"Actually, I guessed it

Tsunade opened his hand, and the coin was reversed. Tsunade held the coin in his hand and walked towards the village not far away.

"Wait! Tsunade-sama, that's our last one. Hundred taels!" Mute picked up the dolphin and hurriedly chased after him. Came to the country of Tian from Yunnin Village. Pedestrians, the news of their arrival in the Land of the Fields quickly reached Naruto's ears.

"It seems that Yun Ren Village is preparing to go first with the ceremony and then with the soldiers.

Wu Ren felt his chin as he sat on Qin's body, shaking his wrists and the note in his hand shattered into powder.

"Naruto, what are you going to do?" Kyuubi asked curiously.

"Naturally, it's the same thing. Looking at Yun Ren's performance, if they want to hit us, they will naturally fight with them. If they leave it alone, I won't do anything to them."

"The most important thing now is to gather all the tailed beasts and set them free.

In the inner world, Naruto leaned on the chair formed by the tail in front of the nine tails, and the tail wrapped around Naruto's waist and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed Naruto's lips.

"Gather the power of all the tailed beasts and smash the moon, so as to avoid the resurrection of Infinite Tsukuru and Kaguya Kaguya! Nine-tailed mother. How do you feel?"

Naruto pressed his hands on Jiuwei's chest, propped up his body, and the whole figure seemed to be slamming the wall of Jiuwei on the chair.

"Isn't Kaguya Kaguya's body sealed on the moon? Are you sure you won't let her out by doing this?" Nine tails scratched her cheeks, looking at Naruto's face so close, as if she wanted to wrap Naruto in The urge to kiss in the arms.

Besides, you don't even know the location of other tailed beasts now.

How can I find it?\" Nine tails suppressed the urge in her heart and caressed Ruo Naruto's cheek.

"After resolving the matter of Yun Ren, it's time for us to take the initiative. We can't rely on the Xiao organization to help us find the traces of our companions.

Relying on Xiao to find the location of the remaining tailed beasts, I don't know if it will be the year of the monkey, the horse and the moon, and I hope that Uchiha will bring b this **** stick to the gang. Dian knows when he will mess up her plan, so think about it , she can be. A hands-off shopkeeper. At present, the costumes and giant scorpion meat of Yinin Village are very popular. When the ship is built, there will be a steady stream of capital income. Those rich and rich, in Naruto, they can all be a big blockbuster. vegetable patch,

"Naruto, do you want to

"Rather than waiting, I prefer to take the initiative to attack! Nine-tailed mother~!" Naruto put his arms around nine-tailed neck and kissed nine-tailed lips.

After kissing, Naruto, with deep blue eyes, narrowed into two lovely crescent moons, licked the auricle of the fox ears that appeared on Jiuwei's head at an unknown time.

Heng hum ~! Lao Tzu was the one who felt the nine-tailed body. Trembling Naruto. With a smug smile on his face, the rushing nine tails made an electric face and left the inner world. Kyuubi, whose face was red with both hands covering her ears, saw Naruto's grimace, Qin's cheeks were reddish, her lips were slightly open, her breathing became rapid, and her black eyes looked at Naruto sitting in her arms excitedly. , The slightly trembling hands carefully caressed Naruto's calf wearing black stockings. I want to lick

Qin's expression gradually changed, and the corners of his mouth flowed. Drizzle.

Don't do anything, just wait for them to come. Can you persuade the two Yumu people to go back with them? That depends on their business.

The corner of Naruto's mouth appeared. Wipe sneered, looked up and saw Qin staring at her legs, the expression on her face became more and more perverted, and she felt in her heart. Hey! Do you want to do this? You are too perverted, right?! When did you become a leg control! I just wore stockings and you were like this, if I wore black stockings from the absolute realm, Naruto People were so frightened by the perverted expression on Qin's face that they almost jumped out of her arms, thinking that after so many close encounters, Qin would restrain her perverted behavior. As a result, it got even worse!!

Chapter 203 I like to talk to others the most (1/3)

In the clothing store, the two Yumu people kept comparing clothes on their tails, feeling that whatever clothes Erwei wore would be suitable, but. Considering Erwei's chest, she felt that no clothes were appropriate, and she showed too much! Those clothes were worn. On the tail, the two Yumu people can even imagine the scene where the two tails can stretch the buckle and fly the bullet.

