"Actually, last year, I started to want to hand over the position of Shuiying to Qing. I knew that it was a handover ceremony recently, but I didn't tell you, but I just wanted to give you a surprise.

Terumi Mei didn't care at all. Ninja Izumi hugged Naruto's arm in the mood.

"If that's the case, then let's go to the Ninja Village." Naruto wanted to laugh when he saw the shocked expression of the mist ninja. He not only took Sanwei away, but also kidnapped them. Ren Shuiying.

"Azabuyi, trouble you. Azabuyi nodded and activated the Flying Thunder Technique, and brought Naruto and Terumi Mei back to the Sound Ninja Village.

"Azabuyi, go and talk to Raikage and Kirabi. Sound, it's almost time to use the eight tails, so let him be mentally prepared." Naruto said Ruo, looking up. eye sky.

On the moon, Dajian Musheren, who was looking up at the earth on the empty moon, suddenly didn't feel that he was coming. It was cold, something he had never felt before.

Looking at the dense goose bumps on his arms, Otsutsuki Sheren tilted his head slightly and clasped his arms tightly with both hands.

"What happened. Is it going to happen.

After returning to Yinin Village, Naruto directly confronted his wives and family members.

"You should be curious. Why did I gather all the tailed beasts to the Sound Ninja Village? Actually, this is not only a promise with the nine tails, the most important thing is that I have it. A plan needs to borrow the power of the tail.

Chino's big purple eyes twitched, clapping his hands and guessing, "Could it be, Naruto, you want to rule the ninja world?"

"I'm not interested in ruling the ninja world, I want to do things. There has only been one thing, what for the peace of the ninja world is just incidental, what I want is that all tailed beasts get real freedom , To this end, I want to use the power of the tailed beast to smash the moon in the sky and completely cut off the possibility of infinite moon reading. Naruto did not hide his plan.

"Without the moon, the sky at night will be unsightly...Xiang Lian regretted.

"That too

There is no way, unlimited monthly reading. If it succeeds, the whole world will suffer disaster, it is better to smash the moon directly. Hundreds. Madara Uchiha now seems to have given up on the infinite moon reading. However, it cannot be ruled out that a guy with a writing wheel will emerge from a crack in the ground in the future. Trying to use the infinite moon reading, this is a very tricky thing, the world is very wide . Who knows what kind of enemies will pop up, just like the villains in the anime emerge one after another.

"Since it's your decision. We won't oppose you, let us be your helper by your side." Tsunade walked to Naruto's side. Since Naruto can tell the plan, it means that She has been fully prepared. As a lover, all she can do is support her by her side.

Birdman, have you figured out what to do with the debris of the moon? If the moon is so big, if it is broken, the falling debris will cause great damage to the ground, right?" Terumi Mei expressed her thoughts , she wants to know if Naruto has a solution.

"Don't worry, the fragments of the moon will fall into the universe. Even if there are scattered fragments falling, they will turn into ashes when they fall down at an extremely fast speed. It would be nice if there were huge fragments that shattered it. Need to worry.

"Is it really worth doing so much for us?" Wuwei frowned slightly, she didn't understand why Naruto was willing to do so much for the tailed beast.

"Because when I was the loneliest, only the nine-tails were by my side... As long as I made a promise with the nine-tails, I will. It will be done." Naruto showed a bright smile. Hearing Naruto's words, everyone and the tailed beast were silent.

only because. A contract can do this to such an extent, and someone else will definitely be able to pay so much for a tailed beast that has never met before.

"You really are an idiot.

Jiuruko and Jiutika excitedly hugged Naruto and pushed her down on the bed, Sanwei hesitated and rushed up. Then, the three of them also rushed up. The spiked armor on their bodies pierced everyone. It was miserable, and the originally touching atmosphere became comical.

The next day, in the evening, Naruto summoned all the tailed beasts except the eight-tailed beasts who were still in Yunnin Village, and told them his plan. all over.

