Naruto continued to walk with Hinata for a while and then went back to practice with them. The affection between the young couple was enough for a while.

Although Naruto was the strongest in the team, the help he gave them now was just a sparring role. Everyone had their own direction of practice. Those who had inherited the family's ninjutsu practiced, and those who didn't have it also arranged a direction for practice.

Time passed quietly, and the golden red afterglow reflected on the faces of Naruto and others, which also meant that they should go home and rest.

"See you tomorrow."

Naruto waved goodbye to his friends.

"Goodbye. ×n"

Shikamaru and the others also responded to Naruto in the sunset.

After everyone left, Naruto said to Sasuke with a smile on his face."Let's go, Sasuke. Let's go to your house for a big meal."

Sasuke was very impressed with his mother's cooking skills, and urged Naruto:"Hurry up, don't keep your mother waiting for too long."

""How is your learning of the Aerial Technique going? Can you fly?"

Naruto asked Sasuke. It took Naruto a long time to comprehend this skill, and he finally understood it shortly before the battle with Jiraiya.

Sasuke patted his chest and said confidently:"The principle is so simple, I learned it naturally."

After that, Sasuke flew up, but Naruto could tell at a glance that Sasuke had only practiced it for a short time, his proficiency was a bit low, and he was a little shaky when flying.

Naruto didn't expose him, after all, he could fly:"Well, let's fly to your house!"

After that, Naruto also flew up, and the two flew to Sasuke's house side by side. In order to take care of Sasuke, Naruto deliberately flew slower

""Wow! Konoha looks so small from this perspective!"

Sasuke said excitedly to Naruto while flying in the air. This feeling of looking at everything so small was very novel to Sasuke.

"Practice well! When the time comes to conquer the entire ninja world, it is not impossible to go up to the moon to have a look."

Naruto said meaningfully, Naruto will never forget the treasure in the sky.

Sasuke was still excited, and replied happily:"It's a deal, it will be great to fly to the moon in the future."

After flying for a while, Naruto and the others arrived at Sasuke's house.

Uchiha Fugaku saw it and came over to greet Naruto enthusiastically:"Naruto, welcome. But dinner still needs to be prepared for a while, it's just right for you two to take a shower and change clothes."

"You're welcome, Uncle Fugaku. But I didn't bring any change of clothes."

Naruto said with a little embarrassment. He forgot that he had to go to the party that night while playing with Shikamaru and the others. He was a little dirty.

"It doesn't matter, Sasuke is about the same size as you, you can just take Sasuke's clothes first, Sasuke, go get ready."

Uchiha Fugaku didn't mind Naruto at all, Naruto was a distinguished guest of his family, whether it was for public or private reasons.

"Yes, father. Naruto, come with me!"

Sasuke was not as open as Naruto in front of his father, and Sasuke also wanted to see what it felt like for Naruto to wear the clothes of the Uchiha clan.

Sasuke and Naruto scrubbed and washed in the bathroom one after another. After Naruto came out of the shower, Sasuke came to Naruto and looked him up and down.

Naruto was scared by being looked at like this, and asked in confusion:"What are you looking at?"

Sasuke thought about it, and answered seriously:"Except for the hair color and those few scratches, you are definitely a member of the Uchiha clan!"

Naruto wears a three-magatama Sharingan every day. If Naruto's hair is dyed black and those scratches are removed, with Naruto's temperament and appearance, he is really a member of the Uchiha clan.

Naruto found that Sasuke was really idle, and said speechlessly:"I can't turn off my Sharingan. It would be strange if I don't look like an Uchiha. Stop it, go out and wait for dinner!"

Naruto said and pushed Sasuke out. The most important thing is to eat delicious food. It's a rare opportunity to have a big meal of Aunt Mikoto, and Naruto couldn't wait.

When Naruto and Sasuke came to the living room, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Naruto dressed like this, and suddenly felt that if it weren't for the hair color that was a little out of place, Naruto really looked like a member of the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but sigh in his heart:"It would be great if Naruto was a member of our Uchiha clan!"

However, Uchiha Fugaku just sighed in his heart, and it's better to have a good dream at night.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no outsiders around, Uchiha Fugaku asked Naruto:"By the way, Naruto. Why can Hashirama's cells support the restoration of the pupil power of our Uchiha clan's Mangekyo!"

As he said that, Uchiha Fugaku poured a cup of tea for Naruto. Naruto took the tea and took a sip, and said lightly:"In fact, Uncle Fugaku should have guessed it! Although this is not the more powerful power, it is also its derivative."

"Naruto, you should know about that stone tablet! Do you understand what is on it?"

Uchiha Fugaku knows everything about Naruto and is used to it, and Naruto himself also has the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"The power of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan in the stone tablet merged into one to create a stronger power. To put it simply, the powerful Yang attribute chakra of the Senju clan's body and the powerful Yin attribute chakra of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan were perfectly merged to create a bloodline limit-like existence."

"Although yin and yang are opposites, when their strength reaches a certain level, these two attributes can complement each other. This is why Hashirama's cells can supplement the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan."

Naruto explained his current understanding to Uchiha Fugaku.

"So now Itachi has the potential to complete that kind of bloodline limit!"

Uchiha Fugaku is still very confident in his son's talent.

"Impossible, although this kind of Hashirama cells can increase the quality and proportion of the Yang attribute chakra in Itachi's body, its strength is not even half of that of Hashirama Senju, and Uchiha Itachi's eyes have not reached the strongest Eternal Mangekyō in the Mangekyō Sharingan."

But Naruto directly poured a basin of cold water on him, extinguishing his idea

"Is there any other way to achieve the Eternal Mangekyō besides that method?"

Uchiha Fugaku hoped that Naruto could give him a miracle, but he was overthinking it.

Naruto shook his head and said,"It is highly unlikely. I have no idea about that kind of promotion method, and I have not really studied the Sharingan."

"All right! But having Hashirama's cells is enough."

Uchiha Fugaku was also confused. Naruto himself didn't even have the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Sasuke gently tugged at Naruto's clothes and asked:"What is the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is an upgraded version of the Mangekyō Sharingan, but the upgrade requirement is that an Uchiha transplants the Mangekyō Sharingan of a blood-related Uchiha. So apart from your Uchiha ancestor, the Uchiha class, there is currently no other record of other Uchiha possessing this eye."

"If you awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, you can try to exchange with your brother to see if you can get two pairs of Eternal Mangekyō, but the success rate should not be high."

Naruto explained to Sasuke that this is a common problem in the family. If you have not reached that level, you will not have the authority to know more.

Sasuke did not want to take risks, and quickly shook his head and said:"If the experimental rate is not high, forget it!"

And now Sasuke is actually resistant to awakening the Mangekyō! The arrival of that power also means that he is in pain and powerless. Although that power is strong, Sasuke hopes that he will never awaken, which means that his happy life will never be broken.

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