"Cough cough cough..."

Naruto covered her neck and coughed with a blushing face. Her body made a few tears flow from the corners of her eyes, and the tail formed by the nine-tailed chakra returned to her body.

"Uchiha Shisui, you are in a hurry." Naruto's red eyes carried. Silk looked gloomily at Uchiha Shisui.

"This is the Nine Tails..."

Uchiha Shisui's eyes widened, and through the shackles, he saw the vicious Nine Tails staring at him fiercely with his mouth open. open. He seems to be saying something.

"Boy! If you dare to shoot at Naruto, I will kill you!"

Nine-tailed chakra, my kaleidoscope writing wheel didn't find it...

"Really, don't you want to hear what I have to say?" Naruto didn't feel annoyed by the rough treatment by Uchiha Shisui, he walked slowly in front of Uchiha Shisui, squatted down and watched, stretched out **** into his eyes.

"Don't think about using illusions on me, if you still want your own eyes."

When carrying out this plan, Naruto no longer cared about her own life. She was like a moth that was tormented and was about to go mad by flying around the lights. She could not wait to come with Konoha. A fish is dead and the net is broken.

"You can see that you are not. A simple child."

Uchiha Shisui leaned his back against the wall, and the pain in his abdomen made him frown slightly.

Just now, the nine tails used all the strength. If they didn't want to destroy Naruto's plan, the nine tails had enough opportunities just now. Kill Uchiha Shisui in seconds.

"Uchiha. Is the clan planning a coup right now?"

How does she know? Could it be that the plan has been revealed? ! Or is she the only one who knows? How did she know? Uchiha in / out of a traitor?

Now just use other words!

Naruto pressed Uchiha Shisui's head and slammed into the wall heavily, his small knees pressed against Uchiha Shisui's chin.

"My last. This time I warn you, if you want to save Uchiha. Just listen to me obediently, and don't try to use other gods on me."

Naruto's deep blue eyes were calm and irritable as he looked at Uchiha Shisui, but the smile on his face revealed a lot of malice, which made Uchiha Shisui shudder.

"Okay, then what can you do to save the current Uchiha?" Uchiha Shisui closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes returned to normal eyes.

"The lizard has a broken tail and wants to blow itself up... Bah! That's the only way to protect yourself."

"The lizard docked its tail..."

Lizards cut off their tails in order to save their lives to seek an opportunity to escape, Uchiha. Is the tail to be cut off in the clan, the one to be abandoned...

"If I'm not wrong

, Uchiha's relationship with Konoha now has reached an irreversible point, even if Uchiha was entrusted by Konoha as a garrison, he left the center of Konoha's power, Uchiha. Are there many people in the clan who are dissatisfied with this? "

Uchiha Shisui nodded.

"You mean to give up those people? Give them to Konoha in exchange for Uchiha. Does the clan survive?"

"No! The answer I gave is, leave Konoha, Uchiha. The clan is not short of strength and people, why not build it yourself. A ninja village?"

"Defecting Konoha, wouldn't that be a traitor?"

"Huh? Why defected to Konoha? Konoha was Uchiha when he built the village. Clan and Chishou. Clan. Since it was founded, why did he defect. Say? That's just leaving Konoha!"

Naruto's crooked head looks like a fool. Looking at Uchiha Shishui like this.

"Uchiha. The clan can be said to have done their best for Konoha, but now they are being neglected like this, do you think it's fair?" Naruto patted Uchiha Shisui on the shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Do you think Danzou If you know that Uchiha is going to launch a coup, what will he do? Danzo is. He is coveting Uchiha's writing wheel."

"Everyone is innocent and guilty... Just your Uchiha bloodline will bring you countless troubles, and the people in Konoha who covet you Uchiha's writing wheel eyes are not just Danzo."

"Think about it, you~!" Naruto said with a dry mouth, and opened the refrigerator to take it out. The carton of milk gulped and drank.

Um? The taste is a little off!

Naruto watched. Eye production date, the milk fell to the ground and was sprinkled. land.

Uchiha Zhishui looked at Naruto, who was lying on the toilet, with a black line on his face, and picked up the milk carton. Looking at the date, the corners of his mouth couldn't help shaking.

Uchiha Shisui squinted his eyes on the forehead guard that Naruto pointed at, thinking about what Naruto had said, and had it in his heart. A big doubt.

"Where did you know this? What you said is the secret of Konoha and Uchiha. Let others know that you know this information, and your life will be lost."

"It's a secret I won't tell you."

"Why do you want to help Uchiha, do you really like Sasuke Uchiha?" Uchiha Shisui guessed.

