After such a long time, Uchiha Obito has killed more than 20 ninjas in the Uchiha Guard Department, and even killed several senior ninjas who came to support. Now Uchiha Obito can be said to have shown his strength to the Uchiha clan who once looked down on him. His strength can be as easy as Naruto against Danzo, but he is leisurely and slowly killing the people of the Uchiha clan.

Soon a new round of supporters arrived, more than 20 people, including many with three magatama Sharingan.

They first tried physical skills, but they had no effect and lost 5 people.

One of the older people shouted to the rest,"Back off, attack with ninjutsu.

" Others performed their own fire escape ninjutsu, but Uchiha Obito slowly walked out of the flames without being hurt.

Uchiha Obito suddenly flew to the leader and was about to kill him with a knife.

Suddenly, a kunai deflected Uchiha Obito's knife at a very fast speed and Naruto also flew in front of him.

The leading Uchiha wiped his sweat and thanked him."Thank you for your help."

Naruto nodded and said,"Lead your team to retreat! He is an existence that you cannot fight against."

The leading Uchiha also knew the seriousness of the matter and led the remaining people to retreat without much nonsense.

Uchiha Obito moved his right hand that was numb from the shock and asked,"Do you want to help the Uchiha clan? Do you think you are qualified?"

Naruto sneered,"Do you think this is enough!

" After that, he upgraded his three-magatama Sharingan to a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Seeing this, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He only had one Mangekyō to kill the Uchiha clan without any ability to fight back, but the opponent had a pair of Mangekyō.

He might not be the opponent.

Although Uchiha Obito was a little scared, his current record made him a little proud.

In addition, he still had a trump card to save his life, so this little fear soon dissipated.

Naruto didn't want to care about Uchiha Obito's psychological preparation.

When he saw that he didn't move, Naruto attacked first.

In an instant, Naruto was in Uchiha Obito's face and punched him, but Uchiha Obito's fighting nerves were not weak.

He still used the eye technique, and Naruto's fist went through Uchiha Obito's body.

Seeing that the attack didn't work, Naruto didn't stop and flashed away.

After this initial game, Naruto knew that at the current speed, he couldn't attack him before he reacted. When Naruto disappeared, Uchiha Obito activated the eye technique, and his attack couldn't hit him at all.

On the other side, Uchiha Obito was shocked by Naruto's speed and broke out in a cold sweat. He thought,"What a fast speed. I almost got killed. However, this amazing speed should be his eye technique ability. This speed is too outrageous, almost the same as Flying Thunder God."

Although Uchiha Obito was very surprised by Naruto's speed, he was not very scared. Instead, he laughed and said,"Your speed is good, but it's useless if you can't hit." After that, he attacked Naruto. Naruto was not afraid. He first threw several shurikens at the place where Uchiha Obito attacked and then attacked Uchiha Obito.

After seeing the shuriken, Uchiha Obito didn't think much and opened his eye technique to pass through.

He used the same method to attack Naruto.

Just when Naruto was about to pass through Uchiha Obito on the spot.

Uchiha Obito turned around and swung his knife at Naruto's back.

Naruto was waiting for this moment.

Naruto flew away from the spot and moved to the side of Uchiha Obito and punched out, knocking Uchiha Obito away.

Taking advantage of this gap, Naruto instantly flew to his face and punched him, but this time he dodged with his eye technique and only punched a large hole with a radius of ten meters on the ground.

Uchiha Obito dodged to the side, coughing up blood.

Despite this, he still said,"I was almost killed by you!

But it was just a moment of carelessness, so see you next time.

" Uchiha Obito opened his eye technique space to suck himself in, but his eyes were fixed on Naruto as if he wanted to know who was under Naruto's mask, but at this time Naruto also used his left eye's eye technique to interfere with Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito was also stunned for a moment, but this was enough for Naruto to kill Uchiha Obito.

Naruto took this opportunity to rush to Uchiha Obito, blasted out all his strength, and blasted Uchiha Obito into the ground in an instant.

Naruto chuckled,"You didn't expect that my Sharingan is a genjutsu type, right? You stared at me before you left. I can't cure you."

Suddenly Naruto felt a strange feeling, and he quickly dodged to the side. A gloomy voice came from the side,"Indeed, I did not guess your other eye technique, but there will be no such opportunity next time."

Naruto looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Uchiha Obito standing there intact. Naruto also said with a little regret at this time,"It seems that Izanagi saved your life, and I also promise that next time will be your death."

Uchiha Obito did not look at Naruto this time, speeding up the transfer, and disappeared completely in a short while.

Naruto was a little unwilling to accept the current result, but the strongest thing on him was his fist. The lethality of the air bomb and the Rasengan was not enough to kill Uchiha Obito, and the high-damage ones took time to charge and could not hit effectively.

Just as Naruto was feeling frustrated, the Uchiha clan came to him and thanked him,"Thanks for your help. We were able to avoid being slaughtered. If you need any help from our Uchiha clan, we will definitely help you.""

"Oh! Is that so? I really need your help with something, but I'd better gather your clan leaders and other Uchiha elites first."Naruto said to them calmly.���Said.

The clan leader and other people really need to hold a meeting to discuss what is happening now, so the leader instructed the people below,"You guys gather the clan leader and other Uchiha here, and the rest of you follow me to collect the bodies of the clan members."

Naruto then added,"It's best to be quiet, because there will be another fight later, and it will be very uncomfortable for you if you alarm them."

Hearing this, the few people hurriedly nodded and left in an instant.

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