\"Is this plan really feasible? Inject our chakra into your body, your body will not be able to bear it?" Four tails folded their arms and frowned. The body wants to hold all the tailed beasts' straight carat, it is simply a dream, even if he has a straight carat comparable to the tailed beast, it does not mean that her body can accommodate the chakra of all the tailed beasts.

"Indeed, with your body, Naruto, it's impossible to hold all the chakras of the tailed beasts. The five tails looked at it as if it meant something. Jiuruke and Jiutika, just two nine-tailed chakras. It was equal to the sum of the straight carats of the other tailed beasts present.

"It's better not to do such a dangerous thing. Sanwei tugged at the hem of Naruto's windbreaker, a little worried about Naruto's safety.

Instead, think of other ways.

"If you die, what should we do?"

. The tail frowned and looked at Ruo Naruto, he could be said to be extremely satisfied with his current life, and if Wu Ren died, this would be the case. Everything will come to nothing and return to the way it used to be.

"Think. A safer plan... Nanao said slowly after being silent for a long time.

"You guys, it's like I'm talking. It's like I'm going to die. If your strengths are united, how can human beings be able to bind you? Big idiots, all the things you worry about are useless, don't forget, I have This eye, no matter how many straight carats there are. Naruto lifted the blindfold and opened his closed left eye, with the light blue three-gou jade reincarnation eye. He looked at Zhongwei with a smile. beast.

"As long as this eye is there, the things you are worried about will never happen, absolutely!" Naruto shattered the worries in the hearts of the tailed beasts with firm and unquestionable words. At night. The cool breeze blew through Naruto's long soft golden hair, glowing in the moonlight. Wipe the luster of saints, this is a plain area far away from Yinin Village.

Tonight is the full moon, and it is also the time when Naruto implements the long-planned "Shattering Moon Project". Now, with all nine tails... + all tailed beasts here, it's time to smash the moon and cut off the possibility of infinite moon reading. Completely plunged Uchiha into despair.

"It's so late, what's the matter with me, yo~!" When Azabuyi spoke with Ruo, he still didn't forget that RAP's Kirabi came here.

"Stop putting gold on your face, I'm not looking for you, but Yawei," Naruto looked. Rabbi snorted disdainfully. Sound, Kira's strength is very strong, but in her opinion, it can be said that she has a "broken plan" for her. Point help no. !

Chapter 400 Shooting Through the Moon (1/2)

"Bi, let me do it. ΨΨ

Eight tails can feel that all the tailed beasts have gathered here.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Aba~!" Kirabi handed over control of his body to Yawei.

"Naruto, what are your intentions?\" Yawei looked at Ruo Naruto and squinted her eyes, all the tailed beasts have gathered here, what is her intention?

"Don't worry about it. Now is the time when you need to be used. It's enough to lend me the straight carat to use it." Strictly speaking, Yao is not a better person than himself, and Naruto doesn't bother to say that to it.

"This is a long-established agreement, other things, you don't need to ask too much.

morpholino. !" Naruto's body burned like a golden flame, entered the beautiful nine-tailed man's pillar force mode, and the eight straight carat hands held the bodies of all the tailed beasts.

"It may be a little uncomfortable, just bear with it... Naruto used the ability of the hungry ghost to absorb their chakra, and with the continuous influx of the eight-tailed beast, it merged with the nine-tailed chakra in her body. . Body, a kind of abnormal phenomenon appeared, all the tailed beasts straight cara transformed into another form in her body.

A begging jade appeared behind her, and after absorbing most of the eight-tailed beasts, Naruto stopped and continued to absorb, and she would change into the posture of the three immortals, which was not what she wanted. . After absorbing more than half of the eight-tailed beast's straight carat plus the two nine tails in her body and her own straight carat, Naruto felt that the current straight carat should be enough to smash the moon.

"Naruto, what do you want to do?" Hei Jue came out of the ground, and it sensed what Naruto might have to do. If Naruto succeeds, very bad things may happen.

