After seeing them off, Naruto returned to his laboratory. Although the experiment on Hashirama's cells was successful, Naruto knew that his scientific research journey had just begun.

"Naruto, now that your experiment has been successful, it is time to focus on governing Konoha. It is difficult for you to truly govern Konoha like this. You don't even know the basic situation of Konoha as well as I do."

Jiraiya advised Naruto earnestly. Naruto would easily be stripped of his power if he did this. This is what Jiraiya is most worried about. His teacher was later stripped of his power by those consultants.

"I know what you are worried about, but it is difficult for me to intervene in the governance of Konoha now. Although I have a lot of ideas, it is difficult to realize them with Konoha's current economic strength. Carrying out my plan too quickly will only drag Konoha into the abyss."

"Konoha was badly damaged after my power grab, so what it needs now is stability, not my drastic reforms. More haste makes waste. The recovery of Konoha Village is almost the same with or without me, so I feel at ease to hand over all the power to them, and this is really where I can show my talents."

Naruto naturally wanted to transform Konoha into a socialist society, but Konoha's current conditions did not allow him to do so. Konoha was already in a period of transition, and after Naruto's blow, there was no drastic fluctuation in Konoha's strength.

But Naruto didn't expect the two consultants to be so greedy. Most of Konoha's business was basically controlled by their family, so Naruto needed people from other families to take over their positions to restore Konoha's economic situation. Only now can Konoha be said to have returned to its original normal state.

"Konoha now has Hashirama's cells, so it is not a problem to improve its strength. Naruto, if you don't want to take care of Konoha's political affairs, then continue to practice your strength! Staying in the laboratory will only waste your talent."

Jiraiya actually values Naruto's talent the most. Since Naruto is not as obsessed with governing Konoha as Minato, it's just right for him to practice hard to become stronger, so that Konoha will no longer be afraid of any strong enemies.

"As for the current situation, Konoha does not have any equipment that can help me improve my strength, and I just absorbed the natural energy I just obtained to improve my body. In this case, I cannot absorb too much. If I cannot digest it myself, it will be assimilated by nature. You should have practiced Qi training as well, and you should understand the essence of this training."

There is no gravity room in the Ninja World, so Naruto's training progress is slow. If it weren't for the creatures like the Nine-Tails and natural energy in the Ninja World, Naruto's strength would not have improved except for his physical development.

As for the practice of ninjutsu, Naruto has almost practiced the sealing technique of his own clan. The other ninjutsu of Konoha is divided into Thunder God, Impure World Reincarnation and Spirit Transformation Technique, which can attract Naruto. As for other ninjutsu, Naruto doesn't think highly of them, but after Naruto came to power, he learned the remaining two ninjutsu soon.

It's not that Konoha doesn't have powerful ninjutsu, but those ninjutsu require blood as a support, and Naruto can't practice them. As for bloodline limit, after Naruto absorbed the Nine-Tails chakra and the wind attribute energy in nature, the quality of the yang and wind attributes in Naruto's body has become too pure. If he practices other chakras, if Naruto cannot practice bloodline limit, then the energy in Naruto's body will be too chaotic, and his strength may drop sharply.

"Indeed, you have already mastered quite a few practical ninjutsu. There is no need to practice too many ninjutsu. How can there be a genius like you!"

Jiraiya said at the end, he was at a loss, there is no such a monstrous genius, there are several powerful ninjutsu in the ninja world. The most important thing is that he discovered another way of practice that is more powerful than chakra. Who would have thought that the weak energy in his body would become so powerful after practice.

Jiraiya did not feel this energy when he was first taught by Naruto. If it were not for Naruto's help, he would not have discovered it. Compared with his chakra and that energy, it is like the difference between a river and a glass of water, but once the energy is practiced, his strength and speed become much stronger. It is hard to imagine how strong Naruto is now.

"You should practice the training method I gave you well, and strive to increase the strength of your own Chi to be able to absorb the single-attribute natural energy in nature. Don't let your strength not be as strong as my disciples, otherwise you will not live up to the title of Sannin."

Naruto teased Jiraiya. His master cared about him a lot, but his strength was just a stronger cannon fodder in the ninja world behind the gods. Since Jiraiya showed kindness to him, he would not let him down. This is why Naruto was willing to teach him these training methods.

As for the other patriarchs of the big families, Naruto was not so kind. They had already gained power, so Hashirama's cells were enough to improve their strength. And Naruto never put his chips on them. Their descendants were what Naruto really cared about, and they should have seen this themselves.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Jiraiya asked curiously

"Revive my parents!"

Naruto's face showed a fanatical expression

"How is this possible? There is no way to revive people in the ninja world.

Jiraiya couldn't believe it. How could Naruto have such a ridiculous idea?

"No, someone in the ninja world has already created the most critical ninjutsu for resurrecting people. As long as I modify it a little, there will be no problem in resurrecting a person. And you also know this person."

"Who? I don't know."

"Orochimaru! As long as I get his Reincarnation Technique and combine it with the second generation's Spiritualization Technique and Impure World Reincarnation and my own innate ability to control souls, then resurrecting my parents will be a piece of cake."

"How feasible is it?"

Jiraiya was naturally happy that his disciple could be resurrected, but he wanted to know how high the success rate was. If the chance was slim, Jiraiya didn't want to put his energy on something with little hope just after he found someone who looked most like the child of prophecy.

"The only condition needed is the Reincarnation of the Corpse in the hands of Orochimaru. As long as we get that, it will be almost 100%."

Naruto answered Jiraiya affirmatively. Naruto believed that his theory was successful and it was just a matter of practice. Moreover, the success of Hashirama's cells gave Naruto full confidence.

"If the experiment needs to be conducted on human beings, it must be executed on death row prisoners and spies. This is my request to you. I don't want to see the person I cherish go astray again, even if it costs me my life."

Jiraiya warned Naruto with a firm look in his eyes and a resolute look.

"Don't worry! Master Jiraiya. This is also my bottom line."

Naruto responded with a smile. Although Naruto longed for his parents to be resurrected, he would not forget that there were people around him who cared about him.

"I trust you, but I still need to come over to supervise you from time to time.

Jiraiya was very pleased with Naruto. Naruto's character of sticking to his word was trustworthy. But Jiraiya didn't want to stay in the Hokage's office to review the government affairs.

"Let's go! Let's contact Orochimaru!"

"Do you have Orochimaru's contact information?"

"No, but I know who his spy is in Konoha."

"Then how do you plan to get his ninjutsu? Ninjas' special ninjutsu are generally not given to others easily."

"I have something he would like, scientists love secrets."

Naruto smiled mysteriously and slowly left the laboratory, Jiraiya paused and followed.

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