The door to the operating room opened, and a sweaty medical ninja stepped out of the operating room.

"'s my wife?" Gan Persimmon Guisha doesn't care about the child first, but the woman he loves most.

"Mother and daughter are safe, go in and see them.

Hearing the doctor's words, the dried persimmon ghost shark burst into tears with excitement. He walked in quickly.

r>In the operating room, I saw Ai Akano lying on the operating table with a sweaty face and a pale face.

\"Electric shark, you're here...Look at our baby...although it's a little different from what I feels a bit}...why are you crying?. A big man The sobbing Takano Aiyi saw the dried persimmon ghost shark approaching, noticed the tears in the corners of his eyes, smiled, and wanted to raise his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I, I thought I was going to lose your finger.

"What are you talking about, I want to spend time with you. Life is changing slowly.

"By the way, what happened to the straight carat before?" Ai Akano thought of the huge straight carat that suddenly appeared.

"I don't know, I heard from others that the moon seems to be broken." Ai Akano moved agitatedly when she heard that the moon was broken. The pain caused cold sweat to flow on her face.

"Be careful! Don't move, rest well.

"Yes Yes Yes.

Ai Akano showed a happy smile on her pale face when she saw the dried persimmon electric shark so nervous.

Naruto, who was flying in the air, was about to fall, when he saw the huge golden object falling from the sky. Naruto could feel the vastness of the pupil power, which was like a vast ocean, and his pupil power far exceeded her three. Gouyu's Samsara eyes do not know how many times. Naruto looked at the huge golden eyes with a shocked expression. Could it be that the eyes of the giants living in the universe were knocked down by her?

How is that possible! Never heard of it, Naruto was amused by his exaggerated imagination,

"I don't know, I've never seen that kind of thing." Jiuluke and Jiutica said in unison.

"So... Anyway, that huge pupil power is really eye-catching!" Naruto stretched out several huge straight-carat hands behind him, catching the big golden eyes that fell quickly, He flew over and reached out to touch the big golden eyeball. Hungry Ghost Dao! The Gouyu in the Samsara eyes of Sangouyu was spinning rapidly, and the unstoppable pupil power even rushed towards Naruto's ordinary right eye.

blood. Didi flowed out of Naruto's eyes. When Naruto wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that his hand seemed to be stuck. I can't even pull it down.

"This is too evil!"

The severe pain in the left and right eyes was unbearable for Naruto. Zhikara's hand clenched tightly and hit the big golden eyeball heavily. It doesn't matter if you don't fight, this fight is like breaking the gate, the turbulent pupil power rushed to Naruto to drown her, swallow her, and Jiuruke and Jiutika, who were screaming into the body, were driven out and floated in the air, See if Naruto, who was about to be swallowed by the big golden eyeballs, stretched out his tail and wrapped around her, trying to pull her out.

The powerful repelling force sent the two nine tails flying, and Naruto devoured his big golden eyeballs like that.

Among the big golden eyeballs, Naruto met. A memory-like existence that has no consciousness left in it.

From his vaguely discernible appearance, Wu Ren recognized that this was Dajianmu Yucun.

Seeing that he had lost consciousness, Naruto Silk read his memory with the ability of the human world without any guilt.

"It turns out that this huge golden eye is a large tree on the moon. The collection of people's eyes is equivalent to the existence of a perpetual motion machine..

"Wait! I absorb the pupil power of the perpetual motion machine...

Naruto realized that he had done it. This is a very SB thing, and now I can only try my best to absorb the pupil power of Eternal Tenseigan! "Huh?

Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was sitting on the Eye of Eternal Tensei, slowly opened her eyes. She found that the Tenseigan under her buttocks had actually stopped, and she was keenly aware of the continuous decrease in pupil power.

"What happened? Why did the pupil power decrease?\"

Da Jianmu Kaguya tilted her head slightly suspiciously. With her current strength, even if she opened her eyes, she couldn't see what happened inside the Eternal Tennis Eye. The moment the blood from Naruto's eyes fell to the ground, the ground shook. Down. The trees are growing frantically. In just a few seconds, dense tree-tailed beasts have grown out of this empty plain. He stared at the dense forest that suddenly grew out of Ruo Ruo. !

