The more hidden cards, the better for her.

Chapter 10 Wind Escape: Finger Spear (Repair) (1/2)

♂ "Bang!"

The skin on the fingers again. Chopped by the violent wind, Naruto sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the blood dripping to the ground. Wrapped with gauze. While thinking, where is she. step is wrong.

She just wanted to gather the chakras that turned into wind on her fingers and compress them into projectiles and shoot them out. This kind of attack was like Urai Yusuke's spirit pills. Unfortunately, both attempts ended in failure.

"Go ahead and try it!"

Naruto looked at the gauze-wrapped fingers and prepared to keep trying.

Half an hour later, Naruto, with his hands wrapped in bandages, walked home with a pale face and staggering. Anbu, who had witnessed how Naruto cultivated, was stunned, not to mention the card that Naruto cultivated in the dark. Casey.

"Naruto, stop practicing like this!" Kakashi appeared beside Naruto frowning, "You are still young, and continuing to do so will have a bad effect on your body."

"I want to get stronger..."

Naruto clenched his fists tightly, blood seeping through the white gauze, and a heartbreaking smile appeared on his pale face, "Only in this way can you control your own destiny, isn't it?"

Kakashi watched Naruto leave until he disappeared before his eyes.

He doesn't stop. This time, I questioned the decision made by the top management of Konoha. Seeing such a heartbreaking expression on the teacher's child for the first time, a firm belief in the will of Konoha fire was born in his heart. Silk shakes.

Are their decisions correct? No, that was the wrong decision... Even if it was a wrong decision, there's nothing I can do to change it... Questioning orders is not something a ninja should do.

Kakashi took out "Intimacy Paradise" and walked under the street lamp, leaned against the street lamp and looked at it, without flipping it for several minutes. Page.

When he got home, Naruto didn't go to find nine tails. He brushed his teeth with difficulty, changed the gauze, and fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, Mizuki saw Naruto's hands wrapped in gauze to go to school, he was concerned about holding Naruto's wrist, and looked at Naruto's hands wrapped in thick gauze that looked a lot bloated.

"Naruto, your hand... what's going on?"

Naruto raised his hands. Face embarrassed scratching his cheeks.

"I accidentally injured my hands while practicing ninjutsu. It's okay, it's not a serious injury, I'll be fine soon!"

Finally, Mizuki took Naruto to the medical ninja in the school to treat the wound on his hand.

Unbuttoning the gauze and seeing the scars on Naruto's hands that can be described as hideous, Shuimu was stunned. This little child has practiced ninjutsu so hard!

This wound is obviously caused by the wind!

When he was healing, Naruto, who had a pale face, bit his lip, and the feeling of rapid skin growth was really uncomfortable.

Looking at the back of Mizuki leaving, Naruto narrowed his eyes.

Mizuki this guy has what intentions, so far. Try it straight at me, he knows that I am a nine-tailed man, and what is the benefit of having a good relationship with me?


and many more! Chips... chips for negotiating terms with Konoha?

How dare he do this in a mere chunin? Too long to live! I think too much.

Just look at my poor and simple desire to be my spiritual support, just like Iruka? If that's the case, Mizuki is really impressive to me.

It's a shame that I thought he could have some serious plans, boring!

Disgustingly rubbing his hands, Naruto decided to wash his hands several times.


Hinata Hinata's weak voice came from behind, and Naruto turned to see Hinata Hinata who was looking at her shyly.

"Huh? Hinata, why did you come to the medical room? Are you injured?" The big pig's hoof of the former steel straight man did not see what Hinata Hinata was thinking about her, but looked at Hinata with concern, trying to find out Hinata Where is Tian injured?

quilt! Being watched by Naruto like that!

Hinata Hinata blushed and smoke was blowing from her head.

Have a fever?

Naruto. The hand touched Hinata's forehead, and the other. He touched his forehead with his hand, but Hinata fainted, so scared that Naruto hurriedly hugged Hinata. He kicked open the door of the medical room and rushed in.


"I was too excited, which led to coma." After the doctor's examination, he looked at Naruto with black lines on his face. Naruto's footprints on the door, the doctor sighed and gave up the idea of ​​Naruto paying for repairs.


Naruto scratched his head in surprise. In the original book, Hinata would be so shy that he fell into a coma because of Naruto's sudden approach. How could he do this to me?

That's her character!

Even after being persuaded by Kakashi (Mizuki: I persuaded me too!), Naruto did not give up, she wanted her own ninjutsu, no. It's been two days, how could it be because. Give up when it hurts.

Lying on the grass, mouth in mouth. Naruto with roots, looking at the clouds floating in the sky.