"Pfft! Put your mother's fart!"

Naruto, who was rinsing his mouth, sprayed the water from his mouth onto the mirror, pointed at Uchiha Shisui and couldn't help cursing. sentence.

"I'm helping Uchiha just because I don't want Danzo to get Uchiha's Shaker. I've said everything that needs to be said, and then it's up to you."

Naruto waved his hand to drive away Uchiha Shisui.

"What? Could it be that you still want me to send you?"

"Naturally no need." Uchiha Shisui used the Shunshu technique to leave.

"Hahaha! This. It must be very interesting! Danzo can't get Sharinyan, and Uchiha left Konoha to set up a new ninja village. It's fun to think about it."

"I really don't know such a simple thing, why can't they see through it? If you insist on sticking to the village of Konoha, Uchiha Itachi is also a fool. When threatened, he obediently obediently and slaughtered the entire clan."

"I feel Uchiha. There are not many normal people in the clan! Sure enough, there are too many people in this world who have problems with their brain circuits! What kind of nonsense about the will of fire is really nonsense! By the way, I was just talking about it! It shouldn't be. !"

Naruto rolled around on the top of Jiuwei's head, thinking that what he said just now was suspected of being a mouth-watering gun, be careful. I think, the original protagonist's mouth cannons are all things that are not used indiscriminately. It's me who will change, change your sister! You can control everyone when Naruto!

Nine tails. Face helplessly listened to Naruto complaining passively, after all, he threw Naruto out. She will still run in later, and she almost treats this as her own home, which is too much, tailed beasts have no human rights!

(It’s so boring to follow the original story~! I’m going to make trouble! I’m going to make trouble! No! It’s Naruto who wants to make trouble! Besides, Naruto doesn’t like men, Don't worry. Important! Tail beasts have no gender!!)

Chapter 9 Poor Naruto (1/2)

From above. After the first contact with Uchiha Shisui, Naruto never had too much contact with Uchiha's people. Except for Erzhuzi, there was no way. In the ninja school, he looked up and saw him at the same table, and he couldn't ignore it if he wanted to ignore it.

Uchiha Erzhu, who has not experienced the genocide and turned into a bitter, bitter, and high-cold middle school boy, always wants to find a sense of presence in front of Naruto, perhaps because he is welcomed by too many girls. Being left out, Erzhuzi was dissatisfied.

In the ninja school, in order to better learn combat skills, there are often courses in the playground to learn martial arts.

"Ah! Sasuke!"

Amidst the screams of the girls, Naruto mercilessly beat Sasuke Uchiha's handsome face into a pig's head, pinched his waist, and stepped on Erzhu's buttocks, who stared at her resolutely.

"Still staring at me? I'll ask you if you're convinced!"

Hmm... This **** is quite bouncy, little turkey, you have the talent to be gay! Naruto. A smirk on his face thought maliciously.

Naruto's chakra volume and physical skills are far more than Erzhuzi, who has not opened his eyes. This also leads to Erzhuzi and Naruto fighting each other. Most of the time, they only get beaten, especially in Naruto's strange changes. Confused by body technique.

I don't know what Naruto thinks. The shape-shifting knot is so tricky that it can be released almost in an instant. In order to become his favorite anime character, Naruto has practiced hard in front of the nine tails for a long time. Body art, plus her from the whirlpool. Clan blood, compared to the monster-like chakra volume of ordinary ninjas, it can be said that it is easy to continuously perform transformation in battle.

There is no need to consider whether the chakra is enough, can that kind of experience be done by ordinary ninjas? Enjoying the shade under the tree, the white-haired ninja, who often lacks blue, expressed envy after watching Naruto and Sasuke fight.

"This kid has an amazing amount of chakra."

"Ah! Naruto! Get your feet off Sasuke!"

The girls who saw their men being bullied threw stones at Naruto angrily.


Hinata Hinata can be said to be one of the few girls who did not throw stones at Naruto. , Seeing so many stones thrown at Naruto, I couldn't help but worry.

I saw that Naruto quickly became a seal. The little squirrel flexibly avoided all the stones and landed smoothly and released the transformation.

"Naruto, it's amazing!"

look. Hinata Hinata, who was directly on Naruto, saw that Naruto was able to avoid all the stones in this way, which was both funny and handsome, and Hinata's fair face was full of more. Rub red.

After Uchiha Sasuke was treated by the school's medical ninja, the face that was beaten into a pig's head was restored. Uchiha Sasuke, who refused to admit defeat, stopped Naruto after school.

"Stop! Naruto Naruto! I'm going to challenge you!"