"Have you chosen yet?" Erwei squinted sleepily, licked the back of her hand, pressed her hands against the wall, hunched over her **** buttocks, stretched her waist, and beautifully showed her magic electricity The figure, the two plump things are about to come out, as if to break free from the package of clothes and jump out. The two-tailed people did not feel that there was any problem with stretching, but the two Yumu people noticed that the men in the shop who were buying clothes stared at them with wide copper bell-like eyes.

"Have you seen enough?"

= The wooden man frowned and blocked in front of Erwei, blocking the unscrupulous gazes of those few people.

"What do we think she has to do with you?\"

"That's right, we didn't look at you, what's your business!"

"She doesn't have any opinions, you are quite busy.

The two Yumu people clenched their fists, wanting to knock these shameless people away with three fists and two feet.

"Human, do you have an opinion on my woman?" Erwei hugged her neck from behind the two Yumu, and her warm hand held her clenched fist. It was as docile as the original. At this moment, the little cat's second tail opened its sleepy eyes, and the yellow-green pupils stared at them coldly, those pupils stood up, beasts. In such eyes, they seemed to see their own death, as well. A huge child beast with only flames burning all over its body. The mouth bites towards them. Several people were so frightened that they rushed out of the clothing store and ran away.

"What did you do to them?\"

The two Yumu people looked at the back of their escape with a bit of amusement.

"It's just to scare them, who dared them to tell Yuki people like this, if they weren't in the village, I'd kill them.

Erwei yawned sluggishly, squinting his eyes, resting his head on the shoulder of the wooden man, with his chin slightly outstretched, like. A large pendant was hung on the two Yumu figurines.

Sunny weather is perfect for sleeping, and it's a pity not to be able to sleep at home, but it's nice to be able to go out with Yuki to buy clothes.

The two were led by wooden faces. Wiping her smile, she touched Ruo Erwei's chin.

"You hold me like this, I can't choose clothes for you.

\"Is the clothes on me not good? Why should I buy clothes?" Erwei's squinted eyes opened. slit.

\"Because that's all you have. A dress!"

The two Yumu pushed the second tail away and picked it up. A piece of clothing is comparable to Erwei. A few minutes later. Erwei came out of the dressing room, matching light blue clothes. A denim short library. Wearing it on Erwei's body, you can see the two Yumu people in front of them. Bright.

wear this. The second tail of the body appears to be more mature and transparent. Silky lazy temperament, denim shorts revealed Erwei's slender bronze skin and smooth long legs.

"Yu Mu Ren. I'm wearing it. Is the body strange?" Erwei noticed Yu Mu Ren's eyes and looked at the clothes on his body.

"It suits you very well." The two Yumu people walked to the counter with satisfaction and put on the clothes they tried on before. Qi bought it, and after paying, Erwei took the initiative to walk over and pick up the bag containing the clothes. "What kind of relationship do you have with her?" The clerk couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked in a low voice.

"We are lovers.

Wei Yumu, with a happy smile on his face, looked at Erwei, whose hands were full of things.

Speaking of which, Erwei still learned from Naruto about helping her carry things, and they met Naruto again. Pedestrians went shopping, Naruto didn't let the people around her carry things, and directly used the shadow avatar technique to send all the things home. Since then, the two have bought things by the wooden people, as long as Erwei is by her side, they will Take the initiative to help her carry things.

"You travel again, I'll take it too. Order it." Quan let the tail carry it. The two Yumu people were also very unhappy. In the past, they took the clothes that Erwei was carrying in his left hand.

Erwei's free hand grabbed the hands of the two Yuki figurines, and looked at the two Yuki figurines in surprise.


The mouth said no, but the hands of the two who were held by the wooden man's tail did not mean to let go.

"This is Yoinin Village! There are so many merchants!" Omoy sideways avoided the passing rhinoceros, watching the merchants riding on the pink ostrich and the rhinoceros in La Ruoche. sense of sound

"This is a village famous for its trade. Samui walks the streets of Innin village and looks around

All around, the complexion is cold, and there is no change,

Before coming, she had done enough homework and looked up a lot of information about Yinin Village.

