"I hope so! But Uchiha Itachi must make a promise not to make such a hasty decision again. If there is something, you should talk about it properly and don't mess around by yourself." Naruto said seriously.

Seeing this, Uchiha Fugaku had to turn his eyes to Uchiha Itachi, hoping that his son would agree to Naruto's proposal, and Naruto's words also touched Uchiha Fugaku's heart.

Looking at Naruto's serious face and his father's hopeful eyes, Uchiha Itachi understood that his father should have reached some agreement with Naruto.

This agreement was most likely not in his favor, but his father was willing to put down his dignity and plead with Naruto.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi felt warm inside, but thinking of his behavior yesterday, he felt very guilty, and the tears in his eyes were about to overflow, but his years of ninja training still made him stop his tears, and he said to Naruto in a slightly hoarse voice,"I, Uchiha Itachi, promise to communicate well with my family in the future, and I will not take everything on myself, and I will also follow the arrangements of the Hokage and do my own thing.


After making sure that Uchiha Itachi was not lying to him, Naruto nodded and said,"A young boy is teachable."

Uchiha Fugaku was also happy on the side, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart,"Naruto is obviously very young, but he seems to know everything, whether it is human nature or many secrets. Minato didn't expect that the backup plan you left behind could allow Naruto to reach such a height. You are such a reliable Hokage and father! Unlike me, not only can I not be a good clan leader, but I can't even be a good father."

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi also had the intention to change his cognition, Naruto no longer carried out the plan to modify his cognition.

Naruto also began to treat Uchiha Itachi.

Since the Nine-Tailed Fox in Naruto's body is the Yang half and Naruto originally belongs to the Uzumaki clan, the effect of Naruto's Palm Immortal Technique and other medical ninjutsu is several times better than that of others.

And if Naruto wants, he can also perform treatment similar to Uzumaki Karin and he doesn't have to bite Naruto, but the same high-intensity treatment will have a certain impact on Naruto's body.

Because of this, the Sharingan in Naruto's eyes will slowly recover the pupil power, otherwise Naruto would not have used Susanoo so recklessly this morning.

Naruto estimates that his physique should be similar to that of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

After all, according to the Nine-Tailed Fox, he has absorbed almost half of it over the years!

If Naruto didn't absorb much every day, and the Nine-Tailed Fox's own recovery speed inside was not bad, the Nine-Tailed Fox would have shrunk by half.

However, since Uchiha Itachi did not undergo cognitive modification, Naruto did not need to treat Uchiha Itachi so well. However, as mentioned above, the Yang attribute in Naruto's body became very strong because of the Nine-Tails. Even with the treatment of the Palm Magic, Uchiha Itachi was almost healed after a short period of treatment.

Naruto also put away his Palm Magic and said to Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku,"Okay, the treatment is almost done. You just need to rest well from now on. You will be well in two days, but don't think about removing my Four Symbols Seal so quickly. Your body is a bit seriously depleted. You must stop using chakra for more than a year and you need to eat better during this year."

"Isn't Itachi in good health? How could this happen?"Naruto." Uchiha Fugaku asked in confusion.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Sasuke and Aunt Mikoto to come in first, so I don't have to say it again." Naruto said, and then he lifted the Silence Barrier, turned around and said to the outside,"Aunt Mikoto, please come in, I have something to say."

Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke, who were anxiously waiting outside, heard the noise, and hurriedly pushed the door open and said in unison,"What's the situation?""

"The eye technique has been lifted, so your former Uchiha Itachi is back too," said Naruto.

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Itachi also smiled and said to his mother and brother,"I'm back, mother, brother and father." When talking about his father, Uchiha Itachi's eyes were full of gratitude.

Uchiha Mikoto suddenly burst into tears, and rushed to her son's side and hugged her child in her arms, saying non-stop,"It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back."

Uchiha Sasuke did not rush to his brother's side to hug his brother, he just smiled happily and watched all this. Uchiha Fugaku also kept his serious face on the side, but that face also showed a relieved smile from time to time.

After their mood got better, Naruto said to them,"Uchiha Itachi's physical injuries are now healed, but his body is a bit seriously deficient, so he must recuperate for more than a year. During this period of recuperation, he cannot use chakra and has to eat something good."Uchiha Sasuke interrupted at this time and wondered,"My brother usually doesn't have any problems! Still as powerful as before!"

Naruto gave Sasuke a slap on the face and said,"Don't interrupt the doctor when he's talking. Ask questions after I finish speaking."

Uchiha Sasuke held his head and wore a mask of pain and said,"I know. I won't dare to do it next time."

Naruto continued,"The reason why Uchiha Itachi spoke out is because his own mental power is inherently much stronger than others, so it is easier for him to extract chakra from others.

But Uchiha Itachi's body is not that strong, and the Mangekyō Sharingan was opened a little too early, which squeezed his body even harder!

So now he must recuperate for a while, but this may not necessarily make his body healthy.

But if he doesn't recuperate, Uchiha Itachi will inevitably be seriously ill and die later.


"Is there no way to completely cure it?" Uchiha Fugaku asked

"Yes, but I haven't started researching yet. However, the chance of success is very high, but I'm not sure when it will happen," Naruto replied.

"What is that method?" Uchiha Mikoto asked hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, it's just a continuation of the three generations' research on Hashirama's cells! Naruto said indifferently.

Uchiha Fugaku, who knew the most inside information besides Naruto, was a little surprised and said,"That Hashirama cell can't be the cell of the first generation Hokage, Senju Hashirama!"

"That's right, it's his cells.

His cells have strong vitality.

It's the best medicine for people like Uchiha Itachi who are physically weak, but his cells are too active to be directly implanted.

However, there happens to be a person in the Anbu who Danzo has successfully experimented with Orochimaru countless times before.

As long as his cells are extracted and the experiment is repeated, the results should be obtained quickly.

After all, the most difficult step in the experiment is the step from 0 to 1.

"Naruto replied

"If that's the case, wouldn't it mean we have to conduct human experiments? Wouldn't that be a bad idea? After all, Orochimaru is a good example!" Uchiha Fugaku said tactfully.

"Why do you think I must become the Hokage? And who in Konoha can stop me?" Naruto looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a smile. Uchiha

Fugaku swallowed his saliva, but still advised gently,"Try not to be too cruel, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble."

"Don't worry! I'm not using you guys as an experiment. After all, there are a lot of prisoners in Konoha Prison! If I use it sparingly, it will be enough. If it's not enough, I can just catch some spies. Anyway, there are a lot of spies in Konoha. If you pay more attention in the future, you can still catch a lot of them!" Naruto said.

Seeing this, Uchiha Fugaku had to say,"Okay! I'll ask the police department to pay more attention to spies."

"By the way, from now on, the daily affairs will be handled by you and Nara Shikaku, I won't ask any more questions, but I need funds, you have to give me, so you can ask him to go to the Hokage's office to handle those government affairs later." Naruto added.

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