"I always get up early recently. Maybe it's a habit.

"I can't sleep... Uchiha Mikoto sat up.

"I can't sleep a little too, why don't we do something happy?" The quilt swelled up. A small bag, Ichikishima Hime's small head drilled out of Naruto's chest, with a bright expression on his face.

"It's enough!"

Naruto poked Ichikishima Hime's forehead with his finger.

"You little head, what are you thinking about every day!"

"Thinking about how to seduce you~ Ichikishima Hime kissed Naruto on the lips.

"You shameless stinky snake!" Tsunade punched Ichikishima Hime. Ichikishima Hime changed in the light. A white snake, and then Tsunade. The punch] hit Naruto's chest, directly knocking Naruto unconscious.

"Ah! You knocked Naruto out!" Ichikishima Hime. Looking at Ruo Tsunade with the expression "You're in trouble", it seemed that Tsunade had hit Naruto and had nothing to do with her.

"If you didn't dodge, how could I hit Naruto!" Tsunade glared at Ichikishima Hime.

"Hit me if you have something to do! It's like if I don't dodge, you can hit me." Ichikishima Hime floated in the air, looking at Tsunade with a defiant expression, and her figure gradually disappeared.

"Master Tsunade, Ichikishima Hime, you two should stop arguing.

Uchiha Mikoto, picked up Naruto who passed out, looked at the two who were about to fight, and wanted to stop the two. If this fight happened here, the bedroom had to be dismantled!

"cough cough cough

Naruto coughed and opened his eyes. Tsunade that. The punches nearly took her breath away.

"Wife Tsunade, do you want to. Punch me to death, and then become a widow?"

"I think she has this kind of idea!" Ichijima Hime saw that the stitches were transferred, but unfortunately it didn't work.

"Enough of you, if you didn't dodge, how could I have been hit!" Yuren stretched out his hand, and the straight carat thread wrapped around Jijimajima, Naruto. He dragged Shikishima Ji into his arms, lifted up her nightgown, took off the little white trousers, and hit her small white buttocks hard a few times.


"Hmm~!\" Ichikishima Hime's cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were shining like water, looking at Naruto.

"Do you want to push harder?" Naruto looked at Ruichi Kishima Ji's white **** that didn't even leave fingerprints, and on the other hand, there were water stains on his hands. Is it comfortable to be spanked by Naruto?

Tsunade saw Hina Ichikishima. With a comfortable expression on his face, his heart rose. Silk wondered, she felt. Fanxin Dai] thought that he opened it, but the goose was caught by Naruto the moment he opened it. kicking old

"What are you thinking?\" Naruto saw Tsunade. With an eager face, she didn't want her wife to become a pervert like Ichikishima Hime.

The water stains from her hands wiped off Ichikishima Hime's ass.

"Eh? That's it

"Do you think this is rewarding you? You're enjoying it!"

Naruto pinched Shikishima Hime's cheek, immortals should look like immortals! Don't be so perverted! No. 1. The next time I saw you, you weren't that perverted! What the **** is going on, Ichikishima Hime is so stupid. Laughing, he hugged Naruto's waist with both hands and rubbed it.

...that's perverted

With an embarrassed yet polite smile on Uchiha Mikoto's face, she stepped back. Step, Ichikishima Hime's metamorphosis is far beyond her imagination.

"I really can't help you.

Naruto pinched Ichikishima Hime's little nose, how can she be perverted? She can't send her back, no matter what, it's her wife. !

Chapter 355 Game Rules (1/2)

In the restaurant's private room, the tailed beasts from the Oninin Village gathered. Don, except for the three tails that have not been resurrected, and the eight tails who were in the cloud ninja village and Kirabi, all the tailed beasts fell, and even the seven tails reluctantly changed into human form. Yes. A masked, silent girl with two tentacles on her head. kind of hair.

"I didn't expect that we would still have such a vision. God." Wuwei sighed at the human-shaped tailed beasts sitting in the private room.

"It's all thanks to Naruto that we can have such a free gathering~!"

"If there was no Naruto, most of you would still be sealed in Ren Zhuli's body. Jiuruke and Jiutika looked at the crowd with smug faces, thinking about their Ren Zhuli. Think about your own. People Zhuli and lovers. I don't know how many times better than their people Zhuli

"Cut~! You guys are just good people, and Gaara is not much worse than Naruto!" I thought about Gaara, who often buys toys for himself and takes himself to the playground to play, and immediately got up to help himself. I love Luo grievances.

