A week passed, and Jiraiya worked with those consultants. However, after the news of Jiraiya's return to Konoha spread, the villagers of Konoha were obviously more energetic, and the amount of tasks in the mission office also increased. The title of the Three Ninjas was still very useful.

On this day, Uchiha Fugaku brought Uchiha Itachi and Uzumaki Chanel to Naruto's laboratory, and Jiraiya shamelessly followed them. He came to Naruto every few days during this period of time, but Jiraiya did not point fingers at Naruto so Naruto did not care about him. By the way, he could also help Naruto deal with those stronger experimental subjects to prevent them from making too much noise.

Uchiha Itachi looked around and said slowly:"It's different here. Although the space has not become larger, the depressing atmosphere is no longer there."

"In order to better control the people in the root, Danzo used the eerie and depressing brightness, but Naruto didn't need that, so Naruto ordered people to add a lot of lights here, and it seems that this feels pretty good."

Uchiha Fugaku also felt the same way. The root didn't even want to turn on an extra light before. The depressing atmosphere and Danzo wrapped himself like a mummy were very creepy.

Uzumaki Chanel just looked at it curiously and didn't have any other special feelings. For her, she was lucky to be alive until now. The most important thing is that her daughter Xiangling can get the protection of a strong man and don't have to repeat her own fate. This is already the best result.

These people soon arrived at Naruto's real laboratory, where there were many bottles and jars, as well as some sophisticated instruments.

"All right, you two lie down on the experimental table! I will observe your physical condition first and then perform the cell implantation on you."

Naruto was directing from the side, while Captain Yamato behind Naruto was standing by with two strong spies.

After waiting for the two to lie down obediently, Naruto first untied Uchiha Itachi's Four Symbols Seal and then activated the medical ninjutsu to examine him. From the examination, it seemed that Uchiha Itachi was quite obedient and had taken good care of his body. His body had recovered well and there would be no problem even with the implantation of Hashirama's cells.

On the contrary, Uzumaki Chanel's situation was not optimistic. Even with the nourishment of the pure Nine-Tails Chakra, her body was recovering extremely slowly.

Uzumaki Chanel looked at Naruto with a frown on his face, and smiled comfortingly,"Child! Thank you for helping us mother and son so much. I have been satisfied with these days in Konoha. Please take care of my daughter."

"You are one of my people, I will not let you die like this, and I never said that I cannot cure your disease."

Naruto's tone was sonorous and powerful, giving Uzumaki Chanel a full sense of security.

"Thank you so much, my little clan leader."

Uzumaki Chanel covered her mouth with her hand and smiled teasingly. During this period of time, they had been staying at Uchiha Fugaku's house. Uchiha Mikoto treated them very well, and their personalities gradually became more cheerful.

In addition, Naruto never put on airs when it came to work, so they all got along very well. However, this sweet scene made Jiraiya on the side stunned.

Ever since Naruto took down all the custom industries and gambling industries in Konoha, Jiraiya had no place to vent his pressure, and this kind of scene was rare.

As for the bathhouse, Jiraiya didn't dare to peek.

If Naruto really knew about it, he would be in big trouble!

When Naruto gets ruthless, he really doesn't take human life seriously.

The reason why Jiraiya often runs to Naruto is to prevent Naruto from killing people by mistake.

As for those experimental subjects, Jiraiya is not such a bad guy.

After all, they are either scum or spies.

"You are my tribesman, you are welcome."

Naruto did not react much to this kind of teasing. He was only 9 years old and had not fully grown. He had feelings for Hinata because he did not want to miss this good relationship. Hinata was the only one who had such warmth and kindness towards him in the most difficult time.

"Advisor Jiraiya, go to the back and get another test subject of Hashirama's cells. We are running out of test subjects."

Naruto said to Jiraiya who had a perverted look on his face.

"Oh! Okay."

Jiraiya put away his expression and walked out of the laboratory skillfully, heading to the room where the experimental subjects were held.

"What are these experimental subjects for?"

Uchiha Fugaku asked with some confusion. These should be the people who succeeded in the experiment, why were they brought here?

"As nutrients! Chanel and Uchiha Itachi are both physically deficient. If they were injected with Hashirama cells, which have such strong vitality, they would be at great risk of accidents. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to provide some life energy as support after the injection."

Naruto explained the principle to them so that they could feel at ease. Naruto did not wait for Jiraiya, but walked to the side, picked up a reagent, sucked it out with a syringe, and injected it into Uchiha Itachi's body. Uchiha Itachi did not feel anything at first, but gradually Uchiha Itachi felt as if his body was being eaten by tens of thousands of ants. His body curled up and he could not stop sweating. His brows were furrowed and his face was painful.

Naruto saw that the potion had taken effect and grabbed one of the people that Captain Yamato was holding. Naruto stepped on his back and put his hand on his head. With the traction of the life energy in Naruto's body, the spy slowly shrank.

When Naruto let go of his hand, a kind of emerald-like energy appeared in Naruto's hand. Naruto put the energy in his hand on Uchiha Itachi's chest. The energy slowly melted after touching Uchiha Itachi's body, and Uchiha Itachi's body gradually calmed down, and his brows began to relax.

When Jiraiya brought people back, Uchiha Itachi could already sit up.

"How do you feel?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his child with concern.

"I feel much better now, and my chakra seems to have increased a lot."

Uchiha has never felt so good before, as if he has endless energy.

"It seems that the experiment was quite successful. Turn on your Mangekyō Sharingan to see if your pupil power is recovering slowly."

This is what Naruto wants to know most. If it works, he will have two Kage-level masters, and the future unification plan will be much smoother.

Uchiha Itachi did as he was told and turned on his Mangekyō Sharingan to feel it carefully. After a while, Uchiha Itachi said in disbelief,"My pupil power has actually recovered a little, although it is recovering very slowly, but it is really recovering."

""It's good that it works, and we'll tell you the reasons later,"

Naruto said quickly when he saw Uchiha Fugaku's curious look. It's better to keep it secret for now.

Since Uchiha Itachi's was successful, Naruto followed the same steps to do it again on Uzumaki Chanel, but he needed two portions of nutrients.

As for the pain after the cell injection, Uzumaki Chanel gritted her teeth and did not make any painful groans. Perhaps these pains were nothing in her life! Finally

, Naruto checked them both again, and let them go back to rest after making sure that they met expectations.

When they were about to leave the laboratory, Uchiha Fugaku invited Naruto,"Our family hopes that Lord Hokage will come to our humble home tomorrow night. We would like to thank you for your kindness."

"You must come! Auntie, I have learned a lot of cooking skills from Mikoto during this period of time."

Uzumaki Chanel also invited

"Don't worry! I will definitely be there. It's been a while since I last visited you guys."

After Naruto finished the experiment, his work became a lot easier, so it was a good opportunity for him to visit some friends and relax.

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