"Wood Escape Technique!"

Two huge wooden palms rose from the ground, and they clapped together heavily, killing almost all the big locusts, except for two or three fish that slipped through the net. From the corpse of the big locust, many shiny coins, two pieces of equipment, and a few charms were compared, and when he was about to continue to use the wood escape, he found that he could no longer use the wood, which represented the straight carat. The blue bar of , is now empty, consumed by his wooden escape technique just now. What's going on here? Senju Hashirama. Her face was stunned. She saw Qianshou Hakuma's expression in front of the ball. She couldn't help raising her hand to rest her forehead. She felt that she had said so much before that she was playing the piano to a cow, and Madara Uchiha listened to it. Point, the dry room did not listen at all. Am I being too complicated? It's already night. With a doubtful face, he walked to the corner and squatted down.

"Well, Naruto looked at B Ye who was squatting in the corner and scratched his head blankly, what happened to this girl? I don't know what she was thinking!

The Senju Hashirama, who couldn't use the wood escape, had to rely on physical techniques to deal with the remaining few big locusts, but after kicking out a few kicks and punching a few punches, Qianshou Hashirama suddenly felt it. Fatigued beyond description, she unconsciously covered her kidneys with her hands and gasped for breath. Just then, finally. A big locust rushed over, opened its mouth and bit his head. At this moment, a **** crowing. A two-headed unicorn chicken. The head hit the body of the giant locust, the single horn pierced the body of the giant locust, shook its head, and threw it into the air. The two heads bit the corpse of the giant locust and tore it with force. two halves.


The dry hand post was clutching his waist and panting, watching the two-headed unicorn chicken tore the big locust alive, and he noticed it from the corner of his eyes. The stamina that quickly recovered, then I remembered the things I told him the night before.

It seems that this place is very different from the real world! Two-headed unicorn chicken. Looking at the hands and posts with a friendly face, he lowered his head.

The contract scroll appeared in front of Kanshou Hashirama in a ray of light.

"Don't you want to be my psychic beast?" Senju Hashimae looked at the two-headed unicorn chicken with the contract scroll that appeared out of thin air.

The two-headed unicorn made a cooing sound and nodded.

"Hahaha~!\" Qianshou Zhuma touched the head of the two-headed unicorn chicken, and the two heads got together, and then wrote his name on the contract scroll.

Looking at the coins on the ground, when Senju Hakuma was about to pick it up, the two-headed unicorn chicken seemed to sense Senshou Hakuma's thoughts, and took the initiative to help him pick up the money and equipment on the ground.

The menu popped up automatically, and Senju Hashirama noticed the psychic beast. Column, click on that column to see the avatar of the double-headed unicorn chicken, as well as the option of the backpack, click on the backpack to see the things picked up by the psychic beast, two [Rusty Kunai], three [possibly The detonating charm that can be misfired]. When Qianshouzhuma rode a double-headed unicorn back to the village, the people in the village were so shocked that their jaws dropped, and the irritable double-headed unicorn would actually be willing to let people sit On its body, they can only sigh that it really deserves to come from another. adventurer of the world. !

Chapter 357 Uchiha Madara, Addicted to Games (1/2)

Uchiha Madara. I was looking for the village while fighting monsters, but because of the goose, there was no map. With his current amount of chakra, he can't open the writing wheel, causing him to be farther and farther away from the village.

After Uchiha Madara killed dozens of slimes with the explosive-free weapon [Danya Double Dagger], he finally rose to the second level,

Madara Uchiha, wiping the sweat from his face, looked at the coins that sparkled all over the floor, as well as the [Slime Slime] that burst out of Lime and could be sold to the grocer in the village, although his body value was within his precise Under control, experienced. The battle is fierce! The battle is still full, but I can't help but feel tired. Madara Uchiha's face is full of black lines, and he looks at the [Danya Double Daggers] whose sharpness has dropped in his hands. If Naruto sees him wielding such a rabbit's die Such a weapon might lie on the ground laughing

Uchiha Madaraki is right. Naruto, who had been watching Yawa and Kanshouba, sat on the ground with his stomach covered in laughter when he saw that he got the weapon. I don't know if Uchiha had good luck or bad luck, but such a weapon was revealed. Fortunately, this weapon has good developability, and it is sharp and comfortable to wear. It can be used to cut history. Lime's defense avoids the consumption of straight carats. After all, straight carats are not only used to use ninjutsu.