Chapter 402 Kaguya Otsutsuki (1/2)

In order to get out of the Eternal Tenseigan as soon as possible, Naruto madly absorbed the pupil power of the Eternal Tenseikan. The black gouyu in the Samsara Eye of the Three Gouyu slowly turned golden, and the azure right eye was also as vast as the sea. Under the scouring of the pupil power, a mutation occurred, the blue veins around the eyes bulged, and the pupils in the azure eyes gradually turned golden, extending outward like a meridian-like pattern. On the pattern. The ≒≒ layer has a petal-like pattern.

As the eyes mutated, the pupil power of the Eternal Tennis Eye seemed to have found a target and rushed towards Naruto's right eye madly.

...Ah ah ah ah ah. !!!" The pain that was indescribable in words made Naruto howl in pain.

Kaguya Otsutsuki felt the vibration of the Eternal Tenseigan under his buttocks, and hurriedly stabilized his body, only to see the Eternal Tenseisen gradually shriveled, revealing a human figure wrapped in the skin of the Eternal Tenseigan. When Dajianmu Huiye fell to the ground, the human figure stretched out his arms and hugged her, followed by a "click". The sound was crisp, and the outer skin wrapped around the humanoid turned into particles of light and merged into the humanoid.

"It sucks

Naruto shook her hair. It seemed that golden light spots flew down from her hair. Under the dark night sky, Naruto's long soft golden hair exuded a faint golden light.

"That person is... Kuruko and Koutika widened their eyes in shock, Naruto looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was looking at him with those white eyes in Ruo's arms, did his mentality collapse! Broken the moon , Completely eliminated the possibility of achieving unlimited monthly reading, but as a result, this tricky woman was released. Naruto hugged Da Jianmu Kaguya and didn't know what to do. This is a hot potato, and still put She was so hot that her hands were full of big bubbles, and she couldn't throw it away. This girl is... Hamura? Yu...

It gave her the feeling that Hamura and Yui were standing in front of her. Like, but not quite right.

"Who are you?\" Da Jianmu Kaguya's silver-white eyes stared at Ruo Naruto intently.

Hello? Naruto looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki with an embarrassed yet elegant smile, and Kuruko and Koutika turned into two groups of straight carats and returned to Naruto's body.

That straight carat is ten-tailed. Part.. Kanuki Kaguya watched Ruo those two blood red and dark red chakras get into Naruto's body. When they returned to Naruto, they found that they had appeared in their inner world. It was a golden lake, and the pattern that emerged on the lake was the same as the pattern in the big golden eyeball before. Sample.

"My name is Naruto Youwu, can you tell me your name? Why did you fall from the sky?" Naruto decided to pretend to be confused. He deliberately pretended not to know anything, hoping to succeed I fooled this silly white sweet.

"You know who I am. Don't you?\"

Dajianmu Kaguya knew from Naruto's reaction that she knew her identity and bluntly broke through her disguise. .. ...I was discovered by you....\" Naruto scratched his cheeks embarrassedly.

"What should I do! I accidentally released the old man's mother, what should I do now!"

"Calm down. In this situation, it's better to look for a time machine." Jiu Luke said calmly.

"You just have to calm down. Click!" Jiutica couldn't help but complain.

"Forget it, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. With Dajianmu Kaguya's current strength, I should be able to hit her, and by the way, squeeze the moon again to put her in, and use this newly acquired Eternal Reincarnation Eye.

Naruto said with a bit of lack of confidence, if she knew that breaking the moon would release such a troublesome person, she would not break the moon.

That being said, Naruto didn't intend to take action against Kaguya Dajianmu. She had a good impression of the mother who was sealed by her son.

Dajianmu Huiye looked at Naruto with a dull gaze, feeling the huge chakra on her body, and seeing her long pointed ears, raised his eyebrows slightly, held Naruto's ears with both hands and pinched it.

"it is true

Feeling the touch of the soft bullet, Kaguya Otsutsuki determined that the ears that were not as long as humans could have were real.

"Of course my ears are real. Naruto's speechless watcher Kaguya Otsutsuki. The face is pinching her ears seriously. Everyone's first reaction. The first time I saw her, I pinched her ears to confirm the truth. False, that's enough.

"Are you a descendant of Hamura?" Kaguya Otsutsuki asked.

"I'm not his descendant, my parents are still alive. Thank you. Dajianmu Yucun and Dajianmu Yuyi have been dead for many years."

Birdman immediately denied that she did not want to be related to the Three Dao Immortals.

"Dead for many years... Dajianmu Kaguya was silent, frowning slightly, with tears in her eyes, as if she was sad.