"Old Zi is okay, except for being a little stubborn." Siwei drank Ruo Xiaojiu and scratched his hair, except for him and. Tail, all the tailed beasts present were female, which made him feel. Si embarrassed.

"Yukito is very good, she is still my lover." Erwei thought of Yukito's shy look, and a gentle smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Fu is too rash.

Nanao thought of his own strength, and didn't want to say anything more, go. It's enough to be hugged by Fu and not let go.

"My renzhuli is better, I don't want to admit that the human is my renzhuli, I don't even know how to use my strength, living in the shadow of self-righteousness, I really don't like a guy. Sanwei. His face was upset, he picked up the candy and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it crunchly.

"My people. Power... I have nothing to say. I am temporarily living with the nine tails. I live in Naruto's inner world, and it is very comfortable to carry there. The five tails are not very willing to mention their own people. Nine tails, tails, two tails and seven tails, her encounter with three tails was not so good.

We don't want you and Sanwei to stick around! You can't do happy things with Naruto! The two Jiuwei looked at Wuwei and Sanwei with disgust in their eyes, and there were two bright electric bulbs Now, there is no way for them to attack Naruto!

For several days, I could only hold Ruo Naruto to sleep, and I couldn't do what I wanted to do. It was a painful thing for the fox! In the research room, . In front of a huge sphere with a diameter of more than five meters.

"It's night, shouldn't there be any problems this time?\"

Naruto walked around the sphere. Circle, the temporary container in his hand is wrapped in black matter with the power of an outsider, and he is a little unsure about the firmness of this new container.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Si Ye was also a little unsure. After all, it had not been tested, and she didn't know whether the new container could hold the illusion world.

"It won't explode, will it?"

Before starting, Naruto looked at Siya with a little worry. If there was an explosion this time, he had to take care of her and open up her little ass.

"Don't worry, it won't explode, this is not a core bomb.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now. Time. Naruto took off the blindfold and put away the mysterious object with the power of the outsider wrapped around the sphere." H's palm-sized sphere had more and more cracks, breaking At the moment, Naruto used the pupil power of Samsara Eye to control Ruo Illusion World, squeezed it into his hand, and injected it into a new container, Yuan. A chaotic light sphere spread out instantly and formed. a whole new world.

"Is this the fantasy world?

Yi Ye was astonished to see the world inside the container, looking outside the sphere, but looking at the inside of the sphere from a top-down perspective. Cut, grass, trees, rivers, there are a huge number of plants in the illusion world. But there are only no animals, even in the crystal clear river. There are no small ones.

"No, living creature.

Ji Ye frowned and turned to look at Naruto with a look in his eyes. Silk asked.

"This is just the prototype of the game world, the next step is the main event!" Naruto put both hands on the container, if she guessed correctly, this new world will change according to her will. What does the game world need most? Rules, of course, and creatures that live under them. Naruto set the rules of the game world according to his experience of playing games in his previous life, the creatures that would not pose a threat to people, and the monsters that would pose a threat to people, and then, in order to enhance the authenticity of the existence of the game world. Aboriginal people. Villages, towns, wild labyrinths, etc., all appeared in the game world under Naruto's will. The power system is copied from the ninja world, and the health bar, the straight carat bar and the stamina bar are set. If the blood bar is empty, people will die. If the stamina is empty, they will not be able to run. , and the most important means to improve these is to fight monsters and upgrade, and do task upgrades. Naruto input all the ninjutsu data in his mind into the game world. Of course, it is only those common ninjutsu, forbidden and advanced ninjutsu, and naturally he will not lose it in order to increase the authenticity of the game. , Naruto adjusted the pain to 120 in the real world.

Jiye watched the changes in the world inside the sphere, and his eyes widened in shock.

, a world with only plants and no creatures. Under the transformation of Naruto, there are fish in the clear river, and then, villages and towns appear all over the world, and there are also villages inhabited by monsters outside the villages and towns. As well as the area, all kinds of monsters, some looking ferocious, some cute and small 5.

What is that? The night watcher. Tuo Tuo is a water-like sphere of different colors, and if it is squirming, you can still see its two bean-like eyes. The rules of the game world are to upgrade the monsters and blast equipment, and do task upgrades to make the player stronger, and the monsters will explode with money and equipment.

