Two years later, Naruto's training team added several more members, and Naruto also achieved the achievement of gathering all eleven strong men.

During these two years, Naruto and his team only went to school in the morning and skipped classes in the afternoon.

Iruka reported it to the third generation, but the third generation did not take it too seriously and sent Iruka away casually.

In the eyes of the third generation, Naruto and his team are working hard now, just like he and Danzo and their team worked hard under the guidance of teacher Tobirama.

Only this kind of friendship can firmly tie Naruto's heart to Konoha, so he let Naruto and his team skip classes.

Among them, Sasuke and Neji joined because they were beaten up by Naruto and Rock Lee in a battle class, and they were so angry that they sneaked to find the place where they practiced, and then they were invited to join after being discovered by Naruto. After thinking for a long time, they also knew that the ninja school was just a place like playing house for people like them, so they joined without hesitation, but Neji spent more effort.

Ino was brought here by the group of people, after all, the Ino, Deer and Chou are inseparable.

As the second in the overall score of Lee's class and a good friend of Lee, Tenten was curious about the fact that the two strongest people in the class suddenly skipped classes, so she went to ask Lee the reason.

Since Naruto brought a lot of people to join during that time, Lee asked Naruto for his opinion, and Naruto agreed to bring Tenten in.

Since Sakura is a fangirl now and does not have the pressure of family like Ino, Naruto did not invite her.

Maybe Sakura is really talented, but without a correct goal, there will be no achievement.

If it was the original Sakura who could continue to practice for love after the Chunin Exam, Naruto would have invited her, but now Sakura is still a simple fangirl.

And Naruto already has ideas about Sasuke's other half, how could he let Sakura join in to ruin things? Naruto would not give even a slight chance for Sasuke to like Sakura.

Naruto needs a strong and close-knit support group after becoming Hokage.

Uchiha is the best choice, so Uchiha is the one that Naruto must fight for.

For this reason, Naruto has been practicing hard for so long just for the big event of Uchiha.

As for Hinata, Naruto only knows that she seems to have a good impression of him and often secretly looks at him.

This feeling of being secretly watched by others, especially the kind of ambiguous emotion, makes Naruto, who is rarely treated with sincere love by others, at a loss.

Then Naruto acted as a straight man and directly invited Hinata to join his team, but Hinata usually comes after school.

Recently, from the insider of the Anbu, Naruto learned that the Root and the Anbu have the intention to mobilize many people. Then it means that the Uchiha clan extermination plan is about to begin, and we can know the specific time by waiting for the third generation to change the surveillance plan.

One morning a few days later, Naruto went to the Ninja School as usual to learn his medical knowledge. However, during class, Iruka suddenly said,"I have an announcement today. We are going to conduct a safety drill today, so we may have to wait until later this afternoon to finish school. Everyone must not skip classes, especially those in the back row."

Hearing Iruka's words, Naruto couldn't help but feel happy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Kiba asked curiously beside Naruto,"Naruto, what can make you so happy about a safety drill? Isn't it boring?" Naruto put on a mysterious look and said,"Because my wish is about to take the first step, as for the result, you will know it soon." After that, he continued to read.

Kiba saw that Naruto didn't want to talk about it in detail and was studying again, so he didn't want to break the casserole to ask the truth, so he had to continue playing with his pet dog that he had just got not long ago.

In the afternoon, Naruto sent out a shadow clone to replace himself to participate in the safety drill, and then flew back home with Thunder God.

There were already several Anbu waiting for Naruto at home.

The Anbu standing in front reported to Naruto,"Naruto-sama, some Anbu of the Third Generation and most of the members of the Root have begun to gather and prepare to march towards the Uchiha clan, but none of our people have been selected for this event, so there is no more specific information.


Naruto said lightly,"Okay, as long as the time is tonight, I will handle other things. You go to school to complete the task of monitoring me and don't let the Third Generation know that I ran away." The Anbu replied"yes" and dispersed. Naruto walked to his room, opened the closet to find and put on the same clothes that Menma had ordered not long ago, put on a fox mask and disappeared in the room.

In a flash, Naruto flew to the clan land of the Uchiha clan, where ordinary people of the Uchiha clan lived.

In the evening, people went home to reunite with their families, so no one noticed Naruto's arrival.

Naruto stood on the roof of a house and opened Kagura's heart eye to feel Danzo's chakra aura.

His chakra aura was still easy to find.

In the Uchiha territory, the only person who possesses extremely high positive and negative chakras, but they are opposite to each other and the quality of his main chakra is lower than the above two chakras is Danzo.

Because the characteristics are too obvious, Naruto found him in less than a while.

Naruto then separated out a clone with half of his own chakra and part of his own aura. After the clone came out, he said to Naruto with a little surprise,"Do you think so highly of Danzo? You gave me so much chakra."

Naruto said seriously,"It's better to be careful.

Try to use Flying Thunder God and Diamond Sealing to kill Danzo, and don't let him open Izanagi, although now he has at most a few three-magatama Sharingan.

But the most important thing is Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, this���We are facing the protection of Uchiha Obito and the Third Hokage.

His space-time ninjutsu is a bit troublesome.

Having an illusion-type Sharingan can add some tolerance so that he will not be controlled by the illusion for too long.


At this time, the Nine-Tailed Fox in Naruto's body made a disdainful sound,"A mere illusion can't trap us. Even if you are controlled, I can help you solve it."

Naruto looked in the direction of the Hokage Building on the roof and said lightly,"Nine-Tailed Fox, you are right, but after all, I have never really fought with the strong in this world. My current situation does not allow me to fail, otherwise your free time will be delayed."

The Nine-Tailed Fox smiled lightly after hearing this,"Don't worry, as long as you can let me go, I promise that I will do my best to help you."

During this year, Naruto would occasionally ask the Nine-Tails about the outside world while training in the sealed space, and would chat with the Nine-Tails about his future plans at night.

The Nine-Tails ignored Naruto at first, but over time, these two people with ill-fated fates became friends.

They could have lived freely, but now they are both caged birds.

The same experience allows them to quickly understand each other, which is one of the reasons why most villages make the Jinchūriki live an excluded life.

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