"You can choose health value, straight carat, physical value, and one of them is enhanced...

Zi Zhibo Madan looked at the wreckage of Slay's mother all over the ground. He felt that his physical strength was not enough. Even if the current Zhikara has been strengthened, it is estimated that he can use the fireball twice. It is not as good as strengthening his physical strength. When fighting with monsters, it can be more at ease.

After strengthening the attributes, Madara Uchiha carefully picked up the money on the ground, as well as the exploding ninja tools, and looked at the pitiful one in his hand. Zhang wrote [the detonator that may misfire], and the corners of his mouth moved.

I think you are embarrassing me, Madara Uchiha! Madara Uchiha wandered aimlessly in the forest. He knew that as long as he asked Naruto for help, he would be able to find the village, but he was unwilling and his pride would not allow him to do that. Compared with Madara Uchiha, Senju Hashima is much luckier. Maybe it's stupid people who have stupid luck. They are so lucky that they continue to take on tasks to help villagers in need. They quickly rose to the fourth level. To upgrade Dua, you can choose health value, straight carat, and stamina value, among these three. item is strengthened.

Qianshou Hasuma looked at the plus sign that kept flashing on the top, hesitated for a moment, and strengthened the straight carat. After all, with his current straight carat amount, he would not have the straight carat when he released Chimushi, and he had to strengthen the straight carat before he could. There are enough straight carats to unleash more jutsu.

The two-headed unicorn chicken became able to be upgraded after becoming the psychic beast of Qianshouzhujian. The two vinegars cooperated to kill monsters. Compared with Uchiha Madara's single-handed struggle, the speed of killing monsters should not be too fast. Rent, Qianshoujian can still do quests, and the experience and various small props given by the quest are far more than those of Uchiha Madaraban. Uchiha Madara tried to avoid the thunder-white hair all over his body and stood up, and the detonating talisman was burning. Just when Uchiha Madara thought that this abominable Thunder Wolf would be killed by the detonating talisman, the detonating talisman was misfired and the thunder wolf bowed his head. Watching the belly was burned black by the detonating talisman. Piece of hair, roaring at Madara Uchiha, as if to say, how dare you stain my snow-white hair! Furiously, he rushed towards Chiba Ban. Madara Uchiha clenched the double daggers of the fangs. He leaned over and rushed under the Thunder Wolf. Zhikara covered the blade and swung the daggers with both hands. That's all. Hit, almost consumed all the physical value. Zizhibo ring in place. After the stamina is more than half recovered, jump forward, turn to lie on the ground and slide back, and quickly seal with both hands.

"Fire is suitable for dragon fire!

Madara Uchiha took a deep breath and stood out. The flames held the wound that burned the abdomen of the Thunder Wolf.

As the straight carat was exhausted, the flame disappeared, and the abdomen of the Thunder Wolf was scorched by the dragon fire technique. The pain of the wound made Thunder Wolf become furious and rushed towards Madara Uchiha.

Uchiha Qiu laughed wildly. He walked towards the Thunder Wolf while laughing. He clenched the double daggers in his hands. He was about to kill the Thunder Wolf. when hitting. Madara Uchiha and Qianshou were addicted to the game and couldn't help themselves. As a last resort, Naruto used his authority and kicked the two out of the game.

Madara Zi Zhiha took off the game helmet angrily and stared at Ruo Naruto with resentment. In an instant, he was kicked out of the game inexplicably, trying to figure out who did it with his toes.

