The Uchiha clan and the Anbu who were brainwashed by Naruto were the first to respond,"We agree, we agree."

The heads of other big families were a little hesitant and began to look around, but finally looked at Nara Shikaku.

Nara Shikaku was also speechless.

It was okay for Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Inoichi to look at him, but what do you want to do!

The ideas of others were very simple.

The support of more than half of the Anbu and the Uchiha clan was already a lot of weight.

In addition to Naruto's political identity as the child of the fourth generation and his own strength, Naruto's weight to become Hokage was enough.

Moreover, once Naruto became Hokage, he would have to rely on us big families to govern Konoha, and his own clan would have more rights.

This was a mutually beneficial thing, but I couldn't say this first.

The only one who could speak up first was Nara Shikaku, and the others didn't have enough weight.

In Konoha, the three tribes of Ino, Shika and Chou were loyal vassals of the Hokage, and they had been the best over the years, and they also had a lot of power in Konoha.

The Sandai and those advisors all want to kill Naruto, so Nara Shikaku is the most powerful official in Konoha.

If they suddenly recommend Jiraiya or Tsunade to be the Hokage, those who stand out will be in trouble.

These big families know that Uzumaki Naruto is absolutely fine and it is only a matter of time before he becomes the Hokage, but they will definitely be put on a blacklist in the future, and their families will be suppressed.

No one wants to be the next Uchiha to be suspected, so there is absolutely no problem in looking at how the people above stand and then standing on their own side.

It is best to play it safe.

After thinking for a while, Nara Shikaku nodded and said,"We, the Ino, Shikaku and Chou clans, are willing to support you to become Hokage!

" Nara Shikaku actually panicked when he saw the Mangekyō in Naruto's eyes.

As a veteran family of Konoha, he also knew that the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan openers would become very extreme.

Although Naruto was not from the Uchiha clan, no one knew whether this thing would be contagious.

After all, Naruto's personality was also known through his son.

The contrast was too great, and he didn't want to gamble whether becoming Hokage was Naruto's obsession.

He didn't want to go against a strong man, especially one with a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Seeing that Nara Shikaku took the lead, the other clan leaders followed suit and expressed their willingness to support Uzumaki Naruto to become Hokage.

As for the Anbu, seeing that the big families all supported them, they had to express their support in a depressed mood.

Seeing that the clan leaders of these big families were so sensible, Naruto was also very happy. But Naruto didn't want them to take the power in his hands so easily. It was true that Naruto needed the assistance of the big families to govern Konoha, but Naruto also knew that the easier it was to get something, the less he would cherish it.

Naruto waved his hand to let his Anbu put down their kunai and said to the big families with a smile,"Okay! Very good! You made the right choice. But I want to do some experiments after becoming Hokage, so it will cost a lot of money. Those two consultants are in charge of logistics, so let's destroy them and their families together!"

Seeing Naruto calmly saying that he wanted to kill the two big families, Nara Shikaku also realized that perhaps Uchiha's Mangekyō had really affected Naruto, and he was too murderous! As a good friend of Minato, he still had the responsibility to teach Naruto not to make big mistakes, so he hurriedly said,"It's not necessary! If Naruto wants money, then we can donate some."

""I don't want such money! The nature of this will change, and do you think I'm really just doing it for the money? Konoha will definitely be a different place after tonight. Although the families behind those consultants can't cause any harm to me, it will be a headache for me if they do something weird! My Konoha will not allow these people to make trouble behind the scenes." Naruto responded firmly.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke, who had been watching for a long time, said to Naruto with some reluctance,"Naruto, there are a lot of innocent people there! Isn't this too cruel?"

Looking at Sasuke's innocent and childish face, Naruto wished so much that he could live in a stable environment like him instead of being pushed by the desires and hatred in his heart from childishness to the present, which shows indifference to life in just eight years.

But the environment does not allow him to maintain this innocence.

If he, Uzumaki Naruto, does not struggle, he will only become a toy for others to play with.

His ideological education comes from Hu Hansan's Chinese education.

The advanced education in that world also made him understand what freedom is and how to seize freedom - that is to improve himself and raise the banner of resistance when the time comes to overthrow those who oppress him.

Naruto slowly said to Sasuke,"Sasuke, this can actually be regarded as a political matter.

Let's put it this way, when the third generation was in power, only those of the third generation who were also disciples of the second generation held power among the high-level officials.

Even Shikamaru's father could have a say among those high-level officials because of the background of Akimichi Tofu, who was also a disciple of the second generation and was the grandfather of Choji!

It can be said that power has been divided among these people, and those in power can have as much power as they want.

I promised you the position of consultant for the Uchiha clan.

If you really want to give it to your clan, you must remove the previous person in power.

Otherwise, it is just in name only.

As for why the clan should be exterminated, it is because they are also the beneficiaries.

They benefited a lot when their clan leader was a consultant in Konoha.

Now that their clan leader has stepped down, they are also safe.

That is too easy for them!

And I don’t want them to do anything behind my back to gain power again.

I still have to deal with these people.

It’s better for me to catch them all now.

They have enjoyed the life for so long, and it’s not a loss.

And they also helped me to have such a difficult childhood, and they also had a share in the spread of rumors.

"Naruto's anger gradually rose in the end.

Sasuke was a little confused after listening to Naruto's words, but he understood that perhaps the main reason Naruto killed them was that they said Naruto was a demon fox and spread the word that Naruto was a demon fox.���Sasuke stopped trying to persuade him. After all, Naruto's life was miserable because of the rumors about the demon fox. If most big families were not prejudiced against Naruto, Naruto's life would be dark.

Naruto suddenly slapped his head and said to Sasuke,"That's right!

Those high-ranking officials used Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan Technique seized by Danzo to change your brother's mind, so your brother was also the executor of the extermination plan, and your brother Uchiha Itachi was in charge of the ordinary people area of your clan.

If I hadn't knocked your brother down, the ordinary people of your clan would have died, and they would have died at the hands of your Uchiha genius.

Sasuke, think about how painful it would be if Uchiha Itachi and the masked man really exterminated your clan.

How devastated and desperate would Uchiha Itachi, who was not brainwashed by those high-ranking officials, know that he was covered in the blood of his fellow clan members.


After hearing what Naruto said, Sasuke was immediately angry and said,"I will kill all those high-ranking officials to avenge my brother." And Sasuke's eyes turned red, and two magatama flashed in his eyes and spun wildly as if he was venting his anger.. The other Uchiha clan members were also extremely angry, shouting that they would kill the families of those consultants now. Uchiha Fugaku had a dark face and said nothing, but the Manzo Magatama in his eyes became a kaleidoscope.

The others took a deep breath and said in their hearts,"This is too cruel! Our own genius was manipulated to destroy our own clan. What a hopeless scenario, both for our own clan members and the manipulated genius."

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