"It's very simple, I'm going to destroy the moon! You're here just in time to be a guest who appreciates how I smashed the moon. The plan of unlimited monthly reading will never be realized. Your ambition has already been noticed by me. Hei Jue!\" Naruto stretched out his hand towards Hei Jue, several black sticks pierced Hei Jue's body and nailed it to the ground, making it immobile.

"What?! Asshole, when did you find out about my plan?!" Hei Jue looked at Naruto in disbelief, he couldn't understand how his seamless plan that day was known to Naruto, it was impossible The thing, even Uchiha Madaraju doesn't know its plan, how did Naruto know?

"Because your plan has already been exposed, Hei Jue, the biggest dutiful son in the ninja world, the child born when Da Jianmu Kaguya was sealed, but unfortunately... with your current appearance, you don't look like a human at all. Strictly speaking, neither you nor Dajianmu Yumura and Dajianmu Yuyi are just creations of Yin and Yang." Naruto smiled sarcastically as he looked at Hei Jue who was struggling. Hearing Naruto's words , The seven tailed beasts and Kirabi looked shocked. They didn't know that Naruto learned the names of the three immortals from there, and that Dajianmu Kaguya had a relationship with the three immortals. Huh? Where did she get this information?

The three immortals who were eating melons heard Naruto's words. With a stern face, he just felt the gathering of tailed beasts, slipped over to hide, and was just a bystander, how could he be shot even if he was lying down?

"What a mistake, I didn't expect you to know so much Hei Jue regretted it. It didn't even count that Naruto knew everything. From the beginning to Naruto, I never trusted it, the trust it showed was just doing Show it. He's like. A rag-like piece of rag was pinned here, lost its use value, and immediately turned his face.

"Naruto! You will regret breaking the moon! You will definitely regret it! Absolutely!! He will never be able to remain calm, struggling and struggling for thousands of years. Just when he is about to succeed, he will be destroyed. Yu Dan.

"Give it up, you can't get rid of it, unless I die, the black stick that is stuck in your body will be broken, and watch how I smash the moon! Naruto. Jump up , the ground shattered, and the tailed beast and the eight-tailed Kirabi, who had no time to dodge, were turned into rolling gourds by the strong wind. Looking at the big pit left by Naruto on the ground, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"This thing is the begging jade. Naruto looked at it while floating at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. The eight begging jade behind his eyes grinned. He smiled.

"Naruto, how are you going to break the moon?" Jiuru asked curiously.

"Naturally, it is directly smashed with powerful force.!!! I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Naruto looked at the moon that was very close to him, and clenched his fists excitedly.

"Let's get started!" Eighteen tails appeared behind Naruto and became. A huge fox with two nine-tailed straight carats intertwined with gold and dark gold. Asura Daoming's body E grew four arms, and with the sound of mechanical clicking, the four arms were continuously split and formed. He dropped the huge ferocious weapon into the hands of Nine Tails.

"This weapon looks good!" Jiuluke and Jiuti's voices sounded at the same time, as if they were the same. The voice of the individual speaks with an accent. Woo Man controls like a Gundam. In this way, the nine tails formed by the straight carat raised the huge hand cannon that looked fierce and aimed at the moon.

The barrel is split open, connected by a sizzling electric current, and what looks like a turbine behind it. This kind of device turned quickly, setting off a huge gust of wind, huge chakras gathered, and a dazzling light lit up in the barrel.

Almost at the same time, the world

Almost all the ninjas noticed that the gigantic Chikara that appeared in the air was unable to give rise to any idea of ​​resistance, and they were the first of such a huge Chikara. The first time I felt it, I walked out of the house one after another to see the dazzling and dazzling light that appeared in the night sky.

Of course, people in the game are naturally unaware.

In Yinin Village, on the platform on the roof of the office building, the girls who should be waiting at home came here, looking like a bright new star in the sky. In this way, Naruto who shines like a dazzling light.

"What the **** is Naruto Naruto trying to do?\" Uchiha Obito frowned tightly, looking at Cui Yao in the night sky with shock, as if he wanted to illuminate the night sky into a nova in the daytime.

