"Are we two responsible for all these things?" Uchiha Fugaku asked doubtfully

"Otherwise! Do you think I have to face those troublesome matters at such a young age? And I am only strong and have good medical skills! I have no interest in managing a village now. If you think two people are too few, you can invite other clan leaders who were present that night to deal with it together. I only have one request, that is, Konoha can provide me with funds."Naruto replied.

Uchiha Fugaku said helplessly,"In this case, you are not a competent Hokage in Konoha! In this case, you will be criticized by others!"

"I don't care about that, I have already decentralized the power. If you can't manage Konoha well, it proves that you don't have the ability, and I will replace you with a group of people at that time. And as long as I am still here, I will be the Hokage in Konoha. As long as I don't give it to you, no one can take this position from me, and I have the ability to sit on this position, right?" Naruto said with a smile.

Uchiha Fugaku was also stunned for a while after listening to it. Although he subconsciously felt that Naruto's statement was wrong, but after thinking about Naruto's statement carefully, he felt that there was nothing to refute about Naruto's statement. Uchiha Fugaku said helplessly,"Okay! I will pass these words to them."

"Oh, right! Since Uchiha Itachi needs to rest, the people who will go on the mission with Hatake Kakashi in the morning will be Uchiha Sasuke and two Uchiha jonin you choose to go together." Naruto added

"Sasuke?" Uchiha Fugaku turned his head and looked at his second son.

Feeling the attention of his father, Uchiha Sasuke immediately straightened his spine and looked at his father with sparkling eyes, as if telling his father"I can do it, believe me."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Sasuke, whose thoughts were overflowing.

He was about to refuse subconsciously, but suddenly thought of Naruto's obvious concern for Sasuke, and Uchiha Fugaku also understood.

So he said to Sasuke earnestly,"Listen more to the words of those seniors when doing the mission.

This mission is not small.

Remember, listen and watch more on this mission, but don't act on your own, and you must obey the command.

Do you understand? Don't let the reputation of the Uchiha clan fall.


After getting his father's approval, Uchiha Sasuke said happily,"I will definitely not damage the reputation of the Uchiha clan."

Seeing this, Uchiha Mikoto said to Naruto,"Naruto, it's getting late, why don't you stay at your aunt's place for lunch at noon today!"

Naruto looked at the clock in the room and found that it was indeed almost noon, so he replied to Aunt Mikoto,"It just so happens that I am too lazy to go back and make lunch, so I will trouble Aunt Mikoto for lunch today.""

"What are you talking about? Auntie has been looking forward to you having lunch with us for a long time. If it weren't for the three generations, maybe Naruto you could live with Sasuke!"Uchiha Mikoto said with a smile

"Yes! But now I have also passed those hard days. I believe my future will be as bright as I thought." Naruto said confidently

"Naruto, you really have inherited Kushina's strength and the powerful abilities of the Fourth Generation!"Uchiha Mikoto exclaimed

"I think so too." Naruto smiled

"Then Auntie will go to prepare lunch! There are some snacks in the living room. If you are hungry, you can have some to replenish your appetite." Uchiha Mikoto said and walked towards the kitchen.

Naruto also walked towards the living room. Seeing this, Uchiha Fugaku and Sasuke followed and came out to leave a quiet resting space for Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Fugaku was refilling tea for Naruto on the main seat, while Sasuke on the side said to Naruto,"Naruto, I will make this mission a complete success for him. Just wait for good news!"

Naruto ate snacks and replied vaguely,"Come on, I will wait for you in Konoha to come back with good news."

Uchiha Sasuke was speechless and said,"Can you finish eating first? I can hardly hear what you are saying."

"I can't help it. I don't have money to buy this kind of snacks, and I can't make them myself. It's normal to be unable to resist eating something so delicious. By the way, you only need to bring back my people during this mission. Don't worry about anything that happens during the mission. It's not your business. Remember?" Naruto said after taking a sip of tea.

"Naruto, do you still have any clan members? Why don't they come to find you?"Uchiha Sasuke replied in confusion

"They are not as well off as I am! The total number of Uzumaki clan members in the ninja world may not even be counted on one hand," Naruto replied.

"Don't worry! I will definitely bring your people back."Uchiha Sasuke replied confidently

"If you can't save my people with so many people, then you are incompetent." Naruto poured cold water on Sasuke at this time.

"Kusagakure is a small ninja village with low strength. The strongest person in the whole village should be about the same as you. If I wasn't afraid that you would have bad luck and run into the revivalists from Kizuna Castle who broke away from Kusagakure, I would have wanted you to take Shikamaru and the others to complete this mission alone." Naruto added.

Uchiha Fugaku was a little curious about this, so he asked,"Are these people very strong?"

Uchiha Sasuke also agreed,"I also want to know more about the mission."

Naruto put down the snack on his mouth and said,"They are led by an elite jonin and seven or eight jonin, but they are all jonin of the older generation and have good combat experience. However, due to the three wars, their new generation has not grown up like Konoha, but they have very few resources, so the level of this generation of new ninjas should not be strong."

Then Naruto had a hearty lunch at Uchiha Sasuke's house and left with Uchiha Fugaku. However, Naruto and Uchiha Fugaku parted ways near the Hokage Building. After Naruto parted ways with Uchiha Fugaku, Naruto left the place with a Flying Thunder God and came to a forest in the suburbs.

With Naruto's arrival, several Anbu appeared in the forest and said to Naruto,"Hokage, the entrance to the Root base is within the barrier here. Please follow us."

Naruto nodded and followed them. After the people in front made a few seals facing a big tree, a door-like entrance was revealed. Naruto followed them in. Although the entrance was very small and a bit simple, Naruto found that there was a lot of things inside after he came in. The space was extremely large and divided into different departments.

Next, Naruto followed those Anbu one by one to understand what those departments did specifically and what was inside.

After a circle, Naruto couldn't help but sigh,"Danzo still knows how to play. He bought so many experimental equipment. Some of them I haven't even seen in Konoha Hospital, but these are mine."

"By the way, have you asked those in charge to sort out the data and information left by Danzo and his men?" Naruto asked the Anbu.

"The data and information have been sorted and organized and are now in the office.

""That's good, you guys go away! I'll go see the things they left behind." Naruto said.

After that, Naruto went to the office to check the data and information they left behind.

And in the next few days, Naruto spent more than half of his time in the office to explore those data and information.

However, Naruto was mostly exploring the information that was secretly copied by Danzo when Orochimaru was doing experiments.

However, the information left by Orochimaru later contained many misleading errors.

If Naruto had not accepted the teachings of the director of Konoha Hospital and the fact that what Orochimaru wrote was not consistent with the previous and later parts, Naruto would have almost failed to notice the error.

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