"Maybe it's because it's the same person, Zhuli, who feels pity for each other..." Azabuyi flipped through the document in his hand and found it. Zhang Zeng Konoha issued a reward order about Naruto Youwu, and handed it to Lei Ying.

Rai Ying watched. Eyes, forcefully crushed the reward order in his hand.

A flash in Azabuyi's eyes. Si regretted it, she shouldn't have taken this collection out to Lei Ying to see, to know that this reward order has already fired quite expensive Mabuyi in the hands of Naruto's fans. As a fan of Fengyun Princess series, more She is a fan of Naruko in the latest episode, and she paid a lot of money to buy a bounty and put it in the bedroom, so she respected Fanyingren. The palm was crushed, and she had nothing to say. After knocking out her teeth, she could only swallow in her stomach. Seeing Azabuyi who was in front of the window and realized what Mr. Fanying wanted to do, he calmly analyzed: "Lord Fanying, Naruto Uzumaki is still the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village. If, Mrs. Fanying, you rush to Yinin Village , I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Considering the stakes, Azabuyi continued to say that under the control of the school, if something happened, as an ally of Sand Ninja Village, Konoha would most likely join Sand Ninja Village to support Sound Ninja Village.

Simply. A Yin Nin Village, the strength of Yun Nin Village is enough to crush, but if you add Sand Nin and Konoha, you have to be afraid.

"So what? Two villages that have just experienced war are nothing to be afraid of! 039; Even though he said that, Raikage still felt that it was inappropriate for him to go directly to Yinin Village. What he lacked was. A reasonable person to go there. Retrieve the excuse of the two Yumu people.

There are too many ninja villages under the influence of sound ninja village. If there is a little carelessness, it will trigger the fourth ninja war. Although Raikage is irritable, it does not mean that he has no brains. Think about it a little, and you can think about it. clear.

. Once there is a justifiable reason, even if Sand Ninja Village and Konoha want to prevent him from bringing back Yukito, it will not be that simple.

superior. The three major Shinobi villages of Shiiwa Shinobi, Sand Shinobi, and Konoha, did not just find a reason to invade Wuyu Village in Crow Mountain, because they couldn't be divided at the beginning. Cup Mei Raikage was bored for a few days, and when he learned that the three major Ninja villages could win Wuyu Village at the end, he couldn't help but applaud. That's right, he just watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal. Anyway, it wasn't their Yunren Village who invaded Wuyu Village. Who made their Yunren Village so far away that they couldn't even drink the soup. , Unexpectedly, the plan was destroyed by the sudden mercenary and the powerful Yuying.

"Let Samui lead the team to Yinin Village to explain the situation. If Yinin Village hands over the Yumu people, the matter will end here. If Yinin Village does not hand over the two Yumu people, we Yun Ren The village has a legitimate reason to attack Yinin Village!"

Lei Ying doesn't take Yin Ren Village in his eyes at all. In his opinion, Yin Ren Village, which has only developed for a few years, can't compare to the rich Yun Ren Village.

"Yes, Raikage-sama." Mabuyi knew that Raikage had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything more.

At night, the dark clouds covered the moon, and it was a good time to kill people and steal goods. The three of Chi Xing sneaked into the Yin Nin Village and walked quietly to the place where the laboratory was located. The drunk Shuiyue and Zaibuzhan walked out of the barbecue shop, Bai struggled to support the drunk Zaibuzhan, and the smile on their faces was difficult to maintain. Why did his romantic barbecue dinner with Zaibujian turn into a party for drunks?

"Little devil, it's quite drinkable.

"Uncle, you are quite able to drink... Be careful... Deng Shuiyue said, covering her mouth with an ugly face, and rushed into the next alley.

"Hahaha!\" Then Buchuan laughed happily, and sarcastically said: This kid dares to compete with me in drinking, too naive... hiccup~!" The smell of wine was introduced into Bai's nose, and Bai's face was black. He lowered his head and slapped it on his shoulders and walked home. During these days in Yinin Village, Deng Shuiyue was doing tasks in his spare time. Beheading challenges, wanting to grab it, the beheading sword in his hand. Unfortunately, he never succeeded, and even once annoyed Bai, he froze directly into an ice lump and became a human-shaped ice sculpture at night. Electric Lamp Shuiyue and Zaibuzhu have fought many times. Although the two do not want to admit it, the relationship between the two is both an enemy and a friend, and they can be regarded as friends. Come out, and now become neighbors again.

