Kobolds who were electrocuted in its path.

"Che Guwan Qi!"


Especially some gray-haired dog-headed people who tried to dive and climb the boat to attack at close range, they were killed by the arc of electricity suddenly released by the thorns. That made Lieutenant Gao Ben who pressed the attack button sigh.

"Why? Wouldn't it be better to leave honestly? Why do we have to build the Sand Point City here?"

Although he was a lieutenant who had no feelings for the Guangwu Empire, Dili Gao Ben did not regret pressing the button and instantly released a group of dog-headed people emerging from the water surface with a magnetic storm-the special function of the thorn amphibious speedboat can release strong electric current shocks to the sea within a radius of 5 meters [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ] Meters to destroy them all.

After all, the enemy does not need any reason to pity. Killing them to ensure your own safety is the first sentence I learned on the first day of joining the army.

And it must be said that the thorns equipped with insulating armor are really a killer at sea. The arc with irregular trajectory has its own tracking function. It is not easy for organic or metal objects to escape from the arc that travels at a speed almost as fast as the speed of light.

Once hit by the arc, the strong high pressure of more than 2 volts is definitely not a joke.

Not to mention that the Negan Kingdom has no shortage of electricity...

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