After Naruto solved the caged bird of the Hyuga family, he returned to the experiment of Hashirama's cells. Because of Naruto, many members of the Hyuga family went to the Konoha Hospital to learn medical ninjutsu and medical technology. And their Hyuga clan does have an extraordinary talent for medical treatment, whether it is learning medical ninjutsu or medical technology.

In Naruto's view, that pair of white eyes is a harmless X-ray that can identify many problems during diagnosis, and can observe the internal situation of the injured during surgery to avoid sudden accidents. The medical career is the main direction that their clan should develop instead of all the clan members becoming scouts.

One morning, the cold wind blew through the cemetery of Konoha, which made people feel chilly. But the three people in the cemetery were quietly looking at the tombstone in front of them. Maybe in the eyes of others, the cemetery was very strange, but in their eyes, their closest people were buried here.

"Ashima, when did you come back?"

"A few days after my father's death, the head of my family sent someone to inform me to return to be the head of the Sarutobi clan. Although I was extremely reluctant to believe it at that time,"

"So do you hate Naruto?"

"I don't know if I have the right to hate him? The third generation is my father, but after the Third War, my father is no longer the wise and brave father. He started to be good at calculating, and he began to be pushed by the three advisors behind him. This is why I left Konoha."

Ashima took a deep puff of cigarette and continued

"I have no way to change my father and make him return to the truly admirable Third Hokage he was before. Isn't that why Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade left Konoha?"

"Yes! He was the Hokage we admired the most! We also regarded him as a father figure! Unfortunately, he has changed and we don’t recognize him anymore.

Jiraiya looked at the tombstone with"Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen" engraved on it with regret.

"And the reason why our clan was not massacred by Naruto was because Naruto remembered my aunt's three years of raising me. I stayed with the daimyo for so long. I also understand that favors can sometimes be repaid once and for all. As the head of the clan, I can't ignore the lives of my clan."

Ashima also put out the cigarette in her hand and looked at the tombstone quietly.

"Is that so!"

"Master Jiraiya, do you need me to inform Naruto of your return?" said Hatake Kakashi.

"No need, I haven't figured out how to face Naruto yet! Haha"

Jiraiya replied with a little embarrassment

"Is that so? If there is nothing else, I will go back to work in the Anbu."

"Are you still in the dark department now?"

"Well! Naruto wants me to be the captain of the Anbu, and I have no reason to refuse. I owe Naruto a lot, and I want to make up for it even though it's a little late"

"By the way, Master Jiraiya, when you return to Konoha, don't peek into the women's bathhouse again. This way you might get less of a beating."

"Why? And I was looking for inspiration, not peeping." Jiraiya said with a red neck.

"Lord Jiraiya, you'd better listen to Kakashi. Soon after Naruto came to power, he ordered rectification of the sex and gambling industries. Those who did not rectify within the specified time died overnight, including their relatives."

"Don't you want to persuade Naruto? If this continues, Naruto will become a murderer!"

Jiraiya looked at Hatake Kakashi puzzled.

After a moment of silence, Hatake Kakashi sighed:

"We have no other choice! Now the people who can persuade Naruto in Konoha are basically the friends of the big families around Naruto. But in their eyes, these two industries are harmful things, so how can they persuade Naruto? They are all children, and they don't have any needs in that regard."

"Well, I am Naruto's master, so there shouldn't be any severe punishment!"

Jiraiya held out a glimmer of hope.

"Impossible, the little princess of the Hyuga family is the girl Naruto likes, but Hyuga Hiashi not only did not get the power but was also beaten because of the problem between the main family and the branch family within the family. He has been lying in the Konoha hospital for more than a week and has not recovered yet."

" Master Jiraiya, you'd better not challenge Naruto's bottom line. After all, Naruto is a fair and impartial person and will not show mercy."

Ashima also advised that now it was not easy to find someone who was strong and had a good relationship with Naruto who could restrain Naruto. If Naruto got angry and put Jiraiya on the untrustworthy list, then there would be no one who could calm Naruto's killing intent. Naruto was really too strong and he would kill anyone he made a mistake.

"Well then! Naruto should be handling government affairs in the Hokage Building now. After all, it seems that Naruto still cares about Konoha."

"Naruto never deals with government affairs. He leaves them to advisors Shikaku, Fugaku and their assistants. Sometimes Naruto comes to see if there is anything important happening or to deal with some decisions that the advisors cannot make. I don't have the authority to tell you, Jiraiya, what I do at other times. You'd better ask those advisors, who are in the Hokage's office every day."

Kakashi said and then left quickly. He felt that he had exceeded his authority.

"I am leaving too. There are still many things in the family that need my help. Goodbye, Master Jiraiya."

He suspected that he had heard something he shouldn't have heard, so he left in a hurry. His family hadn't re-entered the power circle of the Hokage yet, so he shouldn't do anything irrational.

Jiraiya looked at the two of them and said helplessly,"Perhaps power can really change a person. They are almost no longer the same as before.""

"I hope they won't follow in their teacher's footsteps!"

Jiraiya sighed and slowly walked out of the cemetery towards the Hokage building.

In the Hokage building, two consultants and three consultant assistants were busy reviewing government affairs. With the addition of the three consultant assistants, Nara Shikaku and Uchiha Fugaku were not as busy as before.

At this time, the door of the Hokage's office rang.

"Come in,"

Nara Shikaku said as he looked up at the door.

"Long time no see, everyone."

"Master Jiraiya, welcome back."

The advisors did not put on airs and stood up to welcome him.

"Where's Naruto? Why can't I see him?"

"Hokage-sama should be in the former Root base now, which he has converted into his independent laboratory."

"Isn’t Naruto only 9 years old now? What kind of experiment is he going to do?"

"This... I don't know whether I should tell you or not."

Nara Shikaku hesitated and didn't dare to tell the truth.

"There shouldn't be any problem telling Jiraiya-sama, after all, Hokage-sama usually doesn't hide his own affairs."

Uchiha Fugaku excused Shikaku

"Yes! The Hokage has now restarted the experiment on Hashirama's cells, and it seems that there are preliminary results."


Jiraiya was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

"Why did Naruto conduct this experiment?"

The consultants and assistants looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

"You let Naruto conduct human experiments without knowing anything. Are you crazy? Even if Naruto is the child of the Fourth Hokage, he is still just a child! Who knows how many people will die!"

"It's not that we don't want to persuade him, it's just that Naruto's aura alone is enough to overwhelm us, and there's nothing we can do!"

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