The two pillars were not beaten enough? It's not enough to be beaten into a pig's head by me today. Could it be that I hit Erzhuzi's brain too hard in advance?

Did brother control itachi know that he is going to rip my skin off? MMP, no, I have to get away!

Naruto patted the finger that Uchiha Sasuke pointed at her, avoided Sasuke who was in front of him and continued to walk forward.

After a few minutes,. Le Ramen, Naruto looked at the expensive seafood ramen in front of him, and his heart collapsed.

I make up! I. Monthly living expenses are not enough to eat a few bowls of seafood ramen, Erzhuzi actually invited me to eat ramen! Treat me to ramen just to get beat up!

Naruto sniffed, took back the moved tears, and inhaled the aroma of the ramen, which was her first. times to eat. Le high-end seafood ramen!

Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but shed tears of poverty.

"Eat it! Don't forget to promise me after you eat it!" Sasuke Uchiha thought Naruto was going to change his mind when he saw Naruto eating a ramen, so he hurriedly urged Naruto to eat quickly.

How could Sasuke know that Konoha gave Naruto the living expenses, and he couldn't afford seafood ramen.

Naruto is really poor, and I don't know if her idiot father's inheritance was stolen by Konoha. Whenever Naruto thinks of this, he can't help complaining to Nine Tails, and he is very sad!

Every time he heard that Naruto was distressed by money, Nine-Tails showed a stomachache. Nine-tails, who never knew money was nothing, didn't know what to say, so he could only pretend. Sub-"I'm listening" look.

I happily ate the ramen, and Naruto drank the soup without letting go. Clean and satisfied, burping, if there is no one around. It would be better if Sasuke Uchiha stared at her with resentful eyes.

In the open space by the lake, Naruto waved to Sasuke Uchiha who was opposite her.

"bring it on!"


Sasuke Uchiha shouted. The sound rushed to Naruto.

Naruto counted the distance, and when Sasuke Uchiha stepped on the trap, Naruto raised his foot slightly, and the rope that suddenly bounced on the ground tripped Sasuke Uchiha.

Poor little Sasuke fell a dog and gnawed at the mud, and Naruto covered his mouth and smirked.

"You! You are lying!"

Sasuke Uchiha got up and saw his rope tripping on the ground, his face flushed with anger.

"Ninja Anytime

Don't let your guard down! This is taught by Iruka-sensei! Naruto pinched his waist, obviously doing extremely shameless things, but he was able to look at Sasuke Uchiha righteously and accused: "Did you not listen to Teacher Iruka's class well in class? Iruka-sensei will be sad to find out! "


Sasuke Uchiha. When he was overwhelmed by Naruto, he felt that what Naruto said made sense. He pointed at Naruto angrily and said, "Next time, I will never lose to you!"

The troublesome Erzhuzi... However, if he always invites me to eat seafood ramen to play with him, it is not impossible! After all, she is really poor, unlike Uchiha who is still very rich even after being kicked out of the village's power center.

The garrison is also a good job to make money!

Poor Sasuke Uchiha still doesn't know that his label in Naruto's heart is not an opponent, but a meal ticket.

At night, Uchiha Itachi looked at Sasuke, who was working **** physique. He was a little puzzled. He had never seen Sasuke so hard before. What happened to make him practice so hard?

Uchiha Itachi frowned at the thought of Sasuke who came back with a dismal face.

Did you get bullied at school?


Uchiha Itachi went to Sasuke, he wanted to ask what happened at the ninja school.

"Brother! Why are you here?" Sasuke stopped throwing his fists and looked at his brother who came over.

"Did something happen at school? You were wronged. You must tell me!" Uchiha Itachi touched Sasuke's head with concern.

"No! How could I be bullied!"

"Then why did you suddenly start cultivating physique so hard?"

"that is because…"

Sasuke puffed out his cheeks angrily, and his cute appearance made Itachi show a gentle smile. After listening to Sasuke tell the truth, he was relieved.

"Wind Dun Gale Palm!"

Naruto, who tried to feel the change in the nature of the wind, tried his best to suppress the wind on his fingers when he released Gale Palm.

With "bang". With a sound, the skin of Naruto's fingers shattered, revealing red flesh and blood. drop. dripped to the ground.


Naruto gasped in pain. With a cold breath, she frowned and wrapped her fingers with gauze. This kind of injury can be healed in minutes under the treatment of Nine Tails Chakra, but she didn't want to do it.

She didn't want Anbu to see that the Nine-Tails' Chakra could quickly heal her injuries, and even if the healing was done, the healing speed had to be slowed down.

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