"Ah, isn't it because of your help that Naruto became the Hokage?"

Jiraiya looked at them with a puzzled look on his face, with a big question mark on his head.

"Fugaku, you should explain it, after all, you should know the whole story in more detail."

Nara Shikaku stepped back and gave the main seat to Uchiha Fugaku

"According to Hokage, Danzo found the murderer of the Nine-Tails Rebellion from somewhere and reached a cooperation……"

"Wait, is there any evidence that Danzo was involved in the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

"No, but the Hokage has a jutsu that can peek into other people's memories, and the effect may be better than that of the Yamanaka clan."

"So did Naruto get the information from Danzo?"

"Should be right?"

Uchiha Fugaku was not sure either.

"Okay! What's next?"

Jiraiya was a little speechless, he really didn't think about anything after being given the power!

"After that, Danzo launched the Uchiha clan extermination plan.

Danzo was responsible for surrounding our clan while the murderer was responsible for killing our clan members.

Many elite ninjas of our clan died at his hands, but Hokage-sama arrived in time so we did not suffer any extremely serious casualties.

After that, we headed towards the Hokage Building under the leadership of Hokage-sama, and you all know what happened next.

The Third Hokage was killed by Hokage-sama.

You did not attack Hokage-sama because of the Fourth Hokage, and there were many of Hokage-sama's men lurking in the Anbu.

After Hokage-sama killed the Third Hokage, you big families naturally surrendered.

Some Anbu wanted to resist but were held hostage by Hokage-sama's men lurking in the Anbu and threatened to surrender.


Uchiha Fugaku simply repeated what happened before, but he just picked it out. Anyway, it was a fact that Naruto became Hokage, and the other things were not very important. He still had to have some dignity.

"How come there is someone hiding in the Anbu who is Naruto?"

This made Jiraiya even more confused. Jiraiya originally thought that Naruto became Hokage with the help of these big families, but it seems that this is not the case.

"The Hokage said that these were the hidden Anbu left behind by the Fourth Hokage. They were originally the direct Anbu secretly trained by the Fourth Hokage. But they became dormant after the Fourth Hokage's death."

Nara Shikaku took over the main seat at the right time.

"Is that so? It seems that my disciples are not that stupid after all!"

Jiraiya sighed inwardly.

"Could you please notify Naruto and let us meet?"


Uchiha Fugaku said, and a small fireball blew out of his mouth and burned a piece of paper with runes written on it.

After a while, Naruto appeared in the main seat of Hokage wearing a white coat, obviously the image of a refined scholar.

"Is there anything urgent?"

"Are you Naruto?"

Jiraiya stared at Naruto blankly. Naruto's image reminded him of his own apprentice. If Naruto removed those beard-like marks, he would be Minato when he was a child.

"Is there anything wrong? Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas of Konoha."

Naruto looked at Jiraiya calmly and did not feel any emotion because of his identity.

"No... I just didn't expect you to be this... gentle."

"Oh, what was I like before I was in your heart? A murderous look?"

"Almost! Hehe……"

Jiraiya touched his hair awkwardly.

"You are right, I am a killing god. I was the one who ordered the extermination of the other three families."

Naruto broke the explosive news to him, wanting to see how he would react.

"I know this."

Jiraiya said with a slightly gloomy tone.

"I want to know why? There are many innocent people there! Why should they be liquidated together? They know nothing!"

Jiraiya shouted at Naruto

"Because this is politics, the thing you have been avoiding. Just like your teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen and his team were afraid that the Uchiha clan would stage a coup and ordered the extermination of the Uchiha clan a few months ago, I am also worried that they are secretly doing something behind the scenes to disrupt the stability of Konoha."

Uchiha Fugaku also stood up and roared,"Do you think that those innocent people in our clan deserved to die?"

While speaking, the three magatama in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes gradually condensed together, forming a kaleidoscope shape

"That's not what I meant, Chief Fugaku."

Jiraiya said hurriedly. He hadn't gotten any results from his question yet, and he had already dealt another blow.

"So what do you mean?"

"If it weren't for Naruto's help, our clan would have been wiped out. I don't know if you will have the courage to say this to your teacher at that time."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Jiraiya coldly, and the murderous aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

"Or do you think that since Naruto is the Hokage, you can freely use your education as an elder. Don't forget, where were you when Naruto was in trouble?"

"Do you really think that Naruto's life is really well taken care of by your teacher?"

"You should know what the life of a Jinchūriki is like. Even when Minato was alive, there was not a day when Kushina was not under surveillance. Why do you think Naruto can still have a good life when Minato is not around?"

"You are the only one among all the people here who can really provide Naruto with the most substantial help, but you left Konoha to look for the illusory child of prophecy."

"What qualifications do you have to question Naruto now? What qualifications do you have to speak up for the innocent people of those three families? Innocent people from our family also died under Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan, why are their deaths so worthless in your eyes?"


As Uchiha Fugaku questioned him, Jiraiya suddenly became speechless. He became weak and no longer as tough as before.

"That's enough, come back!"


"There is no need for that! Helping me is a favor, not helping is my duty, I have never expected help from others. I will not let down those who have helped me, and I will not resent those who have not helped me."

Naruto said lightly.

"I am the one who overstepped my authority, Lord Hokage.

Uchiha Fugaku put away his Mangekyō and said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, at least I know you really care about me. Thank you."

Naruto smiled slightly, revealing the sun-like smile that had not appeared for a long time.

These days, Naruto has finally absorbed the excess Nine-Tails chakra in his body, and he will not be so cold and ruthless. However, when it is time to be ruthless, Naruto will still stick to the principle of killing the wrong person rather than letting him go, that is, he will not kill people at every turn, at most he will be half dead.

"No need... This is what I should do."

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, he seemed to really see Minato resurrected

"So Jiraiya, do you have anything else to say now?"

"I know I am not qualified to lecture you, but I still want to know why you swung the knife at them.

Although Jiraiya was filled with guilt, he still stubbornly wanted to know the answer. It was fine if his teacher was not clean, but he did not want his disciple's child to become like this.

"It's very simple. If I don't kill them, then if a genius emerges among them in the future, for revenge, that genius will inevitably be brainwashed by those remnants and become a tool for revenge. At that time, even those innocent people in your mouth will gather resources to that genius without knowing it."

"A genius without goals and resources will not be very strong, but a genius with both will definitely reach the top of the pyramid."

"You can also understand that your own opportunities and Orochimaru's persistence in the truth together form the height that a person can reach."

"I don’t like dealing with trouble, and in situations where I know they’re going to be trouble."

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