"Where's the clothing store!\"

Karui suddenly pointed to the clothing store over there, and she saw the same from inside the clothing store. A beautiful woman with an exploding figure came out hand in hand with a bit of Yuki.

"Buy clothes or something, wait for the task to be done, buy what you want, whatever you want." Sam Yi looked coldly. Eye Karui.

No, I saw Yuki!"

"There?\" Samui looked in the direction Karui pointed, and saw Yu. strange woman holding hands by two wooden figures.

"Go. Let's go. Samui frowned. Walked over. Omoy and Karui followed Samui closely. Hearing the rapid footsteps behind, the two Yumu stopped. Footsteps. The two turned around and saw Samui walking over, as well as Omoy and Karui behind her.

"Long time no see, Samui." The two wooden figures took the corners of their mouths as they looked at Samui who came over. With a smile, "If, I guessed correctly, Raikage-sama sent you here to take me back.

"That's right.'

Well, you should know that I'm not going back with you. The two Yumu raised their hair, revealing the forehead guards that were covered by the hair, "I joined Yinin Village. I am no longer a ninja in Yunnin Village.

"Two Yumu people, your behavior represents that you betrayed Yunren Village, and caused trouble to Yinren Village." Samui frowned slightly, blue eyes with blue eyes. Erase puzzled.

"You have obviously gained the approval of the people in the village by your own efforts, why did you leave the village? What did that green-haired **** say to you?"

The two Yumu took a deep breath. Tone, said plainly:? The exclusion and discrimination I have suffered can never be changed.

"Do you really think so?

"Does it matter even if it leads to Yinin Village?"

Samui said it coldly. The sentence, which looks like a threat, is actually what will happen next. ao.

"If you don't go back to Yun Ren with us, next. The next thing is that Raikage-sama will come and take you back in person.

"I'll explain the situation to the boss of the sound ninja village, if she wants to protect you

"I shelter her. What will happen?" said crisply and tenderly. The sound of laughter sounded in the ears of several people, and the wind gathered and formed. Road whirlwind, if there is. A girl with smooth blonde hair appeared in the whirlwind.

"This is not a place to talk." Naruto made a mark on his hands, showing a friendly smile on his delicate and lovely face: "If you don't want to be thrown away, don't resist~!" The cyclone wrapped everyone disappeared in place , in the blink of an eye, everyone came to the front of the office building, and the three who came to Yinin Village for the first time couldn't help but be struck by the huge Jin Zhamu. No. to attract.

The humiliated Naruto coughed lightly. Sound, put them that was Jinzamu. No. The attention that attracted No. pulled back and walked into the office building.

In the conference room, Naruto, two Yumu and Erwei were sitting. On the side, the three of Yun Ren sat on the other side. side.

"I don't know, what are the three of you coming to Yinin Village?" Naruto looked at the three Yunren with a smile, and his eyes unconsciously looked at Samui's chest. Eye. No matter how many times I look at it, Ruo chest is amazing! Samui noticed Naruto's eyes and brows slightly wrinkled, with a voice in his voice. Si Lengyi said: "We were ordered by Lord Raikage to bring Renren back to Yunren Village.

"Rebel? Who is it?"

"Two Yumu people.

"Oh? Is there any evidence?" The smile on Naruto's face gradually disappeared. His hands were crossed to his mouth, and his deep blue eyes stared gloomily at Samui.

"If you say that she is a traitor from Yun Ren Village, if you can't show evidence, you are slandering her and you will be arrested and sent to Ghost Lantern City.

\"This is the evidence." Samui, who had long expected Naruto to say this, took it out. The document that he brought on his body, there is about the bityumu man. Part of the information, only this part of the information can prove that the two Yumu people were ninjas of Yunren Village before, and now they are Renren of Yunren Village.

"Do you think I would believe this kind of thing? Back then, in order to get the Hyuga. Clan's eyes, you Yun Ren did something to kidnap the Hyuga. Clan princess, do you think I won't doubt the authenticity of this document?

"Bang!\" Naruto slapped the table heavily, pointed at Samui and said: "I am very suspicious, you did it. A false document to fool me. Naruto relied on that he once stayed in Konoha, And knowing about the little things that Yun Ren Village had done, he directly doubted the authenticity of the documents, and even thought that these documents were fake!

