"Well, after listening for so long, you should understand that what I said should not only be for Sasuke! So are you willing to join our action to fight for what you want?" Naruto turned and said to the heads of these big families. The heads of these big families looked at Naruto looking at them with the blood-red Mangekyō Sharingan, and their hearts couldn't help but clenched and they had to bow their heads to respond. Nara Shikaku couldn't help but sigh in his heart,"Is this the top-level Sharingan of the Uchiha clan? Even in the eyes of an outsider, there is such a great sense of oppression."

In fact, Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan does not have such a strong oppressive force. Naruto's oppressive feeling actually comes from Naruto's long-term absorption of the Nine-Tails Chakra, which has led to the evolution of Naruto's own cells. This evolution also makes Naruto's chakra have the characteristics of the Nine-Tails Chakra. This characteristic can amplify Naruto's own emotions and transmit them out, or amplify the inner emotions of others and be perceived by Naruto.

Chakra can actually be seen as a piece of energy that carries the emotions of the chakra owner. The Nine-Tails Chakra carries the hatred and resentment that Naruto has accumulated over the years. The Nine-Tails did not filter these chakras for Naruto, but directly passed them to him. Therefore, once Naruto is emotional or actively guides his own chakra, he will be extremely aggressive.

"Then let's go now! Finish early and go back to rest early."Naruto said lightly, his indifference to life reached its peak.

Since the patriarchs of these big families agreed to Naruto, they had no choice but to lead their more than ten clansmen to follow and move forward towards the clan lands of those consultants. After boarding Naruto's pirate ship, they knew that there was no chance to regret.

Things were simple afterwards.

Naruto watched the members of these big families quietly slaughtering the people of the Mitomon, Tateshina and Shimura families.

Naruto and the Anbu were responsible for dealing with those who escaped, and everyone else had to join the slaughter.

The reason why Naruto did this was to completely pull them into Naruto's pirate ship.

Naruto wanted them to know that their future power was won by them personally pulling down the superiors.

As for what they would say in the future that Naruto forced them to do this, Naruto would let them know how hard Naruto's fist was.

And whether it was forced or they wanted to have a share of the pie, as long as you have enjoyed power afterwards, you have already lost your credibility.

After a night of slaughter, the difference between ninjas and students of ninja schools came out.

Other adult ninjas did not feel much about this kind of slaughter, they just felt tired..

But Sasuke's condition was not much better.

At the beginning, his heart was filled with hatred and anger.

With the increase of the two magatama Sharingan, he also had the strength of a jonin and was extremely confident.

He did not feel uncomfortable with killing people.

But when the two advisors were killed by his father, he calmed down and saw the dozens of people he killed.

Sasuke's own sword, which was given by his father, fell down.

His own hands were shaking constantly.

Sasuke looked at the Uchiha sword in the moonlight.

The two magatama Sharingan in his eyes in the sword looked extremely charming.

The people of other big clans and the Uchiha clan did not feel uncomfortable with Uchiha Sasuke's behavior. After all, Uchiha Sasuke had done a good job. This was the reaction that a normal person should have after the first murder. If he was immersed in the pleasure of killing, they would think that the third generation's plan to exterminate the Uchiha clan was the right decision. No one wanted to have a group of murderous lunatics in their village.

After killing all the lives of the three clans, Naruto said to them,"Okay, tonight's action is over. At 8 o'clock tomorrow, we will gather at the Hokage Building for a meeting and announce that I, Uzumaki Naruto, will become the fifth Hokage and what arrangements will be made for you in the future."

At this time, a member of the Uchiha clan asked in confusion,"Master Naruto, there is still a Sarutobi clan that is not going to be dealt with?"

Naruto looked in the direction of the Sarutobi clan and finally shook his head,"Although Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to control me, I was not discriminated against in his clan.

And there is a benefactor of mine in the Sarutobi clan.

She was the first person who made me feel cared for.

I don't want her to know that I killed all her clan members even though she has passed away.

But there is only this chance and their clan is not something that you can easily deal with.

You have too few people and your chakra has been almost consumed.


At this time, Nara Shikaku said to Naruto,"Do we need to think of some excuses to cover up the incident tonight? After all, although we support you, Naruto, some other senior ninjas may question your actions and it will also have a negative impact on your future image."

Naruto shook his head and replied,"There is no need for that.

Tomorrow you should spread the news that I, Uzumaki Naruto, led the Uchiha clan to annihilate the Third Hokage and the advisory group, and that I am the son of the Fourth Hokage.

As for the genocide of the three clans behind the advisory group, you can choose to tell them directly or think of a better reason before spreading it.

This is up to you to decide.

I want to see the result tomorrow.

There is one more thing.

Uchiha Itachi is now in the park next to the pancake shop of your Uchiha clan.

I put a sealing technique on him so that he can't use chakra now.

You'd better keep an eye on him.

I will remove his eye technique when I am free.


After saying that, Naruto went home instantly. Naruto needed to go back and adjust his own state. Naruto's current state was actually not very good. Naruto now found that he was too indifferent to the handling of things. He and Uchiha Sasuke were of the same age group, and Naruto felt that his state tonight was really a little bit wrong.

However, Naruto meditated for a long time and did not find anything wrong with his body, but he did not feel anything about killing people.

This was really strange.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself,"What's the matter? Logically speaking, there should be a reaction like Sasuke after killing someone, but I didn't feel any discomfort at all tonight.

Am I born to be a killer?" He was speechless at the end.

At this time, the Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly said,"Don't think about it, kid.

That's because you absorbed too much of my chakra, and you pressed the Uchiha clan's evil Mangekyō Sharingan on yourself, and the power with my characteristics in your own cells was also activated, so you can think of your behavior just now as you looking at them from my perspective.


Naruto was somewhat helpless and said,"It seems that the Nine-Tails is both my success and my failure. Although absorbing the Nine-Tails' chakra can quickly improve my own Qi, it seems that my own Qi will also be slowly assimilated by the Nine-Tails' power! I have to stop absorbing the Nine-Tails' power, and I have to speed up the exploration of natural energy."

The Nine-Tails asked again,"Now you are about to become the Hokage of Konoha, when will you let me out?"

Naruto replied seriously,"In a few years, after I have completely stabilized Konoha, I will use Izanagi to release you, so that I will be fine. I will keep my promise, and by then no one in Konoha will be able to completely shake my position."

The Nine-Tails looked at Naruto's serious face and stopped talking, and continued to sleep.

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