If the knot seal is to guide the chakra in the body, then should I use the knot seal to guide the chakra into the ninjutsu I want?

Do what you say, Naruto gets up,

Clumsily tried various gestures.

The dull time always flies, and the Uchiha family has also undergone subtle changes, and the number of people who come back is always less than those who went out.

Under the bright sun, the waterfall appeared above. A beautiful rainbow.

Naruto is under the waterfall, skillfully forming a seal.

"Wind Escape Finger Spear!"

The wind that was compressed to the limit shot out in the form of projectiles, hit the waterfall, and exploded violently. The water in the area was cut off for a few seconds, exposing wet rocks.

The falling water soaked Naruto's clothes, but it was difficult to extinguish Naruto's excitement at the moment.

After studying hard for half a year, from the very beginning, the skin of her fingers will be smashed, and then there will be a few wounds. Naruto has suffered too much for the past two months. Finally, she has her own ninjutsu.

It's not the rubbing **** of the original Naruto, but a ninjutsu with powerful destructive power that really belongs to you!

It is not so easy to study the changes in the nature of wind, not to mention that there are very few ninjas in Konoha Jingfeng, even people who know wind escape will not come to guide Naruto's cultivation. She can only rely on herself.

But this ninjutsu is just that. It's a prototype, and it needs more time to be good.

Just when Naruto was excited, Anbu suddenly appeared behind Naruto and in front of Naruto. Black will lose consciousness.

"Wait! What are you doing?!"

. Anbu, who had been lying in ambush in the dark, appeared and surrounded the Anbu who had knocked Naruto out.

"On the order of Lord Danzo, Lord Danzo wants to see her."

Anbu, who was in charge of protecting Naruto, watched Anbu, who belonged to the root, hugged the unconscious Naruto and disappeared in place, and they looked at each other. Eyes also disappeared.

A large piece of water on the ground disappeared with the passage of the incident. No one except Anbu knew that Naruto was taken away here.

In the inner world, the nine tails were as anxious as their tails were on fire. What happened and why did Naruto lose consciousness? It just fell asleep. Feel, what happened?

In the dimly lit room, Naruto's eyelids trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

"here is…"

. A man whose right eye was covered by a white cloth was in front of Naruto, looking down at Naruto and said slowly: "Uzumaki Naruto, as a ninja student who has not yet become a ninja, with the help of Mizuki, you got a record of Feng Dun. ·The scroll of Gale Palm, which created a new wind escape."

Naruto. He recognized the person in front of him with his eyes, the scar on his chin, his right eye covered by a white cloth, who else could it be if it wasn't Shimura Danzo!

"Why did you bring me here?" Naruto blinked innocently. He stared at Danzo suspiciously.

Even if he had already angered all the women of the 18th generation of Tuanzang's ancestors in his heart, Naruto did not dare to show it.

"For Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki, hand over your ninjutsu." Danzo Taiyi waved his hand, and Anbu, who belonged to Gen, immediately placed the blank scroll and pen in front of Naruto.

Like it was right for Konoha to hand over the fruits of her hard work, that's all. The words "for Konoha" can forcibly take away the fruits of her hard work!

However, the main purpose of Danzo was not the ninjutsu created by Naruto, the main thing was that Danzo knew that Naruto had been in contact with Shisui Uchiha before, and he wanted to take this opportunity to beat Naruto and let her honest. Point, the surface is for Naruto's ninjutsu, but in fact it is to keep Naruto away from Uchiha. clan.

Naruto held the pen and lowered his head, closing his eyes as if he was thinking about how to write, but he was actually trying to cover the unwillingness and anger in his eyes.

Her anger has reached an uncontrollable level. Her parents died for Konoha, and how did Konoha treat her! Arrogant to take away the ninjutsu she created!

I! it is good! hatred!

Naruto, who was caught in hatred, never thought that his contact with Uchiha Shisui would cause Danzo's suspicion, and when the three generations of Hokage had something to leave, he attacked her.

Chapter 11 Planted Seeds (Repair) (1/2)

♂ The anger and hatred in her heart, like a fiery flame, scorched Naruto's will, forcing her to go crazy. A trace of blood red appeared in the blue eyes.

Naruto knew that he couldn't run out of control here. Once out of control, even if the third generation comes, it will not be able to protect her, Konoha will have no place for her, and even she will be brainwashed into an obedient puppet by Danzo. A useful tool...

Suppressing the anger and resentment in his heart, Naruto looked at the blank scroll as if nothing had happened, biting the pen as if thinking about how to write.

Naruto never thought that he would meet Danzo in this way, and No. The first time they meet, Danzo will take away the ninjutsu she has worked so hard to create.