The Shura Destroyer was overwhelmed, and cracks appeared. Continuing to inject the straight carat is likely to shatter. Theoretically, the destructive power is infinite, and there is an upper limit. Among the Asura destroyers. The Shura Destroyer, which was integrated into the Dao Jade, turned pitch-black and looked more sinister in appearance. The amount of straight carats was also theoretically infinite, and turned into a real limitless limit.

With the injection of chakra, the split gun barrel continued to expand, and the current also changed from the rumored white current to a red and black current, and the sound of thunder continued.

"Three Star Destroyer

The super-large light cannon with a diameter of more than one kilometer burst out from the barrel. After the shot, the light cannon instantly expanded, and the volume became more than several times larger.

On the moon, when Dajian Mushe felt the huge chakra flying over from the earth, he looked up and saw the light cannon with a diameter of several meters. Before he could react, he was overwhelmed by the light cannon in the blink of an eye. The light cannon penetrated the moon, the whole moon lit up with a dazzling light, and shattered, and the fragments were attracted by the earth's gravity and flew towards the earth. In the explosion, the one located in the moon has Datong wood. The huge golden Tenseigan formed by the white eyes of the clan also fell to the earth along with the fragments of the moon.

The moment the moon was shattered, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who had been sealed in the moon for an unknown number of years, helped her free.

Mixed in debris, there is. The head has long white hair, which seems to have no ears. Kaguya, a big Jianmu with such a horn, slowly opened her white eyes. Looking at the earth below Ruo Ruo, her face tilted her head blankly, not knowing what was going on.

\"In the end I...I

After Kaguya Otsutsuki found out that she was free, she felt something was wrong. Chakra was not on her body for this feeling of powerlessness. The gust of wind blew on his face, and after realizing that he was rapidly falling to the ground, Kaguya Otsutsuki looked around. He saw the huge golden Tenseisen, jumped between the fragments and landed on top of the golden Tenseisen.

...No.. After the dazzling light, everyone found that the moon in the sky disappeared, and the moon that used to shine brightly at night was like rain in an immeasurable number of meteors. It fell from the sky, and before it fell to the ground, it turned into ashes due to the extremely high temperature generated by the friction with the air. Even the puppets made by the Dajianmu clan on the moon were not spared.

"It seems that Naruto has succeeded." Tsunade looked at the shooting stars in the night sky and looked up at the moonless sky, she felt it. Si is not used to it, not only her, but also other people feel uncomfortable. When the moon was still there, they didn't feel anything. The moon disappeared in vain, and they felt the pain from the heart, like something. If the things that accompany you have disappeared.

"What happened, why did the moon disappear?" Minato Namikaze appeared on the roof of the office building, but he didn't see the figure he wanted to see on the roof. He felt the disappearance of the moon, and He Ming People definitely matter.

"What about Naruto?"

"Naruto should be back soon..." Terumi Mei replied, looking up at Ruoba Feng Minato. The dark night sky is quite uncomfortable.

The night sky without the moon, the lack of the light of the moon, the environment has become darker, and the meteors that are constantly falling from the sky are like the tears shed by the moon.

"Mizukage-sama? Why are you here?\" Namikaze Minato looked surprised when he saw Terumigu.

"I'm no longer Mizukage, and now I'm just Naruto's fiancee." Terumigu raised his hand and showed Namikaze Minato to look at the ring on her hand.

"Eh? Eh?" Namikaze Minato looked at the ring on Terumi Mei's finger and made a shocked and disbelieving voice. !

Chapter 401 Eternal Tenseigan (1/2)

"Lord Naruto! Lord Naruto!"

In the game, Jiraiya heard the siren and hurriedly exited the game. He took off his helmet and saw Shikahisa Nara who was full of anxiety.

"What happened?"

Zilai also asked suspiciously, looking around, wondering if it was an illusion, he felt that the room was getting darker, and the light outside the window kept flickering like fireworks.

Moon... the moon is gone!"