Hahaha~! This game is really fun~!" When he was kicked out of the game, Senju Hashima was having fun with his psychic beast.

"Naruto! I want to play a game! I want to go back and slaughter that stinky garbage!" Zi Zhiha Madara jumped on Naruto, grabbed her collar and shook it, venting his anger.

"Okay, don't make trouble. If you're making trouble, I won't tell Yuma about you waving your fangs, and I will publicize it by the way. I just took a picture of that scene."

Naruto in the word Chiha Madara

"How could I be a devil. Actually, the game needs maintenance, so I kicked you out of the game as a last resort. If you want to play, you can play it tomorrow. Naruto. Serious nonsense with a face, where is the need for maintenance. In fact, it is The two have been playing for a long time, and in order not to make them addicted, they kicked them out of the game. She did this because in fact, some parts of the game world need to be adjusted. Naruto has a new idea.

"You didn't lie to me, did you?

Chiha Madara jumped off Naruto and stared at her with his arms crossed.

"Is it any good for me to lie to you? Besides, it's getting late, aren't you hungry?" As soon as Naruto finished speaking, Madara Uchiha's stomach growled.

Zi Zhiha Madara blushed and covered his unsatisfactory stomach, noticed Naruto looking at her eyes, and shouted angrily: "What are you looking at!"

"Alright alright

"Can I play at home too?" asked dryly. Naruto looked at Yi Ye and agreed after Yi Ye nodded. After Naruto asked the shadow clone to send the two away, he looked at the world inside the sphere and began to debug it.

"Naruto, what do you want to do?"

3 Ye saw that the time in the sphere was accelerating, and I didn't understand Naruto's approach.

"In simple terms, it is in the game world. The day is equivalent to two hours in the real world, and I have increased the settings of day and night changes in the game world, as well as the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, which can increase the reality of the game. Sex. How can the real world lack the changes of the four seasons every year? The alternation of day and night is also necessary, and some monsters will get all the values ​​at night. The fixed increase, this is also the disguised Naruto who wants to summon Qin four. Shadow of Ninja Village and Shisui Uchiha of Wuyu Village came to test and take this opportunity to promote the game. If ordinary people do not know ninjutsu and taijutsu, it is difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with the game for the first time, or.... novice tasks are difficult In the past, after all, it was set in a real world. Ordinary people might not even be able to beat Slay Mothers at first, but they were the weakest monsters. die better

The ninjas have an advantage in this place from the beginning, which is also impossible. After all, this game started as a conceptual product for the convenience of their revenge. No one knows that it will become like this when it is actually made. The stamina value is set to reduce the gap between ninjas and ordinary people. As for what it will be like, it depends on the actual release of the game, and she will not be in the business of losing money.

"It can be mass-produced. And this time. I used a more difficult-to-crack program to encrypt. This time it shouldn't be cracked like a straight-carat armor.

After the last lesson, I was thinking about it all night, and adopted a new encryption method to prevent it from being cracked by others. The consequences of this failure to crack the whole game are more serious

"Very good, let Zi Zhiha Madara and Ganshouzhuo test for two more days, and then we can call the shadows of each village to come and test the game! Then, we can release the game!" Looking forward to seeing the game world inside the sphere. !

Chapter 358 We also want to play games! (1/2)

. . . what do you have in your hand?"

Tsunade looked at what looked like a helmet in Senju Hasuma's arms. This kind of thing, I looked at the helmet that Uchiha Madara was holding. The two helmets have different styles except for the size. mold. kind of.

"This is. It's a great thing~! Debbie can play in the future. It's very interesting... Senju Hashima started talking excitedly, and before he could say anything, Madara Uchiha said.

"If you want to know, go ask Naruto." Madara Uchiha didn't want to let Senju Hasuma continue to talk. If Naruto knew that it was Senju Hasuma that leaked the game, she might follow . In the worst case, the game will be confiscated

She hasn't slaughtered that **** monster yet. She can't be confiscated from the game! I really don't understand why Naruto let this idiot Hasuma follow him. Play test game. Terrible.