The original Naruto is planning to do. In an empty world, let those ninjas go in and make trouble, fight whatever she likes, and no one will be killed anyway. Now she has changed her mind. Since she has to do her best, she simply does it. A game that can spread all over the world.

Naruto is like. Ah! Ichikishima Hime sees that Naruto is creating all kinds of creatures in the game world, it is like a creator. Such abilities make Hime Ichijima even more obsessed with her. Weapons in the game world. Look at sharpness and penetration. The higher the sharpness and penetration, the more effective damage can be caused to monsters with high defense. The equipment is firm. The higher the firmness, the stronger the defense. Weapons in the game world There are many kinds, and Naruto even spoofs them. Special weapons for some anime characters are placed. on some monsters. It took hours to put the game inside the world. After the settings are done, in order to speed up Naruto's use of shadow clones, he divided fifty shadow clones, and got up to set the game world to cut in. How much will the smallest slime explode, and how much will it explode? What kind of props and equipment, hit the unexpected mission, and the character's character, this is Naruto. set up. For authenticity, each aboriginal has his own will, and in their view, the player is from another. adventurers from a world to help them drive away monsters. Naruto exhaled. tone

"Right now, it's just the initial stage. Later, more changes can be made. 039;

To describe it with words from a previous life, it is only in the internal testing stage, and I still don’t know what bugs exist in the game world under this set of rules. At this time, it is the turn of the mice Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. Appeared!

"Day and night, the game head thief is connected to this world, and then you can sing a little...cough, call Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara to enter the game and try it out. Naruto removes the shadow clone, a lot of data and settings It poured into her head, making her feel. Instantly, her head felt a little supported, and her body swayed.


Just when Ji Ye was about to reach out to help Naruto, Ichikishima Hime turned into a human figure and supported Naruto with a worried face.

"Naruto, are you okay?"

. Received too much information in an instant, just a little headache, no big deal. Naruto shook his head with a wry smile, because she was too impatient. Perhaps the cycle set by the game world could be made longer, instead of this. Done once.

"Idiot! Don't do those things that make me worry!" Ichikishima Hime hugged Naruto's neck and rubbed Naruto's cheek, as if to rub all the worries in his heart out.

"Sorry, sorry, there won't be another time. Naruto went home and called Shishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara. The one for Senshou Hasuma is a special small helmet, and the one for Uchiha Madara is a normal game helmet. .

"After putting on the helmet, just press this button. In the game, the silent menu can have the option to exit the game. In the game &&*..

In order to prevent the two old antiques from not understanding their own high technology, Ye Ye carefully gave them to them. The puppet described how to use the game head thief and the things that need to be paid attention to in the game.

Although, she herself is also about the game. Knowing little about it, before the game helmet test, she would not rashly use the game head to steal into the game.

"Put on the helmet and press the button. Ning Zhibo Ban put on the head thief and pressed the button according to what Day and Night said, and then fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Mara.!" Senju Hasuma exclaimed when he saw Madara Uchiha who had lost consciousness. He turned his head to look at Ji Ye, "Little girl, what's going on?\"

"Her consciousness has already entered the game. If you don't believe it, you can put on the helmet and try it as I said. Try." batch.

Senju Hakuma looked at the helmet in his hand, put on the helmet suspiciously, and pressed the button on the head thief.

end. !" The unconscious doll fell to the ground. !

Chapter 356 The Game Journey of Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha (1/2)


Madara Uchiha looked at the unfamiliar place, and she could feel that her consciousness came here after traveling through the array. ΨΨ

"Is this what the stinky girl said about the health, straight carat, and stamina?" Madara Uchiha found herself lying on the ground and sat up. She found that her body had changed back to her younger self, Not female, but male self!

"What is this?"

Madara Uchiha watched as someone wriggling on the ground approached him, with the word [Slime] on his head, which looked like a living being's water.

"Weak fisherman!" Uchiha Madara kicked the slime into the air, keenly aware that his stamina was low. Block, after he stopped moving. resumed with great speed.

It turns out that Madara Uchiha was kicked by himself. A slime with nothing on its feet, physical attacks are difficult for it to take effect, is it because it is a liquid creature? Madara Uchiha squinted at Slime's two small bean-like eyes. Rather try. Try ninjutsu!

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Uchiha Madara quickly made a seal on his hands, took a deep breath, and out of the corner of his eyes saw that the blue bar symbolizing a straight carat instantly disappeared. most of them.