"What are you talking about. It must be the cloud covering the moon. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me. I am teaming up with Raikage to fight the boss. This is related to the friendship between our two villages. Zilai also said, He couldn't wait to put on the gaming helmet and wanted to enter the game. He sat in the office and dealt with files all day long. Now the game time is what he is most looking forward to.

"It's not about the cloud, it really disappeared, Hokage-sama, if you don't believe me, go out and take a look!" Nara Shikumi Jiraiya wanted to enter the game again, and hurriedly took off the game helmet he was wearing on his head . Pulling and pulling Jirai also walked out.

"I'll go out with you to see, don't drag me!"

Jirai had no choice but to put down the gaming helmet and walk out with Nara Shikaku. "This is

Jiraiya walked outside with Waka Nara Shikaku, looked up at the sky, which was completely different from what he thought. In this way, in the night sky, only the twinkling stars and the dense meteor shower are left, and there is no trace of the moon at all, and the moon seems to be covered by it. Only the invisible big hand took it away. Sample.

Considering the size of the moon, Jiraiya feels that it is impossible for someone to remove the moon! What the **** is going on, how could the moon suddenly disappear?

"Lord Hokage, there was a huge Chikara reaction in the sky before. If I guessed correctly, the moon should have been shattered by that Chikara. Now the meteors falling from the night sky are the remains of the moon.

Nara Shikahisa looked at the falling meteor, thinking of the huge chakra and the dazzling light before.

"What?! So, we won't be able to see the moon in the future?" Jiraiya opened his mouth in shock. He couldn't believe that someone could shatter the moon with such a huge straight carat.

"It's true. We won't be able to see the light in the future." Nara Huan nodded and said.

Yunnin Village

Raikage, who was called out by his subordinates from the game, looked at the meteor shower that illuminated the night sky with a look of astonishment. ☆☆

"Where is Kirabi?\"

"Lord Raikage, Kirabi was taken away by Lord Azabuyi."

Raikage frowned. He felt that the disappearance of the moon was definitely not that simple, and it was very likely that it had something to do with Naruto.

With the help of the huge water polo projector, I could see clearly how Naruto destroyed the blue of the moon, and his face was full of cold sweat and I didn't know what to do. The current Wu Nin Village was developed with the help of Ruo Yin Nin Village, but now Naruto is not. To do such an incredible thing, he hesitated for a moment, pretending not to see the previous picture. Rather than take the initiative to ask, it is better to wait for Naruto's explanation.

Rock Ninja Village

Ohnogi frowned as he watched the dense meteor shower falling from the sky.

"What the **** happened? Who broke the moon and why did that?\"

Anyway, it's good that the falling pieces of the moon didn't do any damage to the village, see. After a meteor shower, Oh Yeki decided to go home and play games. When the sky fell, there was a tall Dingruo (seemingly referring to Naruto), and he didn't need to worry about such things as the moon was gone.

Sand Ninja Village

"You have to report this matter to Mr. Fengying as soon as possible. What the **** is going on? Could it be that the enemy from the sky broke the moon?"

Maki quickly wrote the letter to be delivered to Naruto. Outside the hospital's operating room. The dried persimmon ghost shark is anxiously waiting for Ruo. Stimulated by the huge straight carat before, Akano Aiyi actually had symptoms of dystocia, which made the dry persimmon ghost shark so anxious that she finally got the person she loved, how could he just watch him like this Go away from him? No no.... Dry persimmon ghost shark, you have to calm down, Aiyi will be fine, definitely will be fine. Dry persimmon ghost shark patted his face hard, his hands clasped in He got up and waited anxiously outside. I could vaguely hear Akano Aiyi's painful cry from the operating room. Suddenly, my heart was cut like a knife. Just put on the condom! The baby's cry came from the operating room, but the dry persimmon ghost shark did not hear the voice of Akano Ai again.

.....Could it be...Dried persimmon ghost shark felt weak in his hands and feet, he didn't dare to touch the door of the operating room, he stretched out his hand, and he found that the big i in the operating room seemed to be constantly moving away from him.


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