Uchiha Madara stared at Senju Hashirama with resentment. Eye.

Was stared at by Uchiha Madara. With a smirk all over his eyes, he scratched his head and said, "That's true... If you want to know about this helmet, just ask Naruto.

"ok, I get it.

Tsunade saw. Uchiha Mikoto with a calm face raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mikoto, don't you want to know what the helmets that Uchiha Madara and my grandpa were holding just now do?"

"Want to know.

Uchiha Mikoto nodded, thinking back to what Senshou Hasuma said just now, perhaps, this or that helmet is the same as Uchiha before. It has something to do with the great illusion performed by the tribe.

Anyway, wait until Naruto will come. All doubts will be solved.

"Qiannai wants to know too!" Qiannao raised her hand.

"I also want to know!\"

Rank, who came downstairs, also raised his hand.

"It looks like there is something interesting, can you take me with you?" With a small smile of interest on Snail's face, "Wow.! When did you follow me? Why didn't you make a sound. Listen to me. Rank was startled by the sound of the child behind her, jumping, she didn't even know what Scorpion was following her.

"It's your ears that don't work well. I followed behind you for about fifteen seconds." Scorpion folded his arms. Looking at Ruolanke mockingly.

"Damn brat.

Ranke clenched his fists tightly by the scorpion, but he couldn't do anything to the scorpion. After all, she couldn't do something like hitting a young girl. 89" Hmm.

Scorpion saw that Rank didn't dare to do anything to her, raised his eyebrows, and walked down the stairs.

Wait until Naruto sets up the game world. By the way, after you made a lot of additions, it was already dark outside.

"This big ball is just put here." When he was about to leave, Naruto looked at the container that holds the game world. He always felt that it was a little unsafe to put it here.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared." I had already guessed that Naruto would be worried about this kind of thing. His hands formed seals. Multiple barriers rose on the ground. Even if Naruto wanted to destroy these barriers, it would cost a lot of money. . Fan kung fu. Not to mention other people.

"Let's go. Go home for dinner." Naruto picked up Ji Ye and walked towards the underground passage.

"Wait! I still have things to do!" Siye struggled and patted Naruto on the back, seeing that Naruto had no intention of letting go of her, so she gave up struggling.

"Why don't you struggle?" Naruto smiled and patted Ji Ye's soft and firm little ass.

"Say as if I struggle and you'll let me go. Like."

Lying in Naruto's arms after a long absence, she smelled the familiar smell in the night, and she began to feel a little sleepy. She yawned with half-open eyes, twisted a few times in Naruto's arms, and looked a comfortable position.

"Although I really want to say that if I'm sleepy, just sleep for a while. If you want to sleep, wait until you eat before going to sleep." Wu Ren patted Ji Ye's head. She had been working hard during this time.

He closed his eyes and responded. With a sound, the hand holding Naruto's neck used a little force. Back home, Naruto walked to the living room with day and night, and the five maids were busy serving the food prepared by the cooks from the kitchen. Uchiha Mikoto looked at Naruto's sleepless night.

"I didn't fall asleep. I opened my eyes at night. The gap closed. Yu, jumped out of Naruto's arms and leaned on the sofa.

"Naruto, are you hiding something from us?" Tsunade sat beside Naruto, her plump **** squeezed her arms.


Seeing Tsunade's appearance of asking for guilt, Naruto. The reaction is, whether I have another woman outside without telling her, think about it carefully, it seems that there is no!

What happened to Hinata that night, she told them!

"I don't seem to be hiding anything from you? If you want to know anything, just ask, I won't hide it from you. Naruto put his arms around Tsunade's waist, bringing the two bodies closer together, feeling Ruo Tsunade's slightly accelerated speed. Heartbeat, pursed lips and smiled, azure blue eyes narrowed into a cute crescent moon.