Where exactly. Step is wrong, why did it become like this... Maybe I am from. From the beginning, it should be disguised as Naruto from the original. like?

"Uzumaki Naruto, after you write it, you can go home."

Danzo looked at Naruto with interest, and was able to change and create new ninjutsu based on Feng Dun and Gale Palm. Danzo saw great potential in this ninjutsu.

From Danzo's point of view, he did not brainwash Naruto into an obedient puppet, which has already given three generations of face. What Konoha needs is obedient human strength, not danger. A bomb that will explode at any time will cause irreparable damage to Konoha. .

Naruto stared at the blank scroll for a long time, then tilted his head to look at Danzo, his blue eyes full of confusion.

"What? Don't you want to hand over your ninjutsu?" Danzo snorted coldly. He looked at Naruto with a cold left eye.

Naruto didn't seem to feel Danzo's anger, and innocently blinked his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "I, I can't write..."

That slightly trembling voice like a weak little sheep screaming with fear will not make the ruthless Danzo feel any soft-hearted. In Danzo's eyes, Naruto is just a prop with the nine tails sealed. In the village, when she needs to use it, she will contribute to Konoha, even if it is to sacrifice her life!

However, what Danzo didn't expect was that this item was quite useful, and it was possible to develop a new ninjutsu based on Feng Dun and Gale Palm. Danzo's evaluation of Naruto rose a bit.

"Really?" Danzo stared at Naruto, his falcon-like eyes staring at his prey. He stared at Naruto like this, as if to see through all Naruto's thoughts.

"Then you use it. Show me ☆☆ times!" The right eye covered by the white cloth slowly opened, and even through the white cloth, the three-wheeled gouyu writing wheel eye could easily record any of Naruto's movements.

"Well, I see."

Naruto nodded, his deep blue eyes flashing. Silk decided.

"Wind 遁“! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Blood splattered everywhere, and the skin on the back of Naruto's palm was torn to shreds by the violent wind, and the torn skin splashed onto Danzo's face, slipped to the ground, and left behind on Danzo's indifferent face. Evil bloodstains.

"Yes, when you failed to use it before. Like, but this is not what I want, I want you to use this ninjutsu successfully."

Danzo forced Naruto to continue to use Feng Dun · Finger Spear, but he was not all because of the ninjutsu created by Naruto. He also wanted to take this opportunity to trigger Naruto's rampage, even if it didn't cause Naruto's rampage, Taking this opportunity to beat Naruto makes her more honest. Point, obediently as Konoha's weapon.

If it can trigger Naruto's rampage, then he can take this opportunity to completely brainwash Naruto into Konoha's puppet weapon. A remote-controlled bomb that can be detonated remotely.


The place where the Nine-Tails were sealed became. The blood-red, crimson water surface was bubbling and bubbling like boiling water. Nine tails violently slammed into the door that sealed it, and wanted to rush out to kill Danzo in extreme anger.

Nine tails! calm! I'm fine!

Naruto, who felt the violent emotions of the nine tails, hurriedly comforted the nine tails. On the surface, he was crying in pain and crying, but he also comforted the nine tails who were about to explode. Naruto felt good. Tired and want to die.

Danzo looked indifferently at Naruto who was holding his wrist and wailing in pain.

"Come on, if you want to go home, just do as I say!"


The door was violently kicked open, and the third generation followed Kakashi, two advisors, and several Anbu. When he walked in, he saw Naruto, whose right hand had no skin, his red flesh exposed, and his blue eyes were full of pain. With fear, tears filled her immature pale face.

"Kakashi! Take Naruto to the hospital!" Seeing Naruto's blood-splattered hands exposed, the three generations' apology to Minato Namikaze reached the highest point.


Kakashi came to Naruto, hugged Naruto and disappeared.

"Danzo, you're really going too far!" The third generation pulled the hat representing Hokage on his head, his voice revealed his disappointment with Danzo. When he saw the blood on Danzo's face, the third generation naturally thought that The wounds on Naruto's hands were caused by Danzo, not to mention the scattered skin fragments on the ground, which can better prove that the wounds on Naruto's hands were caused by Danzo, who is skilled in the air.

"You should know that she is the orphan of four generations of couples. The four generations sacrificed their lives for Konoha. Konoha owes Naruto too much. You treat Naruto like this!"

"Humph! In my eyes, she is nothing more than a nine-tailed man. I admire the fourth generation very much. He protected Konoha Village with his own life! It is worthy of my admiration!"

Danzo's eyes flashed when he mentioned Namikaze Minato. Si admired, of course, he did not take Uzumaki Kushina in his eyes. Perhaps, in his opinion, Renzhuli was just a prop of Konoha.

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