"The unfilial son who sealed you died, why are you sad?"

Naruto asked inexplicably, if Dajianmu Kaguya was sealed by her unfilial son for so long, she would come out first. The thing is to dig out his ashes and raise them.

"Because he is my child.

Dajian Mu Hui Yejian said so. A sentence that Naruto could not refute.

"Mother's love is really great."


With a sigh, Kaguya landed on the ground while holding Da Jianmu.

The strong wind blew on Naruto's face, causing Naruto's long golden hair to sway with the wind, and Dajianmu Kaguya's white hair was blown across Naruto's face by the wind. Naruto asked curiously, "You now What do you plan to do after regaining your freedom? Thousands of years have passed since you were sealed, and the current world is no longer the world you know well.

"I'm going to collect all the straight...

Naruto was shocked by the straightforwardness of Dajianmu Kaguya, and she really deserves to be silly and sweet!


"Because that is my Chakra. Facing Naruto's question, Kaguya Otsutsuki replied. A sentence full of possessiveness.

"You just tell me what you want to do so bluntly, aren't you afraid that I will be bad for you? In the current situation, you want to collect all the chakras, it's just a dream. Naruto deliberately pretended to be Looking at Ruo Dajianmu Huiye with a malicious look, if you look closely, Dajianmu Huiye looks really good~! It's just that the clothes on his body are a bit ugly, and the head looks like he has no ears. Such horns are quite interesting.

"You have no ill will towards me, with you, my purpose is difficult to achieve.

Kaguya Otsutsuki's reincarnation writing wheel on forehead has disappeared since it was sealed. If you want to reopen it, you need to regain the power of the ten tails. Besides, she can feel most of Naruto's body. The power of the ten tails.

"What's your intention to make so many Shiro? Could it be that you want to make all the people on the planet into Shiro?" Naruto didn't understand Kaguya Otsutsuki's idea, so he made so many Shiro. What's the use, like a vegetative person, only simple intelligence, chatting for a day can be maddened.

"In order to deal with it, Otsutsuki. The rest of the clan." Otsutsuki Kaguya hesitated and told the truth.

"Eh? Besides you, are there other people from the Dajianmu clan?

Naruto looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki in surprise, and couldn't help but stop. Now, the tailed beasts below can't hear it, and they are not allowed to tell their man Zhuli.

"Yes, there are three other members of the Otsutsuki clan besides me.

"There are three more people, if they are not weak, or when you were in their prime. In that case, do you think that there is absolutely no use in vain? I feel that even cannon fodder is not as good as...

Naruto held Kaguya Otsutsuki with both hands and wanted to touch his chin. An arm. If you touch your chin, it's a lot more comfortable.

"However, the person you are guarding against hasn't come for thousands of years, so it shouldn't come, right?"

"They will come to the door. If they can't be defeated, there will be serious consequences." Kaguya Otsutsuki said calmly, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Naruto looked at Da Jianmu Kaguya's pair like. Wang calm lake-like silver-white eyes, always feel this. The calm-faced silly Baitian told her so many things, she had a plan!

"You told me so much, shouldn't it be for me to help you collect straight carats?" Naruto guessed.

"Yes, I need your help. Dajianmu Kaguya nodded and acknowledged Naruto's words, but Sibo didn't mean to hide it.

Sure enough, it's silly and sweet.... This is so sweet, no wonder there is such a strong strength in the original work, but it is still defeated, but it is a pity that the filial son Hei Jue has worked hard for thousands of years.

"Are you dreaming?"

Naruto flicked Kaguya's forehead.

"I won't help you. When the people from the Otsutsuki clan you mentioned come, I will meet them in person. It must be a very powerful guy to make you, the creation woman, so jealous.

"You will regret this.

"Regret? Why should I regret it? The three members of the Dajianmu clan you mentioned were not so much from the people on the Earth, but rather from you, right?"

Naruto thought that Kaguya Otsutsuki came from outside the sky. In the anime, after she returned to the nest with the son of the motherland, Yumura and Yui were born. However, in the comics, there is no such thing as the so-called motherland sky. The reason why she gave birth to a child is even more nonsense. The blessings from everyone are better to say that she made two children with herself as the blue.

......\" Kaguya Otsutsuki was silent.

"By the way, you shouldn't have married the emperor of the motherland or something?" Naruto asked curiously. She was curious about whether Kaguya Dajianmu was the anime version or the manga version.