A fireball with a diameter of fifty centimeters flew towards the slime.

"Boom!" The slime was blown to pieces, leaving a few shiny coins on the ground, as well. A charred lumpy object. With the death of Slime, Madara Uchiha saw that the column of experience points rose. Dot, there is still a long way to go before the upgrade,

Can I level up after the experience value is full? That is to say, if you want to become stronger in this world, you must continue to level up

"Is this the so-called explosive equipment? Madara Uchiha thoughtfully walked over and picked up the coins on the ground. This is a type of money he has never seen before. It may be unique money in the game. "1\" has a large "G\" on the other side

"This is the currency in the game world. It seems that money is essential to walking in this world." Madara Uchiha looked at the five coins in his hand and called out the game menu, recalling the previous night's explanation, and carefully searched for it. I couldn't find where to put the money.

"Madara~! You made a mistake. At this time, you should call out the inventory." The light flashed, like a elf. Such Naruto appeared beside Uchiha Madara, with two small transparent wings growing behind him, and holding a magic wand with golden stars in his hand.

"The inventory?

Zi Zhibo Madara said something and saw it. A thing with many small squares appeared in front of him, thinking about putting the money in, feeling that the coin in his hand disappeared, and then, he was there. A small square saw the five coins that disappeared in his hands.

"Speaking of which. Why did you appear in front of me like this.

"What are you doing!" Naruto raised the magic wand in his hand and tapped Madara Uchiha on the head.

As you wish. With a sharp pain, Madara Uchiha saw his blood bar drop to a low point, and at a very slow speed. Silk. Silk recovery if.

"What are you doing! Do you want to kill me?" Madara Uchiha stared at Naruto as he looked at his candle-like health, his forehead throbbing.

"It's not, you owe it! I kindly came to help you, and you actually pinched my wings! This guiding spirit is like a body, which was transformed by Naruto's consciousness. Naturally, he was treated by Madara Uchiha with feeling. The magic wand knocked him to death, he was lucky.

"Forget it, before, before disappearing, left. A sentence.

"Kansuhashima also came to the game world, and he looks like a man here~

\"Hum hum hum! Wait if I am, Hasuma, I. I must defeat you in this world!" Madara Uchiha thought that Qianshou Hasuma might become stronger when he didn't know it, and he couldn't sit still and stepped on his feet. At the same time, later than the Uchiha class. Step into the Qianshouzhuma of the game, right. The face is forced in a strange village. He looked blankly at the villagers walking around.

Stopped between the dry hands. A villager asked, "Excuse me, where is this place?"

"This is Shizuo Village. Judging from your appearance, you shouldn't be a member of Shiji Village, right?" The villagers looked at Senshou Hashirama, and from his clothes that were out of tune with the village residents, they could tell that he was not the entire village. people in the village.

"I don't even know why I came here." Chisuma scratched his head. He read the menu silently in his heart, and saw the button to quit the game. When he stretched out his finger to point, the villagers held his hand excitedly.

"You are, adventurer, right? We have been waiting for you for a long time! Please come with me to see the village chief!".Wait...wait

Qianshou Zhujian didn't know where the villager got so much strength, and was dragged passively by the villagers to the village chief's house, where he saw the village chief with a white beard.

"Village Chief, I brought adventurers!\"

"What? You are an adventurer, please save our village!" The white-bearded old man was about to kneel on the ground as he spoke, and Qianshou Zhujian hurriedly helped him up, patted his chest and said what's the matter, Just leave it to me, just say it!

"The village

The farmland in the village is occupied by monsters. If we continue like this, we are afraid that there will be no food for the winter in our village... cough cough cough. Said, set off for the farmland, and after arriving at the farmland, I saw a few that looked like they were there. How tall is the person. There is a monster with two heads that is longer than a single horn, and the monster with the words [two-headed unicorn chicken] on the head is fighting. The swarms are as big as calves and look like enlarged versions of locusts, with monsters fighting with [Large Locusts] written on their heads.

\"Oh~! The fight is really fierce! Ah!\"

Qianshouzhujian sat cross-legged on the ground. Watching the battle between the two-headed unicorn chicken and the large locust swarm. Although the two-headed unicorn chicken's combat effectiveness was very strong, it could not stand the number of large locusts. The chicken fell one after another under the bite of the big locust. It was the last. When there was only a two-headed one-horned chicken, Qianshouzhuma couldn't continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

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