When I met Zaibuzhu at the barbecue restaurant today, the electric lamp Shuiyue habitually provoked two drinks. As a result, the provocative behavior between the ghost lamp Shuiyue and Zaibuzhu turned into a competition of wine power.

No matter what the two of them drink, the owner of the roast meat shop is quite happy anyway. They are eating roast meat, and the money alone is enough to make the owner of the meat shop smile from ear to ear.

Shuiyue, who threw up the lamp, walked staggeringly in the alley, and suddenly fell. Glue, the whole person fell. Tan Shui, hiding in the dark, the three of Chi Xing saw this. The curtain was almost scared to pee!

What the **** is this?!!

Chapter 201 Learning can make you stronger (1/2)

what happened next. The scene of "Seeing the Books" even made the three of them doubt their life, and they only saw that. The beach water grows a human head, moves there, looks like a translucent slug with a human head, needs to move there, then grows hands, body and legs, and finally grows feet . The three of Chixing faced each other. Eyes, they are very suspicious of whether they have been hit by the enemy's illusion to see such an impossible thing. Suddenly! A cry came from the sky, and the three looked up and saw it. Dressed in trendy clothes, a handsome man descended from the sky, head down, and smashed the upper body of the white-haired boy who was swaying drunkenly into water, only to hear "click". The sound was crisp, and the man's limbs sagged weakly. After a few seconds, a fat voice came from the ground.

"That **** in Jiaodu, I will definitely hack him to death!" Why isn't this person dead yet? Why is he doing nothing? Like!

Feiduan pressed his head with both hands, broke it hard, straightened the Feiduan of his head, and spat it out. There was blood in the throat, and broken bones could be faintly seen in it. three people. He looked numbly at the man who broke his head. Nothing was wrong. I walked out like this. Then I saw that the body was gone. The upper body of the half-gray-haired boy grew strangely back and waited until the two humanoid monsters left.

Friends Eagle, hit me down. Chixing looked at the bald ninja, probably feeling that the bald head was strong, let the bald head hit him to see if he was dreaming.

"Lord Chixing, this is not good?" The bald ninja looked hesitant.

"What are you talking about! I want you to hit you! What are you afraid of!" Chi Xing said angrily.

...I'm sorry, Lord Chixing!\"

The bald ninja used a lot of strength. Ba Xue hit the red star and turned around several times, with gold stars in his eyes. Zhang Shoehorn's face was where he was beaten. Instantly distorted. Zhang Yanyi's face, a broken tooth came out of his mouth, showing how honest and obedient the bald ninja is.

Chixing covered his face. Sitting on the ground, he felt the burning pain in his face and the sweetness in his mouth. He looked like a bald ninja angrily. He got up and waved and slapped the bald ninja.

"Bastard! I let you hit me, who made you so hard?\"

"Go! Go and retrieve the stars of our Star Ninja Village!"

Yes, Lord Scarlet Star"x2 Scarlet Star strode out, and I saw a red-haired boy with a big gourd on his back, sitting. The sand was in the air, and quickly flew in front of the three of them.

"Are all the people in this village monsters? Haha... When I get the stars back, I'll kill them all!" Chi Xing, who was greatly stimulated in a short time, showed a broken smile on his face.

Chixing walked in front, Nighthawk and Deathburst followed him. ÷÷

"Lord Chixing, it seems... point..." said in a low voice beside Nighthawk.

"That's just the happy smile that is about to get the stars back." Nighthawk looked at Death Burial's eyes and quickly followed Chi Xing, and Death Burial shook his head helplessly and spread his hands.

"Dead-brained guy."

already at night. In front of a tree, she closed her eyes and controlled the growth of Ruo Ruo's bones, and the bones that grew rapidly from her body wrapped her up. Skeletons with all skeletons outside the individual. Even Chixing, who has experienced the stimulation before, is so cute to see. A little girl instantly transformed. A pile of bones, and finally, he couldn't take it anymore and went crazy.

"Monster ah ah ah ah_

Red Star shouted. Sheng. frantically ran towards the village entrance, throwing down the Nighthawk and the Burial.

"Master Red Star!"

Nighthawk and Death Burial hurriedly chased after them.

"Huh? Monster? Where? Where?" Ji Ye heard that. With a heart-wrenching cry, she turned her head to look around. The bones on her body were retracted into her body. She frowned slightly, "Where is there any monster that she's been looking forward to, she can try it. Try the power of the corpse's bone veins.

It's night, it's time to go home for dinner. "Naruto's figure accompanies him. A gust of wind appears beside Jiye, picks Jiye up and walks back.

"I thought I heard the killing of a pig just now.

"I don't know, it seems to be a strange guy, there should be a problem with his brain, and he suddenly started yelling for some reason.

Ji Ye shook his head and said, wrapping his arms around Ruo Naruto's neck.

"That's it...Speaking of which, you seem to have grown taller in the night~!"


Ji Ye's eyes widened in surprise. For her who wanted to grow up quickly, she grew taller. Great news!

fake. "

Ji Ye glared at Naruto angrily, his cheeks bulged slightly, sharp bone spurs grew on his body, and he hugged Naruto hard.

"It hurts so bad. The next day, Nighthawk and Dead Burial found Chixing, who was completely insane, in ragged clothes. The two of them took a lot of effort to tie the mad Chixing back to Xingren Village.

In the woods, Naruto takes. The stack of rolls was placed in front of Tsuruyi Fubuki and Kanno.

"These are the scrolls you want to read. Whether you can comprehend the boundaries of blood will depend on your talent. I have everything ready for you. Naruto patted Heyi Chuxue on the shoulder and stood up. The thumb showed a mouthful of white teeth.

\"Come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Forgive me, I'm not optimistic about myself!

Crane wing blowing season looks piled on the ground

On the volume of uranium, I feel like a big head.

Seeing Naruto's expectant eyes, Crane Yi Fukiyuki opened the scroll as hard as a scalp and looked at it.

"Little Naruto, why do you even want me...

Chino looked at Ruona. stack of scrolls, . Zhang's cute little face wrinkled into a bitter face, looking at Naruto puzzled, "Isn't it okay?

"Kanao, these scrolls are for you to see. Although you have eyes that can use illusions, the amount of ninjutsu and knowledge you have learned is too small, you must learn more things.

... Gan Nai doesn't want to study... Can't you?\"

Qiannai put her hands on her chest and deliberately looked at Naruto with pitiful eyes, hoping to win Naruto's sympathy and escape the magic power training.

"Chino is so cute and so cute... Naruto rubbed Kanno's cheek.

"Then~! Chino went to find Xiaoxiang to turn her soul~!" Chino got up and turned around and was about to run. The hand pressed on the head and pressed in place.


"Qiannai, you're not a child anymore, don't be too self-willed." Naruto thought about it for a long time, and met him with Qiannai's strength and blood dragon eyes. There is no problem with a normal ninja, but if you are against a powerful ninja, it will not have much effect. When the ninjas of Yunren Village come, it is very likely that it will evolve into a war between Yin Ren and Yun Ren. In order to prevent Qian Nai from being injured in the war, she can only find a way to improve her strength.

"Naruto is a big idiot!" Gan Nai burst into tears. He opened the scroll and looked at it, occasionally using pitiful

"It's useless, you have no effect on me being cute! Hurry up and see!" Holding a pointer, Chuan Ruo. Naruto in a capable women's suit, just like. The appearance of the deputy magician female instructor (thinking that after two hours, Heyi Chuixue's eyes were circling, his head was like smoke, and he was lying on the scroll. "I...I can't do it.

"This won't work? You're still a long way off! Hurry up and see!" The pointer in Naruto's hand tapped Crane Yibuki on the head.

"Look at Gan Nai. She. I've been watching. Nothing at all! 039;

"Are you a devil? Let me rest. Not for a while?" Crane Yibuki raised his head with difficulty, and as soon as he spoke, his head was beaten by Naruto's pointer.

"Time won't wait for you! You can't even read this, and you still want to become a **** limit ninja, you are still far from it.

Naruto waved his hand excitedly, and the pointer in his hand accidentally touched Chino's arm.

"Qianno. Right... Before Naruto said anything, he saw that Chino was all over the grass, "Bang". After the sound, in the smoke, Chino turned into a wooden stake.

"Nine-tailed mother, help me find that girl, I'm going to deal with her severely! Damn! How dare you fool me with a substitute technique!" Naruto's fists clenched, and his long soft golden hair was windless. , The black gas escaping from his body seems to have formed behind Naruto. Zhang E

"I looked so seriously that if they were studying, Qiannao, this **** would dare. Nine tails saw Naruto's angry look and was frightened. He jumped, and controlled the straight cara to fly out of Naruto's body, forming it. The eyeball of the tail flew into the air and saw Chino who had escaped from the bitter sea of ​​study, and ran to the village with joy.

"Chino, do you really want to play? Naruto didn't. A smiley voice sounded in F Nai's ear.

...No... Chi..." Chino saw Naruto, who seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. She was so frightened that she shivered and hurriedly took out her wallet.

"Qiannai just wants to buy some juice for Naruto!\"

"Okay, I'll take you to buy juice. A few minutes later, Chino looked at Naruto holding it in his hands. A large bag of various juices, looking at some shriveled wallets, the purple big-eyed chicken stared sullenly. Naruto.

"Why do you look at me like that? Didn't you say you wanted to buy juice? I bought the juice for you, and you should thank me~!" Si smiled and patted Kanon's head.

"Little Naruto bullies people!"

Qiannai hugged Naruto's arm angrily and bit her hard. Mouth, unfortunately, even the skin on Naruto's arm was not bitten, leaving only small teeth marks that looked a bit cute. !

Chapter 202 Naruto Uzumaki will never suffer (1/2)

Tsunade, who left Konoha, started traveling again.

But this time, the place she was going to was the Yin Nin Village in Tian Zhi Country.

"Lord Tsunade, why do you want to go to Yinin Village?" Xingruodoudou asked Mute, who was following Tsunade, curiously.

"I want to see Minato and Kushina's daughter, and stop by the casino there to play Yuan." Tsunade smiled heartlessly, and it seemed that Sibo was not affected by what happened in Konoha.

"Fine.... the side face of Tsunade, who was silent and silent.

"Ah! Found it! Where is that woman!

Tsunade heard this familiar voice. She fixed her eyes, why did those people look familiar? Who are they from? Mute saw Tsunade's doubts and whispered in her ear "

"Take care!" Mute's eyes widened as she watched in astonishment at the "bang" if she respected and respected Tsunade-sama. The sound disappeared, when was the clone technique used!

"That's right! Pay back the money quickly! You owe us so much money, can't you not pay it back?

"Well, calm down. It's useless for you to look for me. Mute looked at the creditors who were surrounded by cold sweat on her face. She raised her hands with a reluctant smile on her face.

"There is something to discuss, you calm down. Click!

Just listen to "puff". The creditors fell to their knees. piece.

"I beg you, please, pay us back. Some money!"

"My family can't afford to eat

See if you cry. put tears. Put the creditors, mute hearts. Soft took out his wallet.

After the creditors had all left, the silent watcher sat down on the ground with his empty wallet. ΨΨ

"What! They've all gone!"

A voice that is somewhat similar to Tsunade but different. It was heard from behind the tree next to it. Tsunade, the size of a teenage girl, came out from behind the tree.

"Tsunade-sama, you just leave me and Doudou here, won't your conscience hurt?

... Tsunade scratched his hair when he saw Mute's angry look, and said nonchalantly: 0 I'm not back..

"Then can you explain what's going on with you now?

"It's just a disguise, a disguise!" Tsunade looked at him with a guilty conscience. Next, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, did they just leave like that?"

It's not that simple, but they took my money away from me!"

"What?! That's the money we eat!" Tsunade instantly changed back to his adult body shape, his chest bulging up like a balloon, only to hear the sound of "la la."

After changing his clothes, Tsunade clenched his fists and said angrily, "How dare you take my meal money, I'm going to them to get the money back!"

"Master Tsunade, it's obvious that you are the one who owes the money, okay... Jing blindly took out his wallet, opened it and looked at the empty wallet, and reached in and touched it.

He touched the face of Mute who still had money in his wallet. Hi, take it out and see it in your hand. After the hard market, the joy on Mute's face turned to frustration.

"What, that's all. One hundred and two are enough. The bowl of ramen... Tsunade took the money in Mute's hand, flicked it lightly, and the coin rolled and flew into the air.

When the coin fell, Tsunade clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Mute, guess whether it's heads or tails!"

"... Mute looked at Tsunade and said listlessly.

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