The two Yukito looked at Naruto in surprise. Eyes, I can't imagine Naruto, and this kind of operation. She thought that the powerful Naruto would directly tell Samui and the three that this person was determined by her army, etc. After all, in her eyes, Naruto People are not like people who can reason with others.

As a result, when Naruto talks about the truth, he is not a person at all. Set again. set. !

Chapter 204 Plan ahead (1/3)

Kidnap the sun. The princess of the clan?! Samui carefully. Think, this kind of thing has indeed happened, but it has been ten years since then. She never imagined that the boss of Yinin Village would bring out the things that happened ten years ago, not to mention that the surface of that incident is cloud Ninja by Hinata. The patriarch of the clan killed, in fact, to protect his daughter. How did she know the truth?

"That thing is Hinata. The clan's patriarch killed Yun Ren's ninja." Samui said calmly, without any change in color.

"Heh~! Stop talking about the false truth, the truth is that Yun Ren wants to get Sun Xiang. The clan's eyes are white, and he was killed when he kidnapped people. Instead, Yun Ren beat him down. Rake, his mouth insisted that it was Sun Noon. The clan moved first, forcing Konoha to hand over the head of the Hyuga clan who killed Yun Ren. As a result, it was Hyuga who went to die. Brothers who are ill, Yun Ren also failed to get the eye.

Naruto looked at Samui sarcastically, and the sarcasm in his eyes angered Samui.

"Am I? Send nonsense, you don't have any points in your heart?" Wu Ren saw Sam Yise slightly angry, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Wipe sneer.

"Having said so much, are you unwilling to hand over the Yumu figurine?\"

"That's right, I really don't want to hand over the two Yuki people. You should know that I'm Hiroshima, right?" Naruto stretched out his hand, and the blood-red nine-tailed straight carat appeared in her hand.

"I clearly know the pain of Ren Zhuli, but you ordinary people don't know anything. You only look at us with tinted glasses. What do you know about us?"

The speaker of Naruto crushed the nine-tailed straight carat in his hand, and swept over the three of Yun Ren with gloomy eyes.

Samui frowned, his blue eyes fixed on Naruto and said: "I don't know your people, but what I do know is that you are like this. Willing your way will trigger a war between Yinnin Village and Yunnin Village, and there is no such thing as relationship?\"

Heng! Go back and tell you Raikage, he will fight if he wants to fight, I will never be afraid of anyone, and the person I want to protect has never been taken away from me!" How arrogant Oh man! Samui looked at Naruto in astonishment with cold sweat on his brows.

"Qin, send them away.

"Yes, boss

Qin, who walked in through the door, sent Yun Ren and the three of them out of the office building until they left Yin Ren Village. Behind them were the ninjas of Yin Ren Village.

"Are you okay? Because we are at war with Yunren Village.

The two Yuki people said a little worriedly. In her opinion, Naruto's last words just now were no different from declaring war on Yunren Village directly.

"What's the problem? When I invited you and Erwei to join the Sound Ninja Village, I expected something like this to happen today.

"Then why are you still

"Do Qingchu Dian, the reason why I invited you and Erwei to join is not only because of the agreement with Jiuwei, but also because I don't want them to use the tailed beast as a weapon, this. Do you know it well? 039 ;

If Naruto pointed at Erwei, the fact that the two were a couple could not be hidden from her eyes.

"Why are you able to do this for the tailed beast. Step?"

Erwei looked at Naruto suspiciously, she didn't understand why Naruto did this for the tailed beast. Bu, she didn't know the other tailed beasts except Nine-Tailed, and there was no reason to help them.

"Why.... of course it's because I want to make Yinin Village stronger~!" Naruto walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at Yun Ren who walked out of the office building. She didn't follow him. It's too early for Ou and Yukito's own plans.

"Sound Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village will happen soon. A fierce battle, Yumu, can you kill the people in your original Ninja Village?" Naruto turned around and leaned against the window, with no deep meaning. Looking at the two Yumu people, she didn't want her own Ninja Village because when she was at war with Yun Ninja Village, she couldn't get down to it very well.

I.. the two Yumu had hesitant expressions on their faces, just as they were about to speak, Naruto interrupted her, and the laugher said, "Even if you can't kill them at that time, don't kill them. subordinate

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