"What is the helmet that my grandfather and Madara Uchiha got back, don't you use 039; then

It's an ordinary helmet, "It turns out to be a game helmet! They have a trial-type game helmet, and the real product has not yet been produced.

Naruto thought it was something, but I didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter. Now that the game world has been established, it only needs to slowly repair the loopholes, and let them know that the existence of the show is nothing. Her people, there is no such situation that will speak out.

"Game helmet? Trial model?" Uchiha Mikoto heard Naruto's words and thought of what Senshou Hasuma had not said before, and she had it in her mind. A bold guess.

"Could it be that that helmet is used to play games?\"

In Uchiha Mikoto's mind, the image of Madara Uchiha and Shishouba wearing helmets, bumping each other's head with each other's heads, her face suddenly turned red, she covered her mouth and turned her head, her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Ah! I'm sorry."

Uchiha Mikoto found that everyone was staring at her, her pale cheeks. Red, coughing softly to ease the embarrassment inside.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, and I didn't intend to hide it from you." Naruto paused, organized the language, and slowly said under the eyes of everyone's doubts: "Simply put, I Made. A game, the helmets in the hands of Yushou Hasuma and Madara Uchiha are used to log in to the game... No! It is not so much a game as it is another real world.

"The real world?\"

Chino looked at Ruo Naruto with anticipation in his eyes.

Yes, it is the real world, but, unlike this world, death in that world will not really kill you, but will lose something called experience points, and you may drop your equipment, and also It is a ninja tool, as a punishment for death.

"Then, where do the dead go back?"

Scorpion, who came over with a glass of milk, asked curiously, she was very interested in the game Naruto said, after all, no one would not be interested in the new world, it was completely unfamiliar to them exist!

"Dead people will be resurrected at a place called 039; Resurrection Point', and there are. There is a certain probability that they will be resurrected in the wild, and in some strange places. Naruto set the resurrection of people after death, and there is a certain probability. Chances are that you will meet Grandpa Mi. Of course. Whether he can hang up or not depends on him.

"It sounds very interesting, can I play the game you're talking about?" Tsunade hugged the proud thing on Yuren's chest and squeezed it against her.

"Qiannai wants to play too!" Qiannao raised her hand.

\"Count me." Scorpion also raised his hand.

"Sir, we want to play too!" The three female knights also raised their hands.

"What are you guys talking about! It's so lively~! Take me with you too~!

Crane wings blowing snow passed by. After a hard day of practice, I was so tired that I fell asleep in the bedroom. After a while, when I came out, I heard the lively voice in the living room, I didn't change my clothes, and walked out wearing Ruo Pajamas.

Anyway. Family, nothing to worry about. Crane Yibuki has long regarded this place as his home.

"The game is still in the closed beta stage, maybe something unknown will happen..." Naruto's eyes swept across the crowd, and he could see it in the eyes of Uchiha Mikoto who didn't speak out. Not looking forward to it, looking forward to her "new world" Naruto looked at the kitchen, and could see the cooks who were holding their frying spoons sticking their heads out of the kitchen, looking here curiously, and the five maids also said to her of games of great interest.

"Even so. Do you still want to play?\"

I want to play!\" Hydrangea, who was beside her, couldn't help but shouted, and after she shouted, she thought of her identity, and she blushed and lowered her head.

"I am so sorry!\"

"It doesn't matter, you have heard what you said just now, and you can also join in. It's just that the game is still in the testing stage. I don't want someone to leak the game's affairs... If someone leaks the game's affairs, don't. Blame me for being rude~!"

Naruto said with a smile, but he carried it in his words. Silk murderous, this. Si's murderous aura was not directed at the family, but at the five maids and the three cooks. After all, in this family, they were the biggest suspects and might have leaked the game. Feeling the bone-chilling cold, in just a few seconds, cold sweat soaked their backs, and their faces lowered their heads in fear, thinking that working at the boss's home would be. It's a beautiful thing, and now it seems that they are still too naive. !

Chapter 359 Get to know the power of blood skin! (1/2)

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