"The emperor of the motherland? Who is it? Dajianmu Huiye has it in his eyes. Si Dazed, I don't remember this person at all. It seems to be a comic version!

Chapter 403 Lemon Moon (1/3)

It was the familiar place again. The moment Naruto fell to the ground, he was dragged by the three immortals to an open and dark place again. The spectator was sitting on the begging jade by the three immortals. Naruto really felt sad for them. .

"What does the old man have to do with me?\" Naruto crossed his arms and looked at the Three Dao Immortals who seemed to have something to say. Needless to say, it must be because she released Dajianmu Kaguya. With the eyes of the three immortals. Si looked at Naruto reproachfully. He and Xi Cun finally sealed their mother, but they were released just like that.

"So what, since her current strength is not my opponent at all, what is there to worry about? If you have time to worry about her, it is better to worry about it, the Dajianmu clan who may attack.

"Da Jianmu. People from the clan?"

Three Immortals. The face is dazed, and now the moon is destroyed, the big simple wood living on the moon. The descendants of the tribe should die with the shattering of the moon, so what is there to guard against?

"I'm talking about Otsutsuki. The people of the clan are your mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki. They are people from outside the sky, not a child she created using Yin and Yang as her blueprint."

Seeing Sandao Xianren's somewhat affectionate expression, Naruto explained to him that the Dajianmu clan she was talking about was completely different from what he thought.

"According to your mother, Dajianmu Huiye, there are three more people from the Dajianmu family who will come to this planet, although I don't know if they will come or when. But, since they know their existence, then I have to be on guard.... Naruto said this, frowning slightly, the current ninja world. Heping, I don't know when the foreigners will come this day, long-term peace will make the strength of the ninjas in each village drop a lot. After all, there is no need to fight with the ninjas of other ninja villages. Now even if the news of the three big Jianmu who may come to this planet is scattered, it may not have any effect, ghost. Knowing when they will come, it is estimated that they will be vigilant. This information will be forgotten after a while.

If someone else told Naruto, she wouldn't believe any news about the Dajianmu clan who came from outside the sky, but this was the information that came from Kaguya Otsutsuki, she had to believe it and couldn't. Don't pay attention.

"I didn't expect that my mother, there are other clansmen. The face of the immortal Sandao is like. Si is surprised, he has never heard his mother mention that there are other clansmen.

"When Da Jianmu Kaguya used Infinite Moon Reading, it seems that their strength will not be weaker than her. Even if they are weak, they will not be too weak. Besides, they are still three people."

Naruto clenched his fist tightly, and his heart rose. Silk sense of urgency, with her current strength is not enough to destroy Otsutsuki. The three of the clan, she needs to become stronger. "Shenba Reading Book" against Da Jianmu. People of this level, she dare not let her wives help, even if she has learned several abilities that can resurrect people, she still does not want them to encounter any danger.

"Old man, if I have nothing to do, I will go back. Since Dajianmu Huiye has been released, the role of the moon is not so important. I have to squeeze the broken moon back. I don't have time to be here with you old man. Gu Tong chatted. Naruto's bad-eyed watcher San Dao Immortal, every time he appeared, he couldn't help, but it was useless, came out to show a sense of existence, to show that he still exists?

The corners of San Dao Immortal's mouth trembled, and the veins on his forehead twitched slightly. He had never been so angry before. He wanted to get angry but had nowhere to vent. If he goes on, he will be smashed by the Gudao jade that he picks up under his butt.

"I felt the ten-tailed straight carat in you, Kaguya squinted her eyes, the blue veins around her eyes bulged slightly, she saw the chakra in the tailed beasts and the eight-tailed chakra in Kirabi, as ordinary The ninja's Azabuyi was directly ignored by her.

..Mom?! Hei Jue, who was nailed to the ground, saw Kaguya Otsutsuki who was being held by Naruto and slowly fell to the ground, his eyes widened in shock, and he suddenly realized that since his mother was sealed in the moon, Then, when the moon was crushed by Naruto, it was sealed in

It's just that such a resurrected mother is not whole... Hei Jue can feel that Dajianmu Kaguya does not have the terrifying and irresistible power of the past.

"You're very happy? Hei Jue, I didn't expect that breaking the moon would release Kaguya Otsutsuki." Naruto's consciousness returned from that space and looked. Eyes are black, he waved his hand